Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1582: 【Space-time Cage】(4)

   Chapter 1582 [Time and Space Cage] (4)

   Sit on the seat.

   looked at the continuous impact of the outside world.

   Feel the more intense and crazy fluctuations.

   Hearing the explosion like fireworks and witnessing the dazzling brilliance when the red meteors shattered.

   The look of anticipation on Orshaga's face was becoming more and more obvious.

   at this moment.

   His eyes, watching everything.

   The ever-present destruction.

   made him feel very happy.

  Especially the despair and pain of every deceased person before death makes him happy from the bottom of his heart.

   His ears are also listening to everything.

   Even the sound that was countless times stronger than the [Big Bang] could not cover up those desperate roars and calls for help.


   Make him happy…

   made his right hand, the fingers that were slowly approaching each other, also moved a little faster.

   even attracts the outside world, which is far more swift and violent than the gust of wind and torrential rain. I don't know how many times the 'meteor', the same is getting faster and more violent, and it is common to complete a high-speed impact at the center point!

   Look around.

   is not much different from endless fireworks that are exploding.


   More dazzling and grand!


   Just like countless hapless people.

   The current [Wan Tiancheng] actually doesn't know what he is doing.

   I don't even know what I'm going through.


   Still know whether he is dead or alive now.

  My memory is only maintained at the moment when the [All Races Alliance World] I was in was dragged and moved by the [Line].

In front of   , there is a limit to slow down as the dragging speed is interrupted.

   Very slowly, I lost my ability to observe what was going on in the inner world...

   means that whatever you see is blurry.

  Because my eyes lost the ability to see at this ultra-low speed.

   is the same.

   Other perception abilities are also poor or small.

   Even at the moment of the collision.

   I also know everything.

   The whole person is completely confused.

   is over.

   Very slowly, with successive impacts.

   Fewer and fewer [isotopes].

   Even the [Past] and [Future] of his [Main Timeline], this distribution also collided with himself at the [Time Point] one after another.

   There are several [Wan Tiancheng], and they end up retreating and merging on the effect of [Line].

   I feel like there are several thoughts and several personalities arguing and fighting outside the cerebellum.

   In the same way, my power is also soaring wildly without end.


   Even my rib cage was affected.

   Almost every moment.

   There is no infinite amount of information jumping.

  【Target detected. 】

  【The strength of the copy target of learning...】

  【Copy successfully. 】

  【Random bonus for the retreat of learning...】

  【The multiplier has been determined - 774 times! 】


  【Target detected. 】

  【End the power of the copy target...】

  【Copy successfully. 】

  【End retreat random bonus...】

  【The multiplier has been determined - 4497 ​​times! 】


  【Detected homologous system of the same type...】

  【Detected that the respective hosts are merging...】

  【The system ends automatic merge weakening...】

  【End retreat random bonus...】

  【The multiplier has been determined - 6888 times! 】




   In such a situation, even if I knew what happened, even if I was a little confused about the situation, my power was still increasing wildly every moment!

   Moreover, since the inner hanging of each 【Wan Tiancheng】can be calculated separately.

   Therefore, the current situation is actually copying and pasting each other, rather than a unilateral weakening of complexity.

   He stacks you, you stack him, and I stack the sum of you and him...

   In short, this is very messy.

   is the time and place.

  Each link will also trigger a fusion reaction.

   makes every [Wan Tiancheng] basically react to come over, only the information outside the brain is slowly swiping the screen...

at the same time.

   is just a mere [Wan Tiancheng].

   A similar encounter is actually unfolding under every creature inside the [Broken Time and Space Cage].

   According to probability.

   Even an extremely strong ant.

  It is in the distant [parallel time and space] [Isomorph], due to the growth environment, physical conditions, and its own chances are the same, and it is impossible to be weak enough to be an instant dragon.


   With the existence of a finite number of individuals, it fuses with its own finite [identity].

   Even this most special and conspicuous ant is growing at a terrifying speed.

   In an instant, he became a super ant capable of killing gods and demons!

   And there are many special people who also break through their own limitations in the blink of an eye.

The strength of    ushered in a rapid surge.

   On the other hand, in the face of changes in strength, the memories and personalities from a number of [peers] outside our brains are also changing rapidly.

   Even with knowledge of situation 1.

   Even the consciousness is a little confused.

  In the instinctive feeling, the non-existent personality is still regressing to fight and devour on its own.

   about strength.

  Because strength is now a common thing.


  We can only retreat and fight with our [will], the weak and strong will be swallowed by the weak.

   goes round and round.

   Until the last remaining loser is chosen!

   As for this body, which is accumulated by several [peers], and is still automatically integrating and weakening, it is the ultimate prize for the loser.

   will be owned by the losers!

   Watching those sights, Olshaga still tightened his left hand.

   is a long time ago.

   The seven fingers of my left hand finally clenched into fists and clasped them tightly together.


   in this crisp sound.

There are several [lines] in the    inner realm, and it finally accelerated to the limit and the end.

   "Rumble rumble..."

  The final little bump was born...

  I saw that the number of explosions was exhausted.

   There is only a scorching cold light cloud that is both ugly and magnificent, rippling violently in the boundless void! !

   This layer of gorgeous flames is only dazzling and captivating, but also has a fatal beauty, which makes people want to indulge in it! !

   Its existence is like a furnace, a furnace that smelts all things.

  【Time】, 【Space】, 【Material】, 【Energy】, 【Biology】…

   All are sinking and smelting outside.

  There are endless [threads], which are interspersed with the trend, weaving and refining all kinds of needed things inside.


   is a long time ago.

   is like the most primitive [gods and demons] born in [the beginning of the world].

   Inside this gradually silent cloud of light.

   A countable number of eyes were opened one after another.

   A small and extremely small breath also emanated from it autonomously.

   is what a strong person exists.

   They have one example.

   is all 【Little Devil Level】.


  Because of Olshaga's interference and methods, there are not some guys who vaguely touch the [Demon Lord Level].

   was also at that time.

   This Olshaga, who was sitting under the throne, finally let go of his left hand.

   looked very satisfied and said:

   "Very good, the basic preparations after cooking are finally ready..."

   (end of this chapter)

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