Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1598: admonish

  How to make deals with a group of guys who are close to [Omniscient and Almighty] in the eyes of ordinary people and extraordinary people?

have to say.

   This is a difficult question.

   All kinds of things that are extremely precious to the weak are basically just things to think about here.

   So what is it that is enough to impress the other party? ?

   Ghosts don’t even know…

   So, on a related issue.

  【Purple Tribulation】didn't say anything to Alfakado.

   Soon, she took Olshaga back to the [Basic Area] to give him a final warning.

   "I have already explained the general situation of the [United Council]."

   "In general, the rest, you just need to stay here for a long time, you can easily figure it out."

   "The only thing you need to pay attention to is not to offend those upper-level members who can't be messed with."

"In the case of willing to waste some means, those [Abyss Prince-level members] can completely kill any [Abyss Lord-level member], and it is far easier than many [Abyss Prince-level] who fight alone in the outside world. ."


   For matters of life and fortune.

  Orshaka didn't want to provoke the existence of the upper layers.

   is still very interested.

   "please tell me in detail,"

  The leapfrog challenge is courting death.

   That boring truth.

  As his strength continued to increase, Olsaka became more and more aware of it.

   Even if you run fast.

  The existence of the upper layers wants to kill you.

   is often just a matter of spending more time.

   Only a very few lucky ones can actually run away when the upper-level existence is angry.

   Moreover, the premise of running away is just that the other party doesn’t want to pay any price and spend a lot of time.

   It’s really serious…

   You specify that there is no good fruit to eat.

   looked at the serious look of the other party.

  【Purple Tribulation】There is absolutely nothing to sell.

   warned very solemnly directly:

   "[United Council] is a large organization!"

"Although the structure is very scattered, the discipline is almost nonexistent. The members all play their own way. From time to time, they will get together to fight each other... But no matter what a large organization is, there must be members who are responsible for different aspects of things. ."

   "In the [United Council], punishing lower-level members and cleaning up offenders is one of the responsibilities of members."

   "So, dealing with the existence of the [Abyss Lord] is not difficult for the [Main Councilor] and the [Grand Councillor]."

   "For example, [Abyss Blood Battlefield] is a very useful method."

   "There are some of our [Main Councillor] and [Grand Councillor] in there. They are usually guys who haven't come up after going down, or are simply too lazy to come up."

"Therefore, the members who did not go down, as long as they spend some cost to contact the members who have gone down, they can completely drop the offender's [clone] and anchor the coordinates, so that they can stay in the [abyss]. The superior members of the Bloody Battlefield], help yourself deal with those offenders who can't escape at all..."


What is the existence of   【Prince of Abyss】?

   In addition to being extremely powerful.

  They are also part of the basic structure of the [Multiverse].

   Countless [complete concepts] that have been occupied and [complete concepts] that have not been occupied form the [Multiverse].

   under this premise.

   Their power can often extend to countless areas, including but not limited to those special areas!

   Even a special area like [Abyss Blood Battlefield] that is easy to get in and hard to get out of is the same.

The simplest example of    is that [Abyssal Blood Battlefield] has [time], [space], [energy]... these things.

   There are also various guys who run in from the outside, [Human], [Dragon], [Elf], [Metal Life]…

   is one of the basic components of the [Multiverse].

  [Concept] The great beings of the [Prince of the Abyss] who have automatically diffused in, are facing the dragging characteristics of the [Abyss Blood Battlefield].

   There are generally two options.

  One: Ignore it.

   As long as you ignore it.

   As one of the basic structures of [Multiverse], [Abyss Blood Battlefield] will not actually drag them down.

   But relatively, their influence on the [Abyss Blood Battlefield] will be relatively limited. Although they can still obtain the corresponding power from the matters derived from it, they do not have much management rights.

For example, when the guys in there kill each other, it symbolizes the great existence of [Killing], although it will still gain an increase in strength, but as long as she doesn't want to be dragged down as a whole, then she doesn't care much about the whole thing. Interfering power can be said, most of the time can only silently watch things develop freely.

  2: Respond proactively.

  If the great existence of [Prince of the Abyss] actively responded to the [Blood Battlefield of the Abyss].

   Then all the corresponding [concepts] in the [Multiverse] will be dragged down!

   And the subordinate beings in the outside world will also lose any records and traces related to them.

   For example, if the [Master of Humans], who symbolizes [Humanity], responded to the [Abyss Blood Battlefield].

   Then the [Humans] in the entire [Multiverse] will go down together with the various influences caused by [Humans]!

   In the same way, even if the great beings who symbolize [time] and [space] respond to the characteristics of [Abyss Blood Battlefield], they will encounter the same treatment.

   At that time.

   The fundamental structure of the entire [Multiverse] will undergo earth-shaking changes directly.

For example, in the vast sea of ​​stars in [Universe], since there is no concept of [time] and [space], it may become a huge flesh and blood barrier with stars embedded in it, and many creatures will live in countless flesh and blood packages. Replacing [time] with something special to develop and evolve.

   Or it will turn into something even stranger and more incomprehensible…

   Anyway, the specific situation is not easy to say.

   is precisely because of this.

   In many ways.

  【Multiverse】The reason why it is what it is now.

   is actually not because it is what it looks like.

   Rather, it depends on the thoughts and behaviors of each [Prince of the Abyss] great beings.


   Any one of the [Prince of the Abyss] who occupies the [Complete Concept] goes mad.

   Then the entire [Multiverse] will have more or less corresponding effects.


   According to the characteristics of [Abyss Blood Battlefield], it is easy to get in and get out.

   The great beings of the various [Prince of the Abyss] are naturally not easy to get out when they come in.

  At least, it is impossible to achieve the goal by relying on the action of [Killing].

  Because according to the rules, they must at least kill multiple people of the same level.

   But even if the great existence of the [Prince of the Abyss] falls, it will not disappear due to that external force.

   They have the same status as the [complete] [death concept].

   Therefore, [Death], such phenomena will naturally not appear to them!

   If they want to successfully escape from the [Abyss Blood Battlefield], they can only achieve it by relying on the Mohu to drop the [Possible and Impossible].

   is forced to leave by denying the established fact that it is not allowed to go out until the conditions are not met.


   That kind of thing, without a doubt, is very difficult to achieve.

   In essence, it is not much different from drawing a lottery with an infinitely close to zero probability of winning.

   Even if the cost of the lottery is irrelevant.

  Things are also without a doubt extremely patient…


   As a force with many members.

Some of the [Main Councillors] and [Grand Councillors] in the [Return to the One Council] may be forced to go down for some reason, or maybe they are too busy to go on their own initiative... Anyway, they are heading to the [Abyss Bloody Battlefield], another moment When they can't come back for a while, some of them will take the responsibility of cleaning up, helping some well-connected peers to clean up all kinds of [Abyss Lord-level individuals] that get in the way.

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