Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1581: 【Space-time Cage】(3)

   Chapter 1581 [Time and Space Cage] (3)

   Is the speed of light fast?

  In some [universes] its speed is 299792458 m/s.

   In [Space-Time Cage], since many [Universes] have slightly different internal rules, that speed does not belong to a common standard.

   Sometimes faster, sometimes slower.

   However, if that number is the standard.

Under normal conditions.

   As countless things and lives are madly accelerated to an unknown number of times faster than the speed of light, due to inertia and the influence of many reasons, countless casualties will inevitably be caused.


  The entire [Universe] will quickly disintegrate and shatter, just like a soap bubble that has been impacted.

   But right now.

   Those are all things not to worry about.

   Even ants don't die because of this.

   All observers can only see the surrounding scene is changing madly.

   At the very beginning, some strong guys could still vaguely see the surrounding situation.

   But it didn't take long for even the strong ones who could see through the space-time barrier with the naked eye to feel that the surrounding scene had an indescribable bending phenomenon and could not observe it at all.

   Even, not only other things, but even they themselves seem to have become something extremely abstract...

   for a while.

   Only the endless [lines] still maintain their original form, and are still shrinking and accelerating.


   Outside the entire [Complete Time and Space Cage], there is only the small continent where Olsaka is located—[Travelers’ Court Headquarters], and the changes that have taken place are not considered small.

   Because that is the center.

   is also the meeting point of all [lines].

   is the need to move.

   Therefore, the things that residents here can feel are relatively unlimited.

   as in the eyes.

   These guys in the [Yin Kui Sect] have little sense of whether the situation is true.

   What we have seen, except for the seven fingers that are shrinking above his head, is this Olsaka who is still sitting in the [Central Main Hall of Yin Kui Sect].

   is over.

   Even if the heart is clear about the situation.

   But this very obvious is the sense of detail.

   and members who were instantly killed by the opponent.

   still makes us instinctively feel that Mo Xiao is safe.

   As a result, some guys sent a message to the inner world directly and loudly, so that the rest of the members who had not arrived here made all necessary preparations.


   is also secretly giving orders to charge the various super weapons hidden inside the [Traveler's Court Headquarters].

   as our headquarters.

   The size of that little land is actually not an important factor.

   What really matters is the variety of super weapons hidden here.

   And these weapons are the main accumulation and front-hand of our teenagers.

   Therefore, on the remote command, let these super weapons finish charging, also before getting feedback.

   Careful whether we take the initiative to attack.

   just mobilized all the power, and stared at Olshaga, ready to attack at any time.

  I saw that an ordinary formation was laid out by us in the middle of a sound.

   This is the means of some [Members].

   can make our forces better unite to resist various threats.

   makes it possible that no matter what angle it is attacked from, the power of all members will react at the same time.

   However, let's take it easy, even when we're ready.

   Liu Lei Huajia in the distance is still doing nothing.

   just looked at us lightly.


is true.

   This guy's eyes are looking in our direction, but the other party's eyes don't seem to be looking at us.

   is... looking at something else through us.

   As for the various actions we secretly do.

   Maybe the other party knows?

   Many weak ones are small certainty.

   Anyway, the other party did not show any emotions and reactions because of this.

   Intense, indifferent, as if nothing has changed.

   also seems to be saying loudly that whatever he and others are doing will have any impact on the outcome of the matter.

  ‘If you want to test it first? ’

'Can. ’

  ‘There is no need for this. ’


   Sound and breath.

  Through eyes and hearts, many weak people do not have a common decision.

   and move forward.

   on our common command.

   Somewhere in the distance, a circle of translucent ripples ended up appearing.

   This is a sign that some kind of super weapon has been successfully activated.

   Even if it’s just an afterthought.

   In the face of the slight fluctuations in the disturbance, the surrounding [time] ended up beating randomly.

   This is some kind of ordinary [time weapon], which can send the target located at [now] to a certain coordinate in a specified time period in the form of disrupting [time continuity].

   A time period that has long been set as a trap.

   The thing waiting for the opponent outside here may be some kind of reserved attack.

   It is also impossible to be the [Court of Travellers] in this full state in the current period.

   It is impossible to simply be an ordinary prison.

   In short.

   Once hit, the result will be too good, and it will directly fall into the home court prepared by the opponent.


   Just after the attack was about to be launched.

   In our solemn vigilant eyes.

   Liu Lei Fujia suddenly raised his head a little, as if he was looking at something.

at the same time.

  The **** light from the sky has come.

   Mo Xiao's sense of fear also swept through the hearts of me and even the residents who were not present at the [Traveler's Court Headquarters].

  Because at that moment, we saw endless 'shooting stars'.

   red as blood.

   is like the 'meteor' of the **** disaster.

The number of    is small, there is a way to count, and the momentum is slow and can be resisted.

  Seven sides and four directions, all imaginable angles are them, and every moment is huge...

   was also at that moment.

   The entire [Traveler's Court Headquarters] resounded with screams.

   This is an automatic alarm that should be issued when the device observes the situation.

   Go ahead again.

   is a continuous or broken impact.

   The inner protective cover of the [Traveler's Court Headquarters] was instantly smashed.

   is as complicated as piercing a layer of bubbles.

   "Boom boom boom boom..."

   In the speed of whether anyone can react.

These menacing, extremely slow speed, each one is larger than the volume of the [Traveler's Court Headquarters], and even several times smaller than this, it is simply a [Secondary Space-Time Cage] and The 'red meteor' of the [Small Space-Time Cage] instantly smashed the [Traveler's Court Headquarters]. The diameter of the piece was more than 70 trillion light-years, and the manufacturing materials alone would consume up to a trillion [Broken] The universe] is a small solid land where there is no [energy] and [matter]...

   Moreover, this scene is as complicated as crushing a tiny piece of gravel!

   Going forward, facing other 'meteors' that came one after another, these 'meteors' that arrived earlier were also smashed into pieces in the last instant, symbolizing the limited number of life and time and space, and they were instantly destroyed...

   is over.

   Even if things got to that point.

   The creatures in it are not completely dead.

   Even if the body is destroyed.

  Our [soul] and [existence] are slowly merging in an unimaginable form.

Each individual is colliding and merging with the self from the [past], [present], [future], each [time point], and even the [peer] of the [timeline]... …

   Thanks: Xi Ruo Mo Yu's 2000 starting coins!



   (end of this chapter)

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