Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1583: 【Space-Time Cage】(5)

'what happened……'

  'Who am I...'

  'What were you doing before...'

'I am dead? ’

  'No, what is death...'

   At the moment when I just opened my eyes.

  Because of the memories and personalities of countless [peers] being squeezed together.

   Although the fusion is completed.

   But all kinds of messy influences still caused some problems in the brains of these lucky people.

   As if the machine has crashed, he is extremely confused about the situation.


   The first reaction of many guys when they open their eyes is to think about life.

   fell into deep thinking about various philosophical issues of life.


   didn't make them think too long.

   Soon, another movement caught their attention.

   It was a palace that suddenly appeared.

   is not that big.

at this time.

   Among the many lucky ones.

   Even if the prototype is just an ant.

   Her body size may also be much larger than the so-called [Universe].

   Just waving your tentacles, you can easily level the galaxy.

   Treat the chaotic storm that is enough to tear apart the [universe] as a breeze, or simply a random cell in the body can be used as a special time and space that is more powerful than the plural [universe].


   That palace, the size of which is close to a planet, is not really a word for the newly born gods and demons, not even a speck of dust.


   At this moment, they still turned their attention to each other.

  The reason is very simple, in this moment, they saw something very familiar.

   Bloody light!

  Incomparably eye-catching blood-colored brilliance!

   Even if his memory and personality were so confused that he couldn’t make them clear, many things were completely forgotten.

   But at this moment.

   They still recalled something in front of the sense of crisis.

  ‘[Line]…ominous omen…’


   After they clearly realized that something was wrong.

  In the case of instinct, they all tried to mobilize their own power to respond.

   Especially after looking at the sitting figure through the open gate of the palace.

   It was only a rough observation of the opponent's body.

  Inexplicable panic.

   had already appeared in their hearts.

   Fear and panic, like an out-of-control forest fire, spread rapidly in their hearts.

   Let their senses.

   All sirens sounded.


  Compared to their speed, Orshaga in that palace was obviously countless times faster.

   in front of those eyes.

   has been sitting for a long time, I don’t know how many years Olshaga has been sitting.

   at this moment.

   Finally stood up slowly but really fast...

   The original [humanoid form] also changed automatically at this moment.

The body became taller, the tail that swung randomly behind him became thicker and longer, and the extremely white skin grew hard and thick luxurious blood-colored scales. A strange cruelty and madness followed, and then there was the [Lord's Certificate] that shone brilliantly in the numerous wings and the crown-like horns of the forehead...


   And in the [time scale] that is infinitely stretched, it is said that there is no problem in the moment of eternity.

  Olshakana's slow stand-up movement, to the other guys, was essentially the same as a brief indescribable moment, completely unable to react at all.

   faced him who showed his [true form].

   Although it is only a [Clone] at the moment.

   Olshaga's body is still outside the [Complete Time and Space Cage].

   However, this is not an [Another Plane] that will limit power.


  The power of his [Clone] was brought into full play with ease.

and this.

   is more than enough...

   Just because the other party observed her [true form].

  In an instant.

   The vast majority of the countless observers were automatically attacked by his power.

   The crimson fire and the invisible virus rapidly expanded and expanded in the [soul] and [body] of those guys.

   Destroy and infect their [existence] little by little.

   And Olshaga's passive ability——【Source of Eternal Suffering】, is forcing those situations to become more serious.


   Even when many guys started, they could barely bear it.

   But in the next moment.

   The situation will still madly spawn more vicious changes, making the situation completely out of control.

   If all these events are presented from a broader perspective.

   Then there are boundless fires and viruses. At this moment, there is an infinite void. Countless behemoths and otherworldly beings have become huge dazzling torches in an instant!

   Even their single thought can reshape everything, and make countless [universe] derived and destroyed majestic powers meaningless in this situation.

  Because, [things will get worse].

   This is one of the most basic characteristics of [The Source of Eternal Suffering].

   And for these subordinate beings.

   Worst situation.

   is without a doubt dying in a panic.

   Therefore, all the factors are now only pushing them to die quickly.

  Even if they want to gather their own strength to resist.

   Those forces that are condensed.

   With the help of [the source of eternal misery], it will only become a kind of accelerant, making their demise faster.

   "It's so beautiful..."

   with a little emotion.

   looked at the crimson beauty.

   Olshaga walked out of the palace slowly.

   "However, I wish the sights were a little more beautiful..."

   accompanied his voice.

   Those who were covered in **** flames immediately fell into even more severe pain and torture.

   That is unimaginable suffering.

   goes beyond common sense.

   also goes beyond rationality.

   Even if countless [universes], all the creatures derived from birth to decay, are tortured to death, cramps, skinned, broken limbs, blood vessels pulled out... and then multiply those pain sensations.

   is also far less than the billionth of what these guys are feeling right now.



   It is precisely because of the intense suffering and extreme torture that beautiful flowers meet each other, the beautiful flowers will bloom smoothly...

   The bloody, beautiful, [Death Tribulation Flower] that makes people unable to help indulge in it, among many powerful beings, life is not as good as death, and a little bit begins to bloom...

   From the burning body, from the virus-filled soul.

In the end, they spread in the boundless void along the endless blood-colored flames and invisible and intangible viruses, making every area within sight a magnificent blood-colored garden, making the endless [Flower of Death Calamity] ] is constantly swaying.

   "My Favorite View..."

   Gently plucked a delicate [Death Tribulation Flower] from the front and sniffed it a little.

   Olshaga's look.

   looked very happy.

   couldn't help but narrowed his eyes slightly.

   seems to be very enjoyable.

   is also at this moment.

   In the incomparably calm void around him, suddenly, at extreme speed, dozens of figures with blood-colored demonic flames and [Death Tribulation Flowers] growing all over their bodies suddenly appeared to be dying.

  The strength already has some characteristics of 【Abyss Lord】.

  Without any exception, they all attacked with all their might...

   likes the abyss demon of all worlds

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