Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1608: Large-scale team building activities

   Chapter 1608 Large-scale team building activities

   Twenty years later.

  【Meeting Area】of【Final Venue】.

   That place that is said to be rarely used.

   This place, which was originally quiet, is now full of various active beings.


   Olshaga was sitting on his [Seat of Power], looking at the distant scene with a calm expression.


  The towering platform in the central area.

   A huge and fuzzy figure was speaking in an orderly manner while the eyes were watching.

   He talked about the game rules of this round of team building activities.

   And beside Olsaka.

  【Zi Jie】is chatting with him casually:

   "You are so lucky, you just joined a large team building event not long after joining."

   "Would you like to try it out?"

   The so-called large-scale team building activities refer to group activities in which the [members] of the entire [United Council] can actively sign up to participate.

   In general.

  The types of events are also divided into many types due to the different ideas of the organizers.

   There is a direct killing type that does not need to use your brain.

   There is also a strategy type that requires some brainstorming.

   There are others that are similar to the siege type of strategy games.

   In short.

   in a long time.

  【Reunification Council】There are quite a lot of flower work done in it.

   And this time, the team building activity is the type that requires both fighting and killing.

   After weighing the situation for a while.

   Olshaga refused directly:

   "It sounds good though."

   "But the steps seem to be quite troublesome, and I feel that I don't need to participate."

   But [Zi Jie] held an objection.

   "This time, members are not required to participate in [Ontology]."

   "In terms of safety, it is already the highest among all kinds of activities."

   "I think this is a good opportunity to familiarize yourself with the actual situation."

   "If you miss this opportunity, you may not have such good luck next time."

   "Also, if you win, the prize is very precious~"

   heard the words.

   Olshaga still seemed a little unmoved and lacking in interest.

   asked directly:

   "Then why don't you go and participate yourself?"

  【Zi Jie】 said confidently:

   "I'm tired of participating."

   "Isn't this a chance to win for newcomers?"

   "Don't lie to you, this event is indeed a good opportunity..."

   made Olshaga roll his eyes too.

   I don't really believe the other party's nonsense.

   As for the real reason?

   is nothing more than participating in the activity and not participating in the activity, there is no difference in the results.

   As the creation of the [Endgame].

  【Purple Tribulation】Although his power is extremely powerful, his potential is locked at birth.

  Unless the [Endgame] released people, otherwise no amount of resources and opportunities would mean anything to [Purple Tribulation].

   You can't advance to the rank either horizontally or vertically.


   He himself can't have the idea of ​​starting his own business at all, he's just a pure wage earner...


  Compared to being thankless and going to participate in team building activities.

  【Zi Jie】This guy is naturally more inclined to watch others go to activities, and then see other people's experiences as fun.

   is precisely because of this.

   Out of curiosity about Orshaga.

   He naturally wants to encourage the other party to participate in this round of activities.


   This is true of course.

   But in the previous communication, [Zi Jie] did not say any lies.

   Olshaga's luck is really good.

   This round of activities is just the type with looser rules of the game.

   It’s not just the winners who have big benefits.

   The loser who has lost in a row will at most only lose an innocuous [Clone], and there will be no worries about his life.

   If it weren't for winning or losing, it really doesn't mean anything to me.

   Horizontal and vertical are just busy work in vain.

  Perhaps, 【Purple Tribulation】can really take the initiative to participate in the event.

after all.

  Some of the events held in the past, but there are many types of **** that force people to participate and live and die.

   Contrasted with each other.

   The team building activity this time is simply beyond conscience!

   and looked at the other party who was trying to bullshit.

   Orshaka replied after thinking for a while:

   "Forget it, let's join, anyway, just take it as a fun..."

   Although I don't care much about winning or losing the event.

   But what [Zi Jie] said before does have some truth.

   This kind of team building activity that you can use [Clone] to participate is indeed a good choice for Orshaga to be familiar with the situation!

none of them.

   can be regarded as training for the future.


   If he still wants or can participate in these team building activities in the future...

to be frank.

  According to the frequency of team building activities he knew, Olsaka felt that the next time he would hold such team building activities.

  I have already become a [Demon Prince] and can no longer participate directly. Or he has already failed to advance, and he has already died.

   After thinking about it in this way.

   Olshaga immediately felt that participating in the game was indeed a good choice.

   This is probably the only team building activity that I can personally participate in, maybe?

   With some uncertain thoughts in his mind, Orsaga did not forget to ask [Purple Tribulation]:

   "Then [Main Councilor] and [Grand Councillor], what are their usual means of entertainment?"

   "When they are extremely idle, do they also get together to engage in activities?"

   and faced with such a question.

  【Purple Tribulation】Did not even think about it, she immediately denied it:

   "No way."

   "Sleep and hibernation are basically their main means of entertainment."

"The so-called [reality] is usually just a thing that can be distorted at will. Therefore, under the power that is almost absolute, any physical need or way of enjoyment, Often it means nothing to them, and it is easy to make them feel tired and disgusted.”

   "So, after a long period of idle life, most of them will fall asleep on their own because they can't find any fun, and they seem to lack interest in any activity..."

   Speaking of which.

  【Purple Tribulation】also used his thick and long purple tentacles to point to some silent 【Thrones of Power】 in the sky.

   "Here, look."

   "Even during the meeting, the vast majority of the [Grand Councillor] and [Main Councillor] are in a deep sleep state, and they are too lazy to pay attention to the surrounding situation."

   "And those who are watching the situation, even if they wake up from a deep sleep, most of them are sitting silently with the idea of ​​watching a play to relieve their boredom, and have no intention of speaking at all..."

   "Even some of the [Grand Councillor] and [Main Councillor] have never seen any activity since I became conscious..."


   At this moment, even Olsaka, who recognized himself as a salted fish, could not help but be a little speechless.

  Although he knew that bigwigs like to lie in silence without asking about the world.

   But I really don't know, even in a large-scale evil organization like the [Return to One Council], the bigwigs are so dead.

   Even if it still exists.

   is no different from dying.

   Properly, it is completely integrated with the [Multiverse] in the absence of desire and desire, and it has become a pure and incomparable natural phenomenon.

   (end of this chapter)

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