Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1609: 【greed】

   "Is the speaker the same every time he goes on stage?"

   This is Olsaka's question.

   At this time, the speaker on the stage was a self-proclaimed [greedy] existence who could not see anything but a pair of eyes.

   However, just from the name.

   The [concept] represented by the other party is already very obvious.

   is nothing more than [greed], [greed], [greed]…

   is one of the fundamental needs of life.

   "Not really."

   "In this kind of team building activity, the person who speaks on stage is usually one of the organizers."

   "So, in many cases, guys who know the style of each [Main Councilor] and [Grand Councilor] can actually guess the theme of the event by looking at who the speaker is."

"For example, Your Excellency [Greedy], who is speaking now, is one of the relatively active members of the [Main Councilor], with a relatively peaceful style and not much interest in pure killing and destruction, so the team building activities she leads are naturally It will be relatively peaceful…”

   "Of course, it's really just relatively peaceful, you don't expect it to be really peaceful..."

   "You have to understand that for such beings, we are often just civilians."

   "So, the type that pays a little attention to civilians and can communicate in various ways can be said to be a peaceful type, while the type that does not pay much attention to civilians and crushes and kills at will, is a violent type."

   "As for the guy who is not even [Abyss Lord]..."

   "No one cares."

   "There is no problem with the number of casualties."

   "So, no matter how many people die, the perpetrators in the [United Council] can't be called cruel at all."

   "Just as mortals may care about the creatures that are visible to the naked eye when they hold an event, how many wild cats, wild dogs, and hares die, but they certainly don't care how many microorganisms and ants are killed and injured."

"For another example, if you ask me how many [Abyss Lord-level] guys died during my last event, I'm clear, but if you ask me how many guys under that level died, I can only say I don’t know at all, I didn’t even remember or care about it…”

   is not a long speech.

  The smell of blood and power came unabashedly.

   Hearing that, Olsaka's face immediately showed a full smile.

   He likes this style of conduct.

   I couldn’t help but have more expectations for the specific situation of the event.

   Even if you don’t need to win, it’s a good choice to watch something interesting after all.

   Not long after.

   Due to the large number of guys participating in the event.

   The organizer does not need to force people to make up the number.


   In order to better reserve the space for each contestant to exert their abilities.

  The entire event is also divided into tens of thousands of venues.

  Each field is considered a separate field, and it is said that the rules of the game will be slightly different.

   As long as the contestants successfully win in any arena, they will be able to get the corresponding rewards, and then they will progress to the second round and the third round of the finals with the winners of the other arenas. …

   So, in order to divide the competition area.

   Naturally, everyone needs to give priority to the division of the competition area.

   What is going on with others, Olsaka doesn't know very well, anyway, he got into the fifty-fifth division with a random draw.

  I don't know who the opponents are.

  I don't know what the theme of the competition area is.

  I don't know what to do.

   I don't even know what will happen.

   But in general, he felt like he was supposed to make things bloody?

   with a little doubt and uncertainty.

   His [Clone] slowly came to the front of a huge void.

   Since it didn't come quickly, a large number of figures had already gathered here.


  The vast majority of the contestants appeared relatively silent and cold.

   There are only a few guys who seem very energetic.

   have not yet entered.

   has already started to go into epilepsy first.

   screaming and screaming on his own.

to be frank.

   looks like he has no brains.

   In fact.

   They may indeed have no brains.

   is probably the kind of guy who does everything by instinct.

   According to [Zi Jie].

   This kind of guy who has not added any intelligence since the day he was born, there are indeed a large number of people in the [United Council]...

   No matter what type of activity it is.

   They often play as kill kill kill.

   makes the audience either happy or complaining.

   And this moment.

   Olshaga looked at these guys who made him feel so kind in front of him, and apart from being very satisfied, he didn't have any extra comments.

   After watching it for a while.

   Soon, he turned his gaze to the huge void in front of him.

   There is a link to the thoughts or thoughts of a certain [Grand Councilor].

   And the venue of the competition is one of the countless thoughts of that [Grand Councillor].

   In the same way, the rest of the numbered venues are also one of the thoughts of that [Grand Councilor].

   are separated from each other.


  Although everyone is essentially competing on the same stage, there will never be an embarrassing situation of running to the wrong studio.

   does not interfere with each other.

   As for the existence who provided the venue, what was it called?

  [Greedy] said when introducing the situation, the other party is sometimes called-[Unbounded Dream].

   symbolizes the 【Dream】, 【Illusion】 in 【Multiverse】…

   The reason why the other party provided a venue is mainly to do some more novel [Dream], some [Dream] with a large number of [Abyss Lords] participating in it.

   about that existence.

   When Olsaka asked about [Purple Tribulation].

  The big octopus's main impression of [Unbounded Dream] is laziness and indifference to the world.

   Therefore, in the [United Council], it belongs to the [Grand Councilor], that is, the senior member who basically manages the affairs.

   Its main ability is naturally [Manipulate Dreams].

   In addition, [Dream] and [Reality] can be replaced at will.


   In a sense, it is also one of the manipulators of [False] and [True].

   What she thinks is true, it is true.

   What she thinks is fake is fake. …

   Right now, after taking a serious look at that huge void for a long time.

   Feeling that he didn't understand anything, Olshaga whistled softly.

   walked in with a smile on his face.

that moment.

   He clearly felt that his position had undergone earth-shaking changes.

The structure around    exudes an unspeakable sense of strangeness.

   Endless distortions, constantly changing in his perception.

   Those things are both like unspeakable nightmares in mortal dreams, but also like their beautiful fantasy that they can't hope for, full of an unspeakable feature.

   is hard to describe.


   In it, there are fears and expectations.

   symbolizes the extremeness of [dream] to living beings.

   In this regard, Olshaga just watched everything calmly, without any tension.

I do not know how long it has been.

   When he completely crossed the boundary between [Dream] and [Reality].

   He saw a familiar figure inside an empty white area.

   That is 【greed】, or her 【avatar】.

   When the other party saw him, he first looked at him with interest, and then made a gesture.

   That means to let him wait for a while.

  See this situation.

   Olsaka didn't say much.

   After politely making a gesture of respect, he stood aside.

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