Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1597: threshold

   Through the ubiquitous miscellaneous [concepts] in the [Inner Zone], I can see more of the essence of the upper-level powerhouses.

   Olshaga has been immersed in it for a long time.

   Suddenly felt a huge pressure coming without warning.

   Through perception.

   He was well aware of the source of that pressure.

   is actually not malicious at all to himself.

   really just exists nearby.

But the incomparable power of the other party automatically squeezes everything around it, and in addition to squeezing away various [concepts] around it, Orsuga also experiences a kind of being trapped in a meat grinder or drawing blood. The feeling of the pump...

   is a relatively complex existence as a constituent element of [existence].

When Orshaga was in the vicinity of a great existence of that level, the many constituent elements contained in his [Clone] immediately began to automatically decompose and peel off, [Energy] began to lose, and [Flesh] was disintegrating ...all the elements of [concept] that have nothing to do with that existence are being driven away and changed...

   That force was trying to change him instinctively!

   However, as a [Demon Lord], he is the pinnacle of power.

  Although the eyes are a more important [Clone].

   But it is still obvious that it cannot be so easily changed completely.

   at most.

   means that his own [existence] is constantly oppressed and excluded.

   is always in the affected state.

   Once you leave this area, your thoughts will automatically recover.

   And this is also the main reason why [Zi Jie] would say something before.

Those who are not strong in the   【Abyss Lord Level】 can stay in this 【Inner Area】 and not die.

   But all kinds of larger powers will still make it difficult to move.

   After all, even the [concept] of distance is a distorted thing.

   If the strength is not enough.

   Even moving is difficult.


   Even the stronger guys in [Abyss Lord Level].

   will inevitably be affected to varying degrees.

   Every now and then.

   will cause some problems.


  【Final Venue】inside.

   Those who are not strong enough and those who don’t want to toss, are indeed more suitable to stay in the [Basic Area], at least they can wander freely there.


   Having said that, the [Inner Area] is still tantamount to an ideal land in a sense for many strong people, and it is totally worth visiting.

Because the great existences of the [Prince of the Abyss] that were not easy to come into contact with in the past are everywhere, even if the other party is too lazy to take care of him and just lies silently and motionless in the distance, he can still observe the other party without concealment. [Existence] to repeatedly verify many conjectures!

   Even if you have a lot of insights in an instant, and your strength has improved again, it is a normal thing!

   And this moment.

   Experience this kind of power from a higher level, after the unconscious crushing and squeezing.

While    fully understood the previous words of [Purple Tribulation], Olsuga’s somewhat impersonal senses gradually peeped into the [existence] of a huge existence from the endless torrent of interference.

   Although the other party is far away from him, he doesn't know how far away he is.

   But the influence that automatically radiated from the other party still automatically enveloped him and summed him up.

   is like a domineering sun.

   Where the brilliance reaches.

   All things must be surrendered.

  Even if it is to resist the power that the opponent automatically radiates, Olsaka needs a lot of effort...


  Suddenly, this feeling also reminded Olshaga of the feeling that he had endured the unstoppable blows of [Comoz] and [War Demon] in [Abyssal Blood Battlefield].

   The current situation is far less difficult and dangerous than it was then.

   After all, these powers are just the instinctual presence of the other party, just like when the sun is suspended in the sky, even if there is no movement or thought, it will illuminate everything.

   but essentially the feeling.

   is still very close.

   enabled Orshaga to clearly feel that if the existence in the distance was malicious to him.

  The body and soul of this [Clone] will be torn apart at this moment, and I will completely lose this [Clone]...

The strongest blow he had ever hit back then, the strongest blow ever made by [Comoz], and the strongest blow ever made by [War Demon Idol], even though they were strong and weak in comparison, but In fact, that intensity change is only relative to each of them.

   For the real [Prince of the Abyss], that level of attack is just the threshold.

   is the lower limit of the lower limit.

   Even though the actual strength varies.

   still doesn't change that.

   Even the [Prince of the Abyss] who has just been promoted will only regard it as a breeze.


   Olshaga and the others couldn't even completely control that kind of blow.

   is only temporarily controlled.


   That is the lower limit of the lower limit...

   Most of the power was wasted in a senseless way at that time.

   did not play a real role at all!

   For the [Prince of the Abyss], it is completely worthless, and it is impossible to cause any impact.

   is precisely because of this.

  In the 【Multiverse】.

   As mentioned long ago.

  【Abyss Lord】a guy of this level is facing 【Abyss Prince】.

   In addition to escaping fast enough.

   That is, there are enough [Clone] and [Projection], so that the resurrection points are everywhere, plus [possible and impossible] can be eliminated.

   gives [Abyss Lord] a chance to escape successfully.


   In fact, they are completely unable to resist [Prince of the Abyss] to a great extent.

   Once encountered head-on.

   That is an almost absolute instant kill...

   and feel the oppression of a distant existence.

Beside Olsaka, although [Purple Tribulation] has the authority of [Final Venue], it can exempt most of the influences to a certain extent, but after all, it is not very pleasant. After Olsaka realized it for a while , he couldn't help but introduce:

"In this [inner area], most of the [main councilor] and [big councilor] have no interest in me at all, so as long as you don't encounter that kind of bad character, you can just wander around without worrying about it. [Clone] will be completely destroyed... In addition to these things, at some point, if conditions permit, we can actually make some deals with certain [Main Councilor] and [Grand Councillor]... Don't ask me what to do with it Trading, I don't really understand what they are interested in, just like many subordinate existences don't understand what we need. Anyway, there are many guys who have succeeded..."

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