Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1599: 【Seat of Power】

   After introducing various relative basic situations.

  【Purple Tribulation】was wriggling his huge body and brought Olshaga to a special place.

  A ring-shaped area with a huge high platform standing in the middle.

   Except for the high platform that is probably a podium.

   The most conspicuous thing here is the various seats scattered in the sky and on the ground.

There are so many   , looking around, I don't know how many there are.

  Each seat is different not only in style, but also in the figure sitting on it.

   Some seem to be sleeping.

  Some are very active.


   In general.

   All of them seemed very silent.

   Through various markers.

   Olshaga can also judge that the seats on the ground belong to [Prince Councillor], that is, [Abyss Lord-level member].

   Those seats in the sky belong to [Grand Councillor] and [Main Councilor], and their owners are undoubtedly [Abyss Prince-level members].

  Although Olsaka couldn't see the figures on the seats clearly, just by carefully observing the various extremely individualistic patterns on the seats, he suffered some kind of influence, causing some problems with his senses...

   In short.

   Whether it is in the sky or on the ground, the number of seats is equally dense…

   is hard to count.

   Compared to the [Inner Region] that limited Orshaga's perception ability, he couldn't tell the number of members.

   This is a special place that blocks all the fluctuations of its own power.

   also showed him the terrifying background of the [United Council] more fully...

   After arriving here.

   "This is the [Meeting Area] of the [United Council]."

   "I don't usually do any activities, and the members don't have any communication here, and they are more willing to use [Secondary Avatars] to interact in other areas."

   "So this is usually only used for things related to the entire [Unification Council]."

  【Purple Tribulation】First of all, make it clear what this place is.


   His thick tentacles silently took out a translucent ball the size of an egg from the empty mid-air, with a purple glow inside.

   "This is the [Seed of Power]."

   "After you input a part of your own essence, it will automatically generate a [Power Seat] for you in this [Meeting Area] according to your strength characteristics and strength level."

"Only after the [Seat of Power] is generated, can you officially be regarded as a member of the [United Council], so as to obtain various corresponding permissions by yourself, such as when you come to the [End venue] in the future, you can pass the The [Seat of Power] is the anchor point and arrives quickly. Furthermore, if something important happens, we actually use the [Seat of Power] to notify each member, and use this thing to confirm whether they are completely dead..."

   After listening to the explanation.

   took something from the other party and looked at it.

   Olshaga laughed a little dumbly and said:

   "I thought that the invitation card with the key function was an identity verification..."

  【Zi Jie】 shook his head slightly.

   denied and explained:

   "That's really just an invitation."

   "Even if you split it into countless pieces, its effect will only take effect once."

   "As soon as you get out of here, you will start self-destructing immediately, and those who don't have a [Seat of Power] will also lose their qualifications to go here again."

   "So, whether you want to join the [Unity Council] is entirely up to you."

   heard the words.

   Even though Olshaga came to join the organization, he didn't hesitate.

   immediately transmits a part of its own essence into the thing in its hand.

next moment.

   Accompany him to put aside the [Seed of Power].

   in a cloud of red flames.

   A slender skeleton arm with a weird texture only grows out of the [Seed of Power] crazily, wrapping it layer by layer...

   It didn't take long.

  A [Seat of Power], which is composed of countless skeleton arms, looks a bit similar to a huge palm trying to grab something upward, and appears in the center of a crimson flame and gorgeous flowers.


   As [Zi Jie] said, at the moment of its appearance.

   Orshaga automatically obtained a large number of relevant permissions of the [United Council].

   also gained a deeper understanding of the various information he heard before.

   I understand in my heart.

   In the future, not only can I use this [Seat of Power] in the [Final Venue] as some kind of safe resurrection point, but I can also communicate with any member of the [United Council] remotely through this thing.

  If the opponent is not in a special area like [Abyss Blood Battlefield] and is willing to ignore him.

at the same time.

   in a special perspective of Olshaga.

  A large amount of information is also constantly flowing, which is the public information exchange channel of the [Unified Council].

  Members can post their ideas in it, thereby attracting other members to cooperate and communicate with them.

   But here comes the problem.

  【Unity Council】What is the organization?

   Large evil organization.

What do    usually do?

   Lying dead and hurting each other.

How high is the level of trust among    members?

   is basically equal to zero.

   Will the upper-level personnel of the [Unification Council] confirm the fairness and safety of various cooperation?

   The result is negative.

   They themselves may kill lower-level members.


   All kinds of information in this communication channel are full of taste of self-judgment of true and false.

   Once something happens.

  The organization is not responsible for it~

   No need to think about it.

   Olsaka already knew deeply that there must be some bad guys out there who had their ideas on the rest of the members~

   And there must be quite a few.

  See that he has completed the certification.

  【Purple Tribulation】also said to himself:

   "Since things are almost there, I have to do the rest."

   "If you have anything, just contact me directly."

   Olsaka naturally did not retain:

   "Thank you for your recent explanation..."

   Wait for the other party to leave.

   Looking at the [Seat of Power] in front of him, Olshaga put away the expression on his face.

   There was no movement either.

The    figure was already sitting on it.

   looked at the surrounding seats that were all divided into separate areas and did not interfere with each other.

   Soon, he turned his gaze to the suspended seats above his head.

   Those [Seats of Power] that belong to [Main Councilor] and [Grand Councilor].

   With a look-up perspective.

   In his eyes, although there is respect, there is no fear...

   And the [Purple Tribulation] who had already left, while walking to the rest of the area, also left a little snack for Orshaga.

   In addition to the fact that Olsaka is very strong, you can pay more attention.

   The most important thing is that the other party brought him a feeling.

  Incomparable confidence...

   Even when the 【Inner Layer Area】 is squeezed by various upper layer forces.

   The other party did not show any wavering.

   As if everything was already planned.

  Also, Olsaka has always been very self-controlled and polite.

   But [Zi Jie] can still clearly feel that the other party has an extreme and crazy heart...

   in His perception.

   This kind of guy is bound to be unable to stay safe, and is bound to engage in all kinds of major events and extreme operations.


   or die quickly.

   or reach the top very quickly.

   Two results always account for one.

   In this regard, [Zi Jie] thinks, maybe, the other party might be the latter?

  Thinking of this, He couldn't help but feel a little bit looking forward to things...

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