Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1611: [Identity] and [Task]

   Wait until the situation on the other side develops almost.

   With the thought of 【greed】.

   The information on the opposite side was immediately pulled out.

   All kinds of information in the target website finally turned into a black piece of paper.


  He closed the [Time and Space Window] and put the piece of paper into a reading interface on the [World View Setting Device].

   wait for the paper to be swallowed in.

   He had come to the front of the console, turned his back to the contestants, and said with a slightly expectant tone:

   "Very well, everyone, it's time to witness the miracle!"

   Say it.

   She directly pulled a rocker on the machine.

   Then, 10 number boxes with constantly changing internal numbers appeared on the screen of the [World View Setter].

   The overall situation looks a bit similar to the lottery machine in the game hall.

   And [greed] also explained the actual situation in a timely manner:

   "First, we need to draw a lottery for the overall difficulty of the event."

"There are a total of 10 numbers, the maximum value of a single number is 10, and the minimum is 1, that is to say, the maximum number is 100, and the minimum is 5, and the larger the total number, the higher the difficulty of the activities you need to experience. ... Of course, the level of difficulty will not affect the winner's reward, it will only prove whether you are unlucky... Unlucky, you should practice more."

The first half of the    discourse is normal.

   But the second half is still full of indifference and malice towards the weak.

   to this.

   Olshaga didn't care at all.

   After all, the opponent is indeed stronger than himself.

   And it is the truth that the strong are respected.

   A little contempt.

   is really trivial.

   Don't care.

   is not qualified to care.

   You must stand at attention when you are beaten.


   Now is now.

  The future, but not necessarily...

   Not long after.

  Wait for the numbers in the 10 numbers box to stop.

   A total of 77 numbers appeared.

no doubt.

   In the 100-level difficulty level, this already represents a relatively high level of difficulty, at least medium-to-upper difficulty or upper-lower difficulty.

   But it hasn't hit the top yet.

   It is not too high to think about it.

   At least, the existence of the [Prince of the Abyss] will not end up beating the contestants.

   If you really want to be like that.

   Olshaga thinks it is better to retire early.

  Although it's just a [Clone].

   But senselessly beaten for a dispensable gain.

   still seems a little thankless.

   And looking at the numbers on the screen, he was very determined and commented that it was okay.

  【greed】He pulled another joystick without stopping.

this moment.

   The entire 【World View Setter】 seems to be fully activated.

   A series of colored bulbs like a marquee started to light up all over the body.

  If you don't know.

   I'm afraid I thought someone had won the jackpot.

   And behind the machine.

  Those similar to the exhaust pipe also quickly emerged various translucent bubbles in the roar, causing the bubbles to spread at will.

   Let the surrounding environment inexplicably resemble a fairy tale style.


If you observe carefully, you will find that those bubbles are actually a bunch of [dream], some semi-substantial [dream]. Filled with blank space that was originally just pure white.


   Those bubbles began to burst, derive, connect in series...

   A huge force.

   was conceived in silence...


   in the roar of the machine.

   An ocean of infinite bubbles appeared.

   And countless [Dream] also began to transform towards [Reality] together...

   This situation.

   directly symbolizes the beginning of the entire [worldview] being materialized.

   is also at this time.

  【greed】Whistling softly, he preached expectantly:

   "Next, is the stage of arranging the respective [missions]."

"Everyone present will be put into different camps within the new [plane] in various [identities], and your [missions] will be more or less different and interfere with each other. ...Anyway, whoever completes his mission first is the winner of the event."

   "So, please start to draw your [Identity] and [Task]."


   She also pointed to the [Worldview Setting Device].

   "Come up and shake the joystick."

   "Who is responsible for what depends on luck."

   and looked at the many contestants.

   Orsaga, who just wanted to make soy sauce, didn't bother to give in or observe anything carefully.

   went straight to the first one.

   "I'll come first."


   He directly shook the joystick twice...

   Not long.

   The result appeared before his eyes.

  【Identity: Evil God】.

  【Mission: Destroy the World】.

   "...well, neat, and healthy."

to be frank.

   The content is a bit oversimplified.

   But as clever as the resourceful Olshaga.

   He still understood the situation instantly.

   is probably killing, killing, I want to see the meaning of blood flowing into rivers.

   and faced with such a task.

   He is naturally very satisfied.

   He dared not say anything else.

   But he has been in related business for many years.

   is without a doubt a top expert in the industry.

   Even after seeing his [Identity] and [Task].

  The rest of the contestants also had quite a few guys with envious expressions on their faces.

   Just like Olshaga.

   The guys present, as the [senior member] of the [United Council], naturally most of them are experts in this industry.


   Everyone must be quite envious when they see that Olsaka has drawn in the field that he is good at.

   I just wish I couldn't replace it.

Shortly after.

   "How is he a neutral god?"

   "I also want to kill kill kill..."

   "Jie Jie Jie Jie, luck is really good, it's a task I like."

   "[Good God]? Garbage quest, I don't have to play at all..."

   Amidst all kinds of complaints.

  [Identity] and [Task] were successfully assigned.

  Some contestants got the results they expected.

   Some contestants were not very satisfied with the situation.

   There were also contestants who were completely unaware of the situation.

   For example, a contestant has drawn [Identity - God of Creation] and [Task - Maintaining Space-Time Stability].

   sounds normal and understandable.

   But here comes the problem.

   That guy belongs to the type who has no brains and only kills in his heart.

   The kind that cannot even communicate.

   Does she really have the possibility of successfully completing the mission?

   This made the rest of the contestants suspicious...


   You don’t have to think about it.

   That guy with no brains will definitely go for tasks according to his instinct after entering the arena.

   For example, run to complete the annihilation missions of the rest of the contestants.

   Destroys some of the contestants' salvation missions by the way.

By the time.

  Everyone fails together?

   Face this situation.

  Some contestants started to communicate silently and tacitly.

   "This guy is a bit of a hindrance. After we go in, let's join forces to seal her up?"


   "It does fit."

"I agree."

   "Fuck her..."

   "No problem..."

   "I'm a little bit dissatisfied, why is that fool doing better than me?"


   And there are some similar cases.

   It was all due to some completely uncontrollable guy who got an inexplicable [Identity] and [Task].

   makes the remaining contestants forced to dispose of them in advance.


The    event has not officially started yet.

   Some unlucky contestants have already pre-booked the ending that they will lie down until the end of the event.

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