Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1595: division of area

   A few months later.

   After a period of wandering.

  【Purple Tribulation】and Olsaka finally walked out of the seemingly endless passage.

   let the more interior view be successfully observed by him.

   at this moment.

Orshaga saw an incomparably huge venue. Not only were there bustling exchanges between various guys, but there were countless light clusters of completely different shapes and colors suspended in the sky and the ground. In every corner of the venue, there was another The huge doors were standing, although there were no labels, but at the moment of seeing those doors, Orshaga automatically understood under the influence of a certain force that it was the separate residence of each internal [faction].

on the contrary.

   Strong sacrifice read sacrifice. There are also various self-introduction information for different [factions].

   What type of members do they like to recruit.

   What is the main thing to do when we get together.

   It is this moment.

  【Purple Tribulation】beside Olsaka did not forget to continue to introduce the situation:

   "In this [End Venue], [Inner Space-Time] is usually divided into different areas."

"The area we are in now is the [basic area], where the energy fluctuations of each individual will be shielded. Although each member can communicate in various ways, they will not cause unconsciousness between each other. what interference."

"In addition, there is the [Inner Layer], where the power of all individuals will not be shielded, so if the strength is not enough, just staying there may be affected by all kinds of unrestrained breaths. With energy fluctuations, it will be crushed abruptly."

   "As for those [faction areas] that are connected by doors, they have their own entry and exit requirements. Some even outsiders can enter and exit at will, while others require various assessments and internal members to enter and exit."

   Having said that, [Zi Jie] pointed at the light clusters that were suspended in motion with one of his tactile fingers and introduced:

   "Those light clusters that are floating everywhere, you usually don't need to pay attention to them."

   "Most of them are members who automatically fall asleep because they have nothing to do."

   "Some are [main body], some are [avatars], no one knows how long they slept."

   "Anyway, they basically don't wake up on their own when they're okay."

   "Even when the general meeting started, a lot of those guys would choose to continue to sleep and seal themselves."

   "For them, everything in the entire [Multiverse] is meaningless except for the final death that we have longed for..."

   "So, until the last moment, you basically don't need to pay attention to these guys."

   looked at those light clusters that did not leak any breath, nor had any features.

   After rubbing his chin slightly.

   Olshaga asked:

   "Then do you think that with my current situation, can I enter the [Inner Area]?"

   looked at Orshaga's [Clone], and after roughly measuring the situation, [Purple Tribulation] quickly replied:

   "Can't say for sure."

   "More or less risk."

"There are a lot of active [senior members] and [grand members], they may crush you unconsciously when passing by, although that situation will not cause you to completely lose this [ Clone], but it's still a little difficult to move..."

   Right now, Orshaga's [Clone] contains some [Origin], and in terms of hard power, it can compete with some ordinary [Abyss Lord], and even suppress the opponent to a certain extent.

   But this level of power.

   In the [United Council] of the members except [Abyss Lord Level] and [Abyss Prince Level], it is indeed a little bit out of the table, basically it can only be counted as the bottom layer.


  【Purple Tribulation】doesn't mean to underestimate Orshaga because of this.

Because she can clearly feel that the [Crimson King] in front of her is not the [main body], but just came through the [avatar], and the unquestionable sense of strong enemy on the other side makes her even more heartbroken. He understood that the true strength of the other party was at least similar to his own.


   She was very polite to Olshaga before, and even explained various issues in more detail.

   Get an accurate answer from the other party.

  Olshaga, who had a rough judgment on the situation of the [Inner Zone], then smiled and thanked:

   "Thank you for your explanation."


   as consciousness through multi-line operation.

The    [Main Body] also split into a [Clone] that was much more powerful than this [Clone], and began to rush over from [Crimson Heaven].

  There is no other reason, Olsaka is really interested in the situation of the [Inner Zone].

   It can be regarded as a good opportunity to get in touch with more [Prince of the Abyss]!

   And after having this [Clone] as the actual coordinates.

   This time, almost instantly, another [Clone] successfully reached the nearby area.

   The words are not finished yet.

   has already begun to receive various tests outside the [End Venue].

   And his actions.

As one of the [managers] of the [final venue], [Zi Jie] naturally noticed it immediately, and immediately passed the authority to peep at the other party's approaching [clone], and couldn't help but sigh. :

   "Your Excellency is really decisive."


  While talking, he directly transferred Orsaga's [Clone] in through his own authority.

   This kind of gesture can be done with a single thought.

   She doesn't mind a few more visits.

   to witness such a sight.

   Olshaga was also very aware of the other party's thoughts, and immediately said:


   Now 17bxW* chapter 汜. After saying thank you.

   Completed the fusion of [Clone] and [Clone] in an instant.

   For him, who can use a little bit of power as a super lever to leverage countless powers.

   What this move brings is not a simple strength improvement like 11.

   But the total number of the two is based on the power of the lower limit, and the upper limit is a leap-forward increase at will!


at this moment.

   The strength of this [Clone] of Orshaga directly reached the top level among [Abyss Lords].

   Even among his infinite number of [Clone], it can be said to be ranked extremely high.

   There is only [Time Sky] as a [half body].

   can be steadily surpassed.

   For such a sight.

   Control the big owl. [Purple Tribulation] Naturally, there is no accident, but in my heart, I recognize the strength of Orshaga even more.

   "If it's at this level, as long as you don't encounter some of the more nasty [Main Councilor] and [Grand Councillor], then it should be nothing."

   "After all, most of the [Main Councilor] and the [Big Councillor] have no interest in suppressing the [Main Councilor] at all..."

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