Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1594: I really didn't come to the wrong place~

to be frank.

   Facing [Zi Jie]'s suggestion.

  Although Orshaka is indeed very excited about [Killing Faction].

   I really want to join that kind of friendly environment and experience life.

   But that kind of thing means little to him after all.

   As a guy who already has his own promotion plan and various preparations.

   Killing, killing, killing, killing, at this moment, Orshaga seems to be just the icing on the cake.


   If you really want to join the [Killing Faction].

   Before starting, he had to gather all his strength.

   Just like when he entered the [Abyss Blood Battlefield].

   In short, it is very troublesome.


  Although he had some regrets in his heart, Orshaga still chose to skip this target, and asked [Purple Tribulation] with a little curiosity:

   "Then what about other [factions]?"

  【Purple Tribulation】 continued to introduce:

"In general, there are quite a few [factions], all of which are led by a certain [Devil Prince-level] or multiple [Devil Prince-level], and there are a lot of them and different behavior styles. Among the many [factions] here, in addition to the extremely extreme [Killing Faction], like that [Infinite Faction] is also a very good choice."

   "Those guys prefer to make things and conduct experiments, and the ultimate goal of the [United Council] trying to destroy the entire [Multiverse] is some kind of giant experiment in their eyes."

   to this.

   Olshaga also smiled and said:

   "[Unlimited factions]?"

   "It sounds kind of interesting."

   "Would you like to experiment with the entire [Multiverse], including yourself..."

   "What a bunch of guys with ideas..."

   Without hesitation, [Zi Jie] immediately agreed with sympathy:


   "Everyone has ideas."

   "It's not as boring and boring as a lot of guys out there."

   "You know, the guys from the [Infinite Faction] have been preparing with great pains to create something that truly reaches the [True Infinite Level]. I don't know how long..."

  Infinity is some kind of adjective.


   can be used to describe various uncountable quantities and numbers, representing many, very many, super many…


   can also be used to describe the true infinity, the imaginary infinity that exists only.

  The former has great relativity.

   For example, the treasures piled up on a planet may be infinite to mortals.

   For the strong, that number is obviously not infinite, it can only be said to be a few.

  The latter is absolute.

  Infinity is infinity and has nothing to do with mere numbers and mathematics.

in this regard.

The term    is often like the so-called "omnipotent omnipotence".

  Many guys who were shot to death by Olsaka dared to call themselves [Omniscient and Almighty].

   But Orsaga and the [Demon Prince] who are more powerful than him are actually far from the true [Omniscient and Almighty], even if they can easily do almost everything.

after all.

   As long as there are things you can’t do and don’t know, it’s definitely not the real [Omniscient and Almighty]. …

   And the word [infinite] varies with its usage.

   is naturally very different in every respect.

   Take Olshaga for example.

   He can say that his power is unlimited.

   Because his power is indeed infinite in many perspectives.

   You can use it any way you want!

   Even in the form of violating the law of conservation of energy, while using it, various increases are performed in an unimaginable form, and the increase is exaggerated enough to make mathematicians want to cry.


  [Purple Tribulation] said in the words [True Infinite], the ultimate goal of [Infinite Faction], naturally it cannot refer to the existing kind of infinity, the first kind of infinity.

   Affirmation refers to the second infinity which is absolute.

   No changes of any kind are required.

   All increases and decreases are true infinity of meaningless actions!

   No matter how great or how small the power is, in the face of that degree of infinity, it has no meaning, it is nothing.

   is the same.

  Anything can be easily included and become a part of which the total proportion is equal to zero.

   And that unattainable level...

   It can only be said that [Multiverse] is far from reaching the level...

At least.

The size of   【Multiverse】is still at the level of 【Variable】.

  If it stops increasing someday.

  Perhaps, some [Devil Prince Rank] who are too idle can try to measure its actual size.

  But 【True Infinite】is different.

   is completely immeasurable.

   belongs to the type of 【Immutable】.

   Even if infinite [independent space-time] with a size of [true infinity] are added up, their actual size will not change at all.


   And under this concept.

   If [Infinite Faction] really created something [True Infinite Level].

  Then, no matter what it is, it will far exceed the [Multiverse]'s upper limit.

   even after the other party was created.

   The entire [Multiverse] will be accommodated in an instant and become a part of it, with a proportion equal to zero.

   In other words, for a [true infinite level] box.

   The actual volume of the entire [Multiverse] is actually no different from an ant or a fundamental particle.

   is equal to zero in front of itself!

   No matter how many [Multiverses] you fill in, there will still be 100% free space available.

   That is a much bigger gap than the strength gap between [Demon Prince] and the most ordinary mortals!

   There is absolutely no rationality and detailed description…


   Now after hearing the lofty ideals of [Infinite Factions].

  Although Olsaka was emotional, he was not too surprised by it.

  There is only one expression on the face, which I already understand.

   After all, isn’t the reason why these guys get together at an infinite distance to achieve all kinds of absolutely impossible things?


   The so-called [True Infinite] is lofty, but it doesn't touch him much. …

   instead made him feel very accustomed to it.

   Because he also likes to do this kind of **** that sounds unreliable.

Seeing that Olsaka didn't respond to the situation of the [Infinite Faction], it seemed that he was not very interested. .

  What is the reason for their establishment, what have they experienced, and what are they doing now...

   After listening to this for a long time.

   Orshaga learned many things about the [Unity Council] from the other party.

  The biggest thought is actually a wonderful feeling of 'things are as expected'.

   'Sure enough, the guys in the [Return to the One Council] are all wanton bastards...'


  'I really didn't come to the wrong place~'

  'I really like this one...'


   Through the introduction of [Zi Jie].

   Olshaga has already deeply realized that each of the [factions] in it, one is counted as one, and it is a gratifying fact that they are all large-scale neurotic contact places.

What everyone does, although it sounds different, in short, it actually means the same thing - although I don't have any chance of success, I just want to use the entire [Multiverse] as a raw material or an experiment Come on, do something really **** cool!


   Just the reason why some guys joined the [United Council] is enough to make people stand up and applaud!

For example, some guys feel that the current situation of the [Multiverse] is too chaotic and cruel, and in order to create a more harmonious and beautiful [Multiverse], they are forced to join the [Unified Council] with the intention of Use the power of the rest of the neuropathy to reluctantly kill every existing individual in the [Multiverse], so as to lay the groundwork for the future order reshaping work...

  How to say such a thought...

   is simply touching...

   Olshaga feels that she needs a thumbs up!

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