Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1607: lost

   Chapter 1607 Lost

   To be honest, the strength of [Faltehi] is probably in the middle of [Abyss Lord].

   And the years of survival are not short.

   I have seen countless storms.

   also witnessed countless miracles.

   Logically speaking, it belongs to the kind of guy who has no shortcomings.


   He is dead after all.

   The reasons seem to be many.

   but actually very few.

   In fact, it means that he simply died of lack of strength.

   The most powerful strong man will not die.

   The guy who will die.

   will only be those who are not strong enough.


  【Farthi】is the kind of guy who died due to lack of strength.

   Just as he has witnessed countless guys die in the wind and waves of fate in his life.

   Now, he also died in a storm that Olshaga witnessed in his life, becoming one of countless losers.

   as 【Abyss Lord】.

  Even if it is not mediocre, it is still the end of death...


  【Farthi】Are you afraid of death?

   As a guy who struggled to get up from the bottom, although he was afraid of dying, he was actually far from fear.

   Unlike those who were born to be eligible for the summit.

   In order to reach the [Abyss Lord Level], he must have experienced countless life and death crises in his life.

   The commonplace kind.

On the whole, just as Olshaga is very contemptuous and lazy, but in order to climb to this stage, since he was born, he is too lazy to count how many rounds of life and death crises he has experienced, from that [Styx River] Riverbank] After waking up, all crises are like shadows, like wind, like blood, like glory, like despicableness, always by your side.


  The [Farthi], who is accustomed to the crisis and has no lack of self-motivation, has been trying the [Resonance Assimilation Ceremony] repeatedly.

   Even if the danger of that thing is lower than [Abyss Blood Battlefield].

   But it’s only relatively low.

   In essence, it is still a risky act for many years.

   It’s just that compared to Orsega’s direct work, he has to do something big!

   He is more inclined to confine the crisis to a certain category and handle it more rationally.

  Compared to those who are no longer willing to take risks after they are in high positions, and have completely lost their motivation to move forward.


   is still higher horizontally and vertically, I don’t know how much distance.

   is far from something that can match.

   is precisely because of this.

   Olshaga did not despise the opponent.

   has always given each other a good status and really treated them as fellows of the same level.

   And this moment.

  Sitting in the palace, Olshaga, who is the [main body], looked at the gem that shimmered with infinite brilliance in his hand.

   You can clearly feel the treasure aura emanating from the [Incomplete Authority] left by [Faltehi] and a large number of precious treasures.

  The former will not be mentioned.

  Only the latter, those rare treasures, the value is not low.

   As a guy who is good at communication and business.

   There is a gem mine at home.

   In other words, there is a [Farthi] who has a family in the gem mine, because he has been in the business of special gems for many years.

   The wealth he has accumulated will naturally not be any less.

  The quantity and quality are completely enough to make the existence of the same level move.

   And that [authority].

   Although about half of it was absorbed by the opponent's [Isomorph], it looked a little incomplete.

   But the remaining ones are enough for many fellows of the same level to desperately **** them, and they have completely reached the end of countless years of hard work.


   This gift from [Faltehi] is indeed very valuable, and it is undoubtedly precious!

   The dazzling jewels that bloomed in front of him made Olshaga's eyes show different colors involuntarily.


   All these immeasurable benefits, in Orsaga's eyes, are actually secondary things.

   The things that really make him care are actually the more obscure things that perish...

   Sitting on the shrine surrounded by blood-colored flames and surrounded by countless [Death Tribulation Flowers] in the center of the area, he carefully looked at it for a long time.

   Olshaka's originally expressionless face suddenly burst into a smile.

this moment.

   With his actions, even the empty [Spacetime] around him seemed to bloom with a breathtakingly gorgeous color.

  I saw it, he sighed to himself:


   "I have deeply felt your domineering and unwillingness..."

   "Don't worry, I will succeed..."

Although the voice of    was flat, the solemnity and confidence in it had already reached the peak.

  Yes, compared to those visible gains.

   He actually cares more about beings of the same level, the idea of ​​becoming benevolent and accepting defeat if you fail.

In his opinion.

   That is a beautiful and dazzling treasure.

   Just like those guys who died in his hands in [Abyss Blood Battlefield].

   Among them, although many guys died a little hasty, especially those unlucky ones who were affected by the strongest blow.

   But anyway, after defeating those guys.

   While devouring the [Power], [Authority], [Will], [Memory]... of those guys, I experienced the life of those guys in detail.

   Olshaga still had the feeling that she was undergoing a trial.

   as if.

   each other.

   There is a heart-to-heart fight on another level.

have to say.

   He likes that feeling.

   Because he needs those tangible and intangible things to temper himself.

   Make your [Power] and [Authority] even more powerful.

   Make your [will] and [idea] more indestructible.

   And the thought before [Farthi] was a very good touchstone in Orshaga's eyes.

   Therefore, his only regret at this time was that he was not able to swallow it.

   competes with it on the level of mind and mind.


   Even so, those losses actually only lasted for a short period of time.

  There is no other reason.

   Olshaga knew very well that the other party might be a good touchstone.

   But that's all.

   Oneself, inevitable, absolute, unquestionable, indisputable... much stronger!


   Even if there is a real battle between the heart and the heart, the opponent will definitely be defeated by him.

   is like the rest of the opponents he has beaten before.

   thought of this.

   with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

   He sighed with a little bit of loss:

   "It's a pity to miss a good opponent..."

   "If I had known earlier, [Farthi] should have been killed by me..."

next moment.

   That gem was devoured by him.

   Olshaga's gaze and expression also returned to calm and indifference...

   (end of this chapter)

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