Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1573: long memory

   Chapter 1573 Long memory

   felt the inexplicable familiarity.

In the heart of   [Falid], it was as if countless ants were crawling around.

  Some cannot be themselves.


   He also racked his brains and began to think about whether he had ever seen each other.

   I want to figure out what the inexplicable familiarity in my heart is.

   And Olshaga, who was walking through the main passage, looked at the other party's completely different appearance from the past and a vague sense of doubt in his eyes.

   The corner of his mouth was involuntarily hung with a shallow smile, and he took the initiative to say hello:

   "You really changed a lot~"

   "I still clearly remember that the last time we met, you looked far less powerful than you are now."

Tall stature, tough and handsome in line with the public aesthetic appearance, dark purple long hair, majestic huge double horns like sharp blades on his head, sharp ears with tiny scales, and a suit that looks quite For the mighty heavy armor.

  I have to say, this is a pretty good appearance configuration.

If    is the least, looking at the past can make people feel that this guy is very strong.

   is far more than when we first met.

   To be more pompous!

   It's as if the whole body has been optimized many times~

  To tell the truth, seeing such a scene, even Olshaga was much more satisfied.

  Let's not say anything else.

  Who doesn’t want the food they eat to look good?


   That way you can increase your appetite.

As for what Orshaga saw through his eyes across time, the other party ran to find some [Martial Dao traversers] to learn martial arts, and ran to find some [Cultivation traversers] to learn the secrets of the magic way, although it seems There is such a sense of discord, but the other party has indeed become stronger, and the goal has been achieved, even if there is a slight discord, it will not affect the situation.

after all.

   The opponent's [Devil Bloodline] is actually a bit low in configuration, and it can only be said to be a relatively garbage plug-in.

   In general, the only thing that Olsaka couldn't understand was why the other party wanted to get an [Adam bloodline] into his body.

   Probably because the two-in-one bloodline is stronger...


   Those are still small issues.

   Even if it is a hybrid, [Falid] is actually a bit unprofessional.

Orshaga has also seen the aggregate of [Abyss Demon] + [Higher Human] + [Higher Dragon] + [Primitive Spirit] + [Space-Time Fairy] + [Primitive Dragon]… There are hundreds of millions of memories in the body. blood vessels.

   And the [Endless Beast Tide - Comoz] that I encountered before is even more specialized in this way.

   There are all kinds of messy bloodlines.

   Even if the bloodline type is made into an item list, it will be too long to even look through.

   There are not only a variety of contradictory things, but also a variety of DIY products that are independently spliced.

   In the process of fighting, he also showed Olsaka several hands.

for example:

  【Mythical Dragon】+【Higher Phoenix】+【Hundred-Armed Giant】+【Primordial God】of the essence of heaven and earth…

  Let's not say anything else.

   At least it looks cool.

   And it doesn't sound weak.


   After looking at [Falid] several times.

   Olshaga also continued:

   "Dear [Falid], I haven't seen each other for a while."

   "I'm glad you changed..."

   That familiar tone and feeling made [Falid] stunned.


  Because of this, this feeling of Olshaga also successfully stimulated the memory in [Falid]'s mind.

   Let his soul successfully find out some old memories that are too long ago, and the surface is already full of historical dust.

  In the past, the boundless land beneath our feet was still a matter of the universe and stars...


   "O... Erqiga??"

  Because the memory is too vague.

   And it’s something that I wrote down by the way when I was memorizing 【婠婠】.

  It was only after he had rationalized his thoughts that he completely thought of the other party.


   Soon, he looked at the other party who appeared again after 465 trillion years.

   In [Falid]'s mind, a lot of question marks appeared uncontrollably.

   in his past memories.

   He had long regarded Olshaga as a dead person or a dead [Demon].

   Even, he once doubted whether the other party was killed by 【婠婠】.

   He remembered how he and Olsaka would sit together from time to time to brag...

that time.

   His relationship with Olsaka is actually quite good.


   After Olsaka lost the news.

   He also asked [婠婠] about Olshaga a lot.

   But the answer given by the other party has always been that the other party has something to leave.

   Every time.

  This year it will be like that, it will be like that in 100 years, it will be like that in 10,000 years...

   Even the guys in the [Cultivation Department] didn’t stay in retreat for that long.

   And there is still some audio.

   So, over time.

   He also automatically brought in the conjecture that the other party had already died.

   But he couldn't tell exactly how he died.

   In those days, [Falid] also regarded it as something worthy of investigation...

   accompanied his slightly hesitant words.

   Olshaga's face became even more happy.

   As if happy that an acquaintance recognized him.

   "Yes, that's me."

   "I'm glad you remember me."

   Unlike the other party, during this period of time, the appearance has undergone great changes.

   Orshaga's [Humanoid Form], in fact, has not changed much since he was promoted to [Demon Lord].

  Because this insignificant amount of time and years has yet to produce any traces on him.

   Even the character is not much different from the original.

   As always, jerk.

   is very stable.

   And [Falid] also noticed this very quickly.

   The Orshaga in front of him seemed to have not changed at all compared to before.

   Even the style of the clothes on the body is maintained as before.

  465 trillion years ago...


   Even the eyes of the other party.

   That kind of thing doesn't say anything.

   However, in the deepest part, there is no doubt that the eyes of [Overbearing], [Undoubted], and [Unable to resist] are revealed.

   Nothing has changed.

   is still the kind of feeling that I am the only one in the sky and the world.

  Let [Falid] involuntarily have a very strange feeling in his heart.

  Time and years have changed me, but I can't shake the other side.

   As if... those years hadn't flown by.

   So, in a slight daze.

  [Falid] also had a slightly complicated look on his face.

   "Where, where, my dear friend, how could I forget you."

   seems to be talking to Olsaka, but also to himself.

   However, before he could finish his emotion, suddenly, he realized that his chest felt a little strange.

   was followed by the happy words of Orshaka.

   "Well said, I like a friend like you..."


  , etc. [Falid] looked down at the situation in confusion.

   All he saw was a slender tail that had penetrated his chest at some point.

   Olshaga's tail.

   in this case.

   Orshaka, [Yin Kui Sect - Sect Master], or that [Yin Kui Sect - Taishang Elder], all have expressions that seem to have seen nothing.

   in astonishment and disbelief.

   Feeling that his whole body was losing strength, and even his soul was being engulfed, while showing an unbelievable expression, he still kept an expression full of unknown at the last moment and asked, "Why..."

After    touched his chin, Olsaka replied in a natural tone:

   "Of course it's to give you an end that fits your status."

   "It's a bit of a waste to deal with you and the other guys after a while..."

   In the end, listen to these nonsense words.

  【Falid】, still died full of doubts.

   As an old acquaintance of Olsaka.

   Thanks: Bookmate 202207232221502216's 5000 starting point coins!



   (end of this chapter)

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