Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1572: long-lost acquaintance

   Chapter 1572 An acquaintance who has not met for a long time

   A few days later.

   looked at the various information and reports presented by the subordinates.

  The figure is well-proportioned and strong, and every inch of his body has reached the most perfect proportion, just like the mighty man of the gods in mythology, sitting on his throne.

   There is a little hesitation in his expression:

  ‘【Miaoyin Tianzun】what do you want to do...’

   The so-called [Miaoyin Tianzun] actually refers to [婠婠], because most people don't know what her name is, and most of the guys who know her name are not familiar enough to call her by name.


   Except for those three or two guys, the other guys called her by title.

   And when [Yin Kui Sect] under her order, began to shrink all the forces under her command at any cost.

The various effects of the    situation on the [Garden of Travellers] and even the rest of the forces are unparalleled and strong.

   Some people are happy and others are worried.

  Rejoicers are those who can profit from it.

   For example, those guys who can take the opportunity to buy the [Yin Kui Sect] site at a low price seem very happy.

   was so happy that he almost took off.

   It can be said that I ate a lot~

   Those who were worried were mainly those who had conflicts with the [Yin Kui Sect] in the past.

   They suspect that [Yin Kui Sect] may have to give them a whole life to live out.

   But [Miaoyin Tianzun] has a bit of a salted fish personality, but he doesn't look like a guy who can do that kind of thing...

   In short, under various conjectures.

   It is true that the situation has changed a lot.


   also made many guys wonder if [Garden of Travelers] is going to launch a large-scale battle against external forces recently...

   At this moment, after waiting for the man to think over and over again for a long time.


   He took out a cross-time and space communication device that could directly contact another [Member], and seriously asked there:

   "Should we go to [Miaoyin]?"

   "Although I don't know what she's going to do, I don't want the interests of the entire [Traveler's Court] to be harmed."

   "After all, the interests of the [Traveler's Court] are our interests."

   As one of the [Members] with the highest status in [The Court of Travellers].

  The man felt that the situation of [Yin Kui Sect] was likely to cause unmanageable consequences.

   This is for him who regards [Garden of Travellers] as his home.

   is undoubtedly difficult to accept!

   Hearing his question, the existence opposite the communicator, after a brief thought, said:

   "Yes, yes, but there seems to be some movement in [Wan Tiancheng] recently. I need to keep an eye on him, and I can't walk away."

   "Furthermore, the relationship between you and me and [Miaoyin Tianzun] is not very good. Maybe it's better to find a middleman to ask. I don't want to start a fight without speculation..."

   After discussing for a while.


   A name is mentioned by them.

   A member of [Demon Dynasty]...

   Another few days passed.

  【婠婠】's private palace.

   With the inflow of information from the outside world.

  The huge bed, that was leaning beside Olsaka, closed his eyes and rested his eyes [婠婠], and opened his eyes calmly.


   then respectfully said to Olshaga:

   "Master, your acquaintance is here, do we want to see him?"

   between words.

   did not say which acquaintance he was.

  Because she knew very well that all the changes in the vicinity could not be hidden from Olshaga.

   That so-called acquaintance is the same.

   I'm afraid, before the other party has reached the nearby area, Orshaga already knows the situation and maybe...

   In the face of her request, Orshaga, who was sitting naked on the head of the bed, just said with a slightly happy expression:

   "It would be nice to meet you."

   "An acquaintance I haven't seen for many years is just the good food delivered to my door."

   "Even if the strength is a little weaker, that kind of commemorative meaning can completely make up for the inadequacy."

   As a 【Abyss Demon】.

  The feeling of killing an acquaintance, in Olsaka's view, is undoubtedly much more memorable and profound than killing a stranger, and you can give more points.

   The difference between the two is like the difference between a mass product and a limited product, and the cherishing can be imagined!


  Occasionally, he doesn't mind enjoying the process.

  Especially when he has the idea of ​​destroying everything in this [space-time].

   And listening to him, it was neither murderous nor malicious, at most he was talking about some interesting things, and it didn't look like he was going to do cruel things in a calm tone.

   On the other side next to Orshaga.

   [Zhu Yuyan], who also received external information, after slowly propping up her beautiful naked body, respectfully suggested:

   "If that's the case, then let that guy wait in the reception hall."

   Olshaga still had that happy expression: "Yes."

   Reception Hall.

  Because it is a place specially used to entertain guests.

   The decoration here is naturally luxurious.

   Never lose the face of 【Yin Kui Sect】in the eyes of outsiders.

   Almost every beautiful decoration you can find is presented here.

   Even the lighting objects at the top of the palace are all shrunken [yellow dwarfs], [red giants]…

  The brilliance of various colors first radiated from those stars, and then was blended into the most comfortable luster, and finally scattered in every corner of the reception hall.

   makes it a beautiful scene with thousands of rays of sunshine.

at the moment.

   In the light of soft brilliance.

   On a chair in the reception hall, a [Demon] named [Falid Koridoan] was quietly waiting for the reception with a little nervousness.

To be honest.

   specially came to ask [Miaoyin Tianzun] what he wanted to do with the current movement, such a task.

   He actually refused.

   But helpless, things cannot be controlled by the devil.


   The other party gave too much...

   Therefore, under the influence of multiple factors, he could only choose to yield.


   The most important thing is that when he wants to come, he just came to ask about the situation, and it is not a high-risk task in itself.

   In profitable situations.

   He naturally has no reason to refuse.

   And just when he thought about what to do with those benefits after he went back.

  Suddenly, his ears heard the sound of undisguised footsteps.

  ‘Triple footsteps…’

  ‘【Miaoyin Tianzun】and her maid…’

   Although he was able to say a few words to 【婠婠】.

   has also known each other for so many years.

   But the actual relationship between the two parties is still not very familiar.

   is probably... that kind of familiarity that calls someone by their first name, and the other person thinks you're a bit rash.


  [Falid] didn't dare to call [婠婠]'s name, a name that few outsiders knew.

   Not long after.

   As he imagined, 【婠婠】 appeared slowly.

   It’s just…

   Looking at the opponent who is the [Sect Master of Yin Kui Sect] and the [Zhu Yuyan] who is the [Grand Elder of Yin Kui Sect], like a maid on the left and right, she respectfully stands beside another figure as a foil.

  【Falid】's brain was still stuck in an instant.

   is a little bit unresponsive.

'Who is that? ’

   looked at the male figure with curved horns on the top of his head, vertical pupils between his brows, and a slender tail fluttering at random behind him.

   In addition to his instinctive horror and suspicion.

  The biggest feeling is…

   'Why is this guy inexplicably familiar...'

   Four hundred and sixty-five trillion years.

   has already wiped out a lot of [Falid]’s memories.

   Therefore, as an acquaintance who has not met for a long time.

   At this moment, he has already forgotten what Olshaga looks like...

   Thanks: Wu Yan's 100 book coins!



   (end of this chapter)

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