Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1593: [Faction] of [United Council]

   "The maker of this [End Venue] is my master—[His Majesty the Last One]."

"As one of the initiators of the [Reunification Council], although [Your Majesty the Ending One] is not an [Abyss Creature], he likes the atmosphere here very much, plus [Your Majesty the Ending One] in the [Bottomless Abyss]. There are a lot of people who have the same idea, so the main base of the [United Council] will be placed inside the [Bottomless Abyss] in order to recruit all the powerful people with great aspirations faster..."

   "Right now, [His Majesty the Ending One] has a part of [consciousness] inside this building all year round, but he doesn't usually take care of things. Basically, our subordinates take care of all kinds of things..."

   Walk in the passage.

   Quietly listening to the various information [Zi Jie] told.

   Orshaga was in close contact with the surrounding barriers and the material paving the way.

   Not long.

   Gradually, I sensed that the [space-time coordinates] were flowing everywhere.

   also saw strands of extremely slender [lines] that were beating and vibrating at various completely different frequencies, like some kind of strings that were constantly being plucked.

   and look into the distance along those endless [lines].

   Olshaga then discovered that they were all closely connected with various distant things.

Every time    is agitated and shaken, it means that something has ushered in destruction.


   Olshaga also understood the meaning of those [lines].

   This is a countdown or an omen.

   in his eyes.

The link targets of those [lines], some are strong, some are weak, may be natural [planes], or some kind of man-made [independent time and space], they are randomly scattered in every corner of the [multiverse] , there are absolutely no distance restrictions and rules to follow.


   Maybe they don't need regularity either.

   Because anything that is about to be destroyed and ended can be counted as a target.

   see here.

   He also knew what the [Concept] that [Your Majesty the Ending One] before [Purple Tribulation] was symbolized.

  【Destruction】, 【End】, 【End】, 【End】…

   These words themselves have similar meanings.

   As a being that symbolizes the end of all things, it is a matter of course that the [Endgame] will desire to destroy the entire [Multiverse], and even become one of the main initiators of the [Unification Council].

after all.

  The strong are capricious and do whatever they want.

   There is nothing wrong with it.

   Those who are bound by boring rules and regulations, how can they make rules?

   The [Purple Tribulation], who noticed that Orshaga was observing the [lines], said casually while continuing to move forward:

"This [final venue] has to carry the [clones] and even the [main body] of each [member], so the construction materials here are very special. It is a solid condensate formed by [Destruction Concept] in every inch, so it is difficult for [Abyss Lord] to destroy the composition here. Only by blurring the boundaries between [possible] and [impossible] can It is possible to achieve that.”

"However, even if it is really destroyed, it doesn't really affect anything, because the creator here is [His Majesty the Ending One], so the so-called destruction and destruction are actually invisible to the [Ending Venue]. Even if it is really destroyed to the point where nothing remains, it can automatically recover in the next instant, and it will automatically become stronger."

   "As for those [lines], it's the way of eating in this [End Venue]."

"Under the power of [His Majesty the Ending One], he will automatically connect to some [time and space] or [things] that are about to be destroyed, and the destruction of those targets will provide power to the [Endgame]...if necessary , you can also quickly go to those linked areas through those [lines]."

   "If those connected objects were not destroyed on the way..."

that's it.

   After telling the general situation of the [End Venue].

  [Zi Jie] brought the topic back to the various systems of the [United Council] again.

"You should know that we do not prohibit internal fighting among members here, and we even welcome members to fight each other. From time to time, we will hold various super large-scale team building activities in the entire [United Council], bringing together a large number of members. Throw them together to fight... In addition, if you still want to take the initiative to participate in various activities, you can take the initiative to join some [factions], and the frequency of those internal [factions] holding various activities is far more than The overall team building activities are much higher, it is very suitable for guys who are full of self-motivation and want to have fun…”

   heard the words.

  Olshaga's eyes immediately showed a look of interest:


   And [Zi Jie] saw that he was interested, so he talked a few more words on this topic:

   "Yes, [Faction], as a large organization, [United Council] Although most of the members are neurotic or neurotic guys, each member's goal in the ultimate pursuit of things is slightly different..."

"So although the main purpose of the [United Council] is of course to destroy all time and space, destroy all those who are not members of one's own side, and destroy all members of one's own side who are not members of itself... and thus become a supreme existence. But how to achieve the main purpose, the so-called supremacy in the end There should be something... but it's full of different ideas."

"Among them, among all the goals, the most direct and simple is the [Killing Faction], the members of which have no pursuit, they just want to simply kill, kill, kill, kill, and join the [United Council] just to come to the scene The most grand and dazzling fight."

   "Who the **** are you killing?"

   "Why did you kill yourself to the end?"

   "Those guys don't care at all."

"Shashashashashashasha is the cause, process, and result, and it is their ultimate goal. It is precisely because of this that the internal activities they hold are also the most frequent and fast type in the [United Council]. They're really killing each other..."

   Hearing the words, Olshaga's eyes also lit up, and she exclaimed with satisfaction:

   "This is really a group of guys with ideals."

   "It's completely out of vulgar taste."

   "We are always striving for our ideals!"

  【Purple Tribulation】also did not refute, and said in agreement:


   "What's the use of light discussion?"

   "It's still simpler and faster to kill."

   "By the way, most of the members of that [faction] are [Abyss Demon], you are very suitable to join in..."

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