Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1606: Gift from 【Farthi】

  Chapter 1606 Gifts from 【Farthi】

   To the outside world, time is not long.

   But to the spiritual level that is constantly fighting, it is already a long and abnormal time.

At this moment, due to the fact that [Spiritual Will] was partially swallowed and destroyed by the opponent, [Farthi], who was in a very tired state, looked at the opponent in the distance, and he didn't feel very well. He already knew in his heart that the opponent was more than expected. The situation was even more difficult, and he was a little hesitant in his thoughts.

   he felt.

   Keep fighting like this.

  The best result is just a crushing victory.

   Bad luck.

  It is not a small probability that he is killed by the opponent.

   The outcome is about six or four points.


  He originally wanted to solve the problem once and for all, but faced with the difficult situation, he felt a little bit of drumming unconsciously, and began to instinctively measure various gains, losses and risks...

   Unlike the opponent who was forced in, it is difficult to break through when someone outside is guarding the [Resonance Assimilation Ceremony].

   He is in charge.

   Just need to pass some information to Olsaka.

   You can immediately cancel the current [Resonance Assimilation Ceremony] and exit safely.

   However, there is this time.

   Losing the precondition that the enemy is open and secretive, exposing his sense of existence, it will undoubtedly be difficult for him to take the absolute advantage in the future.

   even need to worry about whether the opponent will find a chance to play him.


   In order to ensure that the other party will not take the opportunity to escape.

   He also paid a lot of money to get Olshaga to help...

   In short, once the opportunity is passed up.

   Such a large amount of investment and great opportunities must all be wasted!


   is not a last resort.

  【Farthi】I really don’t want to give up the hard-won opportunity.

   And...more importantly, although he really doesn't want to admit it, he's a guy who was thrown away by Olsaka.

   in his heart.

   While full of all kinds of unwillingness.

   even raised some doubts about the relatively conservative policies of the past.

   Steady and steady.

   It seems that there is really no hope of reaching the top.

   Because of steady action.

The benefits obtained by    are naturally at most those that can be predicted in advance.

   is a relatively slow and steady development route.


  If you really want to reach the top.

   What is the use of that little progress?

   Even in the infinite time, until the end, and grow steadily all the way, it is still an infinite distance away from the [Prince of the Abyss]!


  If you really want to reach the top successfully.

   Then, risky actions, huge gains, and leap-forward progress are all things that must be experienced...


Since there is no comparison, and the guys who play a lot, die from time to time, [Farthi]'s mentality is still stable, and he can choose to go through it slowly, but Olsaka's way is straight up. After all, the terrifying progress in climbing has caused some changes in his mentality...

   becomes less conservative.


   accompanied by a ruthless heart.

  【Falter hope】looking at his opponent with a firmer look.

   He understood.

   Oneself and each other.

   in the battle.

   One must die!

   and felt the gradually firming emotion in his eyes.

   in silent glances.

   The opponent also understood his determination.

  's very serious expression, followed by a bit of determination.

   Although there is no verbal communication.

   But both sides clearly know that the real winner is about to be divided...

   After an unknown number of rounds of attacks.

   Feeling the powerlessness of not having the energy to continue attacking.

   Knowing that his death was approaching, 【Farthi】, his emotions suddenly calmed down a lot.

   He first looked around, the injury was equally serious, and the condition was only a little better than his [Isomorph].

In the eyes of   , although there is some unwillingness to be the loser.

   But more, it is a feeling of scrutiny, as if judging something.

   made the other party subconsciously raise their vigilance again.


   After a good while.

   The opponent was not waiting for the final blow.

   is just a sigh.

   "It's not enough after all..."

   "It's still a lot worse..."

   "In you, I see no hope of reaching the top..."

   Although the other party is very good.

   is slightly stronger than him.

   But it’s really just a few.

   belongs to the kind of distance that you can catch up on your tiptoes and bump into opportunities.

   So, this time the outcome.

   In fact, luck accounts for a large proportion.

   and after he finished his own judgment.

   In the [Isotope] pair of 'What the **** are you talking about? ' expression.

  【Farthi】, cut off the last part of his vitality directly and neatly.

   this moment.

  The power he has accumulated for countless years begins to cross the distance of time and space, rushing towards the distant victor, becoming one with him...

   Even the [Jewel Cloud Sea] located on the [Bottomless Abyss 684752459th floor] started a massive collapse at this very moment.

  The magnificent building complex, the infinite internal territory, and the countless residents and outsiders... have not yet reacted.

   Those special gems that shine with brilliance and are of high value in the outside world, but are filled with sand and gravel in the [Jewel Cloud Sea], began to be detonated one after another in the endless turbulent time and space like explosives with great power.

   The interval between the [Abyss Layer] and the [Abyss Layer], the extremely turbid [Void Separation Layer], stirred up waves of destruction, causing countless involved people to die on the spot...

  ‘Did you lose…’

   Witnessed such scenes.

   Orsaga's heart.

   immediately judged the situation.

   There are no superfluous emotions and thoughts.

   He accepted the reality calmly.

   Live or die.

   is all about taking risks.

   Victory and defeat are naturally normal.


   Just as he was about to turn away.

   Suddenly, he felt something.

  I see.

   in the direction of his gaze.

The deepest area of ​​  【Sea of ​​Jewel Clouds】, that hidden and turbid secret place where even Olsaka couldn't peep into the wrong place.

   A dazzling gem with countless gorgeous colors that is constantly flowing, making it look like a miracle and a dream.

  In an instant.

   was already close to him.



   In Olsangana's rather puzzled eyes.

   A communication from the spiritual level was conveyed to him.

   "I don't see any hope of advancement in that [Isomorph]..."

   "So, these collections and remnants of [authority] will simply be given to you..."

   "I wish you a smooth summit, with my dreams and expectations..."

   and then.

   The last trace of [will] contained in that gemstone completely dissipated in front of Orshaga, and there was no trace left.


   caught the gem that was flying straight from the air and was silent for a while.

   Final final.

   Olshaga just sighed solemnly:


And then.

   took the thing in his hand and turned away without hesitation.

   Neither paid attention to the rapidly collapsing [Jewel Cloud Sea], nor did he say anything to avenge the opponent.

after all.

   Victory and life and death.

   itself is a matter of course.

  Especially on the premise of acting in self-interest!


   even if he died.

  【Farthi】, that's a good place to die.

   To take revenge for him will only be a shameful act that cannot afford to lose...

   Olshaga had absolutely no interest in doing that.

   (end of this chapter)

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