Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1571: Order

   Chapter 1571 Command

   is different from the modern earth where you can travel around the world in a few planes.

   In this [time and space] now.

The concept of    distance has long been stretched and extended indefinitely.

   Even the teleportation arrays and teleportation spells that can span [space] cannot travel to and from various areas in a short period of time.

Just like the so-called [curvature flight], although it is far faster than the speed of light, just within the [Traveler's Court Headquarters] with a diameter of 20 trillion light-years, that insignificant speed is not enough. How can it be enough? It takes decades, hundreds, thousands of years to move a trip...

   and expand the scope to the entire boundless cage.

The flight efficiency of   【Curvature Flight】is even more impressive.

  Even if it is a 【Longevity Seed】, it is possible that you will not be able to reach the target location until you die!


   Even with the emergency dispatch of 【婠婠】, all subordinates are ordered to use the fastest way to reach the headquarters at all costs.

   That mere three years.

   In fact, there are still not many.

   If it wasn't for the [Yin Kui Sect], there was a special communication secret technique.

   Let alone three years.

   Even if it is three hundred years.

   A lot of guys in the outside world probably haven't received the news yet.

   As for what happened?

   That is even more of a question mark.

   to this.

   It was for the sake of 【婠婠】, who gave 【Yin Kui Sect】 a way to survive, but he didn’t mind helping by the way.

for example:

   Slightly adjust his [Source of Eternal Tribulation Suffering].

   as a fixed ability that negatively affects the surrounding area.

   The effect of this ability is usually to make a stable area chaotic and disorderly, to make groups who love each other become hostile to each other, and to turn the southern sky into a **** storm...

   Nothing comes into existence, small and big…

   After a set of standard procedures, a passerby drinking a cup of plain water may cause a storm like a world war.

   But, just a little tweaking.

   For example, to tie up those [bad consequences] that will expand.


   Many things will naturally change in a positive direction.

at the moment.

  Accompanying Orshaga's will to make a decision, [婠婠]'s collective order was automatically given the highest priority on the highest [Cause and Effect Level].

   All [matters].

   Whatever it is [matter].

   will automatically give way to it.

   The [matter] that would have blocked and affected the dissemination of that order at various levels, at this moment, will only be the help for the dissemination and implementation of that order.

for example:

  It was originally on a distant battlefield, where the [Yin Kui Sect] was located. In fact, it was difficult for the personnel who received the order to execute the order under the obstruction of the enemy, and they could only watch helplessly.

   But right now.

   The decision at the highest level was made according to Orshaga's will.

   Their difficult enemies will only be quickly disrupted and even retreat at the speed of light under the influence of various factors.

  The reason may be that the senior officer was wearing a green hat and wanted to go back to take revenge, the hometown of his own forces exploded in place, and the treasure house was tragically stolen on a large scale...and so on.


Some guys who are trapped in a special area, can't find a way out, and are ready to die in place, will also find a way to escape inexplicably during this period of time, under the influence of the right place and the right place. The escape day...

   In short.

   Orshaga's will is the absolute factor in this [space-time]!

   His thoughts and decisions are 【Truth】 and 【Destiny】!

   Even if all the factors are blocking it, it will only be crushed easily!

[婠婠], who was completely unaware that Orfaga gave a little help at will, leaned in his arms at this time, and asked with a smile like Yan Yan:

   "Master, I remember that you like food very much, do you need me to ask the maids to prepare some for you?"

   "Okay, just have something to eat."

   outside the palace.

   Following the confidant maid who received the order, she began to convey the order of 【婠婠】.

   Many high-level officials of [Yin Kui Sect] have doubts in their hearts, but they dare not say anything more.

  Because in this place where strength is respected, 【婠婠】's order is undoubtedly greater than the sum of all other high-level executives.

   Only her teacher—【Zhu Yuyan】can barely interfere with one or two.

   Of course, the current [Zhu Yuyan] looked at the palace belonging to [婠婠] from a distance, and instinctively had a certain feeling in his heart.

   A familiar feeling.

   As from [Tianluo Zhenjie] and the lower level [World].

   Among the [Yin Kui Sect] at the moment, there are very few existences who have had close contact with Olsaka.

   She knew exactly what this situation represented.

   own master.

   The owner of 【Yin Kui Sect】.

   The creator of this giant cage.

That great existence with a series of titles such as [Tai Shang Yutian Xuluo Xuanmiao Cave Zhenbai Emperor], [Tai Huang Supreme Mi Luo Miaoyou Tianzun Red Emperor]... After a lapse of 465 trillion years, It finally came again.

   After instinctively bending his body in that direction, he expressed his respect from the air.

  She held the post of Supreme Elder in [Yin Kui Sect], and then she said with a serious look to the other high-level personnel beside her:

   "Go, go and fulfill the order of the sect master, the kind that will do whatever it takes!"

   "All the branch staff, no matter what they are doing, either let me die outside, or give me back to the headquarters to report as soon as possible!"

   "All travel expenses and expenses on the way are all handled by the sect..."

   Facing another order from [Zhu Yuyan].

   Other high-level personnel who were full of question marks in their minds also had a few more question marks in their minds.

   I have no idea what happened.

  'Is it possible... What kind of shocking chess is Zongmen playing? ’

  ‘Sect Master and Elder Taishang, their idleness in previous years was actually just a disguise? ? ’

   for a while.

   A variety of ideas are also constantly generated.

  Some people are excited and feel that [Yin Kui Sect] is about to rise completely.

  Some people are full of worries, thinking that things cannot be done, and the foundation of the sect cannot be lost.

   One by one, their minds are full of scripts, but they themselves can’t tell exactly what the script is.

   After seeing it, he could only silently shake his head.

Shortly after.

   More than [Yin Kui Sect] is full of question marks all over his head.

   Even many guys who didn't pay much attention to the [Yin Kui Sect], the salted fish force, were quickly influenced.

   Salted fish is salted fish.

   But thanks to the ruler of 【Yin Kui Sect】, the suzerain—【婠婠】and the Supreme Elder—【Zhu Yuyan】, the strength of both.

The sphere of influence of   【Yin Kui Sect】is not small after operating for a long time.

   It is said that it is one of the largest factions in [The Court of Travellers], and there is no problem at all.

   Therefore, 【Yin Kui Sect】's big move is naturally impossible to hide from the rest of the forces.

   Countless gazes were drawn involuntarily...

   Thanks: 1500 starting coins from the flower shop and the manager!



   (end of this chapter)

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