Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1592: 【Final venue】

   After dealing with urgent matters related to [Ideal Dreamland].

  I don't know how long it took.

   The exact time is not important anyway.

   That kind of boring stuff doesn't mean much to the immortal.

   at this moment.

   After finishing all the messy things, we just need to wait for Orshaga, who is waiting for the final result.

   also turned some of his attention to the turbid black mist that had long been integrated into his body.

   That is the key that must be used to lead to the [United Council] base camp.

  ‘It’s almost time to go and take a look. ’

   thought of this.

   He was looking forward to it in his heart, and there was some obvious curiosity in his eyes.

   Regarding the various actual situations over the [United Council].

   He has been curious for a long time...

   But because of some things to do, even if I got the key long ago, I never went there.

at the moment.

   Accompanying Olsaka's thoughts.

   A part of the power of his [Ontology] and a part of the origin of the key were immediately differentiated.

   automatically condensed into a [Clone] beside him.

at the same time.

   The blood-red magic flame that seemed to be some kind of liquid also rose silently from the ground.

   formed a flame door with a height of about twenty meters and a width of about five meters, and the gate was tightly closed.

And then.

  The differentiated key, under the control of the [Clone], silently burst into a faint purple streamer.

   Under those shining lights.

   Dense spells were mapped on the door.

   makes those flowing flames keep beating…

   This situation.

   is actually kind of like typing some kind of dynamic password.

  The password needs to correspond to a certain force on the far side before it can be successfully connected to the target.

   It didn't take long.

   With a certain resonance.

   Suddenly, Olshaga felt a vague gaze focused on him.

   Then it was fleeting.

   And the tightly closed flame door was slowly opened as if the verification procedure was completed, revealing a distorted passage of unknown length and no end in sight.

  See this situation.

  Without any hesitation, Olshaga's [Clone] immediately walked in full of anticipation...

   Walking on this passage that seems to be infinitely long.

  Although there are no reference objects and signs to look at.

   But some kind of information was automatically projected to Olshaga for him to learn.

   That is some kind of hint, how long it will take him to reach the goal.

  In this weird passage, the time it takes to reach the target.

   has nothing to do with distance.

   also has nothing to do with space-time location.

  Everything is more like some kind of [Ritual].

   The mover needs to move for a certain amount of time to reach the target smoothly.

   The speed and form of movement are not important.

   Even slower than a turtle.


   Almost every moment.

   Orsaga can clearly feel that there is an endless stream of miscellaneous information approaching him.



   If the [Ontology] is used as the coordinate reference point, he can also clearly feel that the [Space-Time Plane] that this [Clone] is located in the [Multiverse] is actually changing rapidly.

   This means that he is traversing an infinite number of [space-time planes] every moment…

   Not to mention anything else.

   At least in terms of movement efficiency, this speed far exceeds the upper limit of Olshaga.

  ‘I don’t know how many passages through [space-time planes]? ’

  ‘Or some kind of force acting on the entire [Multiverse]? ’

   After thinking about it carefully.

   In the end, he could only think with emotion:

  ‘What a big deal…’

   about twenty years later.

   This was a very short time for Olshaga.

   at a speed like walking.

   He approached the goal smoothly.

   Or it should be said that it was pulled to the destination by the power released by the target.

   It was a dark black semi-circular venue without too many decorations on the outside.

  The overall material looks like stone, but also has a certain metallic texture.


   That building is similar in nature to Schrodinger's cat.

   is between existence and non-existence.

   is precisely because of this.

   Olshaga can clearly feel it.

   The other party is hard to be influenced by external factors.

at this time.

   Inside that huge building.

  There are four passages extending outwards into Orshaga's eyes.

  When Olshaga's thoughts moved slightly, he naturally stood on the passage.

this moment.

   Olshaga can clearly perceive that there is actually a large number of people flowing in the area beside him.

   but invisible to the naked eye.


   Because the energy fluctuations are isolated from each other.

   He is also not very sure about the specific strength of those guys.

   Face this situation.

   Immediately there was speculation in his heart.

  'The area around here is divided into countless layers, will each visitor exist alone in one of the layers...'


   In Olsaka's interested eyes.

   A figure that looked a little bloated, with a shape similar to a big purple octopus, slowly appeared in front of him.

   "Welcome to your arrival, [King of Crimson]."

   "I am one of the [Central Administrators] of the [End Venue], you can call me [Purple Tribulation], made by the great [Your Majesty the Ending One]."

   "Now, I will be responsible for bringing you familiar with our gathering place, this [final meeting place], and by the way, I will explain to you in detail the various rules of the [United Council]... If those rules are really rules..."

   Speaking of the back.

  [Zi Jie] also complained about those so-called rules by the way.

"To be honest, we [United Council] actually don't have many hard rules at all, and many rules, even if they are called rules, are actually only originated from a large number of members in order to avoid meaningless large-scale civil strife, and self-conventional groups. It's just a habit, it doesn't actually have much binding effect... It can only be said that the meaningless civil strife is like some kind of mess. It's okay to clean it up once or twice. If you clean up too much, it will not only be more troublesome, but also very annoying. Get in the way... Therefore, if you really want to break some rules, it's not impossible, at least many members don't care at all..."

While listening to the other party's words quietly, I felt the big purple octopus in front of me. It was not much weaker than the [Ontology] of my heyday, and it should be about as powerful as the [Ontology] after the [authority] was split in half. strength.

   Olshaga also said with a smile:

   "[Purple Tribulation]?"

   "It's a pleasure to meet your Excellency..."


   Under the leadership of the other party, along the extremely wide passage, while talking, they walked towards the inner area of ​​the [End Venue] together...

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