Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1600: child labor

  [Clone] adapts to the situation in the [United Council] at the same time.

  【Crimson Heaven】.

   With the end of authentication.

  Olshaga, who is already one of the true members of the [United Council], also immediately felt the key in his [main body] body, and it dissipated automatically.

   In contrast, he also felt a tighter connection and authority, connecting him with a region somewhere far away.

   made him clearly feel that as long as he wanted to, he could quickly arrive at the [End Venue] at any time.


   At this time, he can also sense the rest of the official members of the [United Council] within a certain range.

   In a sense.

   It can be regarded as an effective convenience for mutual harm between regular members!

   Help each other?

   I'm sorry, as a serious evil organization, they don't do that at all, and murdering teammates is really justified!


   In the vicinity of the [Crimson Heaven], Olsaka didn't sense any colleagues who could be murdered for the time being.

  If you want to hurt.

   can only hurt innocent people.

   But, that's pretty good too~


   is really a good choice to relieve boredom.

   Right now, while quickly analyzing the various permissions he just got.

   Olshaga also began to wonder in his heart whether he wanted to find a [faction] to join.

  Although it may not be of any use after joining it, it can be used for some information or something.


  The concept of some [Factions] sounds very thought-provoking, making people completely unable to understand what the group of neurotics wants to do.

   There is a high probability that after simply going crazy, you want to get together and do something big...

   And this shit.

have to say.

   just happened to meet Olshaga's appetite.

   He is a nasty guy who likes that kind of weird neurotic manipulation!


   for a while.

   He was also a little hesitant.

   fell into deep thought…

  If anyone saw his more serious expression.

   may suspect that he is thinking about something important.

   For example, not for a while.

   as one of his daughters.

   He and [Coria]'s daughter, [Avici], came to play with him.

   looked at his somewhat solemn look.

   After being stunned for a moment, he couldn't help but asked curiously:

   "Father, are you thinking about something very important?"

   "About this?"

While    was talking, she also pointed to the [Ideal Dream Realm] not far away, whose external form was a dangling golden three-dimensional crystal.

   Although the strength is not enough and there is no authority.

   prevented her from seeing inside.

   But she was still able to sense the enormous power gathered in it.

   And, recently, Orsaga has been tinkering with this stuff.


   Guessing that Olsaka encountered a problem, she was also a little curious about the situation.

Gently touched the other's head, picked him up and placed it on his lap. Looking at his daughter, who was still young, Olsaka lost the expression on his face as if he was thinking about something. , smiled casually and said:


   "It has nothing to do with that."

   "I was just thinking about doing something that could be fun but could also be boring."

  【Avici】is even more curious:

"whats the matter?"

   Seeing her so interested.

   Olshaga didn't give in.

   told the situation directly.

   as his heir.

  【Avici】 has been born for a period of time. Although it is not long, it is enough for a mortal group to complete its own historical process.


   She still looks very young.

   But the mind is already mature.

   In other words, as a descendant of [Demon Lord] spent blood.

   She and her sisters were never childish in their minds.

   They are born with knowledge, they don't need to go through the ignorance period of immaturity and ignorance like ordinary people, they are born with a lot of knowledge.


   Many times, they are actually much more stable than their father, and can handle many things better.

after all…

   At least.

   They are not like their fathers who sometimes have inexplicable brain cramps and want to do some messy things.

   Able to think clearly.

   Occasionally, they will also work with their mothers to deal with various things submitted by their subordinates.

   jointly manage many affairs in [Crimson Heaven].

   And it works great!

  At least, it was countless times better than when Olshaga was messing around with his eyes closed.

in this regard.

   as a crumb demon.

   Olshaga is really exploiting child labor!

   He is as despicable as ever!

   as the daughter of Orshaga.

  [Avicii] and her sisters did not inherit the evil and madness of Olshaga, but their personalities were actually somewhat different from their mothers, and they were generally more inclined to the neutral type that was neither good nor evil.

  The good and evil in the eyes of ordinary people have no value and meaning to them.

  They behave very freely.

  Except my family members.

   doesn't care what the outsiders are like.

   As long as the goal can be achieved, the number of casualties or the number of rescues is actually the same standard in their eyes.


   This situation is totally a good thing for their parents.

   Olshaga felt that the freewheeling style of her daughters was her own.

  【Glaner】They felt that they didn't inherit any super negative things from Olsaka, so the requirements couldn't be higher.

   In short.

   This is a win-win situation!

   Both parties are satisfied.

   at this moment.

   After listening carefully to what Olsaka had considered before.

   Almost the next moment, [Avici] couldn't help shaking her head, looked at Olsaka with a helpless look, and sighed weakly:

   "...I thought you were thinking about something big."

   "It turned out to be just a matter of entanglement... If you were so serious in normal times, [Crimson Heaven] would definitely be far more powerful than it is now..."

   between words.

   There is a kind of real father who is not a talent, and the feeling of being a daughter is very helpless.

   "It really doesn't work, father, just throw the dice to decide the result..."


She tilted her head back, leaned in Olshaga's arms and adjusted her sitting posture, and then used the top of her head to press Olshaga's chin with force, obviously a little dissatisfied with his idleness and blindness everywhere. toss.

   to this.

   Orshaka didn't care either.

  Only when it is coquetry.

   hugged his daughter and shook it.

   tried to please him:


   "Daughter, I'll do as you say~"

   while talking.

   He just took out a dice...

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