Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1570: Countdown to three years

   Chapter 1570 Countdown to Three Years

   After answering 【婠婠】 calmly and calmly.

   Watching each other relax.

   Olshaga's originally straight waist was slowly lowered.

  The upper body is in a posture of looking down at the front. He stretched out his palm and gently touched the face of 【婠婠】that raised his head and looked up at himself.

   felt the power contained in the opponent's flawless skin.

   Olshaga commented with satisfaction:

   "It seems that you have not neglected your practice during this time."

   "It's not in vain for me to come here specially."

   heard this.

   With his soft face, like a pet to please its owner, he rubbed the palm of Olshaga's back.

  【婠婠】The originally expressionless face also showed a smile:

   "Is it possible that you came here this time to praise me?"

these years.

  Because some guys are caught from outside by unknown forces from time to time.

   Therefore, 【婠婠】and many beings are well aware that this 【Aggregate Space-Time】, which is formed by many 【Space-Time】, although the territory is boundless, is essentially a large cage.

   A cage that was built for no apparent reason!

   Countless victims who are not aware of this situation are all instinctively disturbed, and they keep guessing what the strong men who have been arrested but have no movement after they have been arrested, want to do? Will it hurt its own life?


  Because of the many exchanges with Olsaka in the past, 【婠婠】is the most calm.


   Silently, he directly regarded himself as a jailer in a certain sense.

  I want to take good care of these restless guys for Olsaka.

at the moment.

   Facing [婠婠] who wanted to get his praise, Olshaga first smiled casually, then grabbed him casually, and pulled the other party into his arms.

   explained with a leisurely smile:


   "That's just incidental."

   "The situation here is about to usher in the next phase of change."

   "So, I'm here to take you away."

   "Of course, your subordinates can follow along if you want."

   Although it is not a deep feeling.

  But 【婠婠】is one of his personal maids anyway.

   has been loyal to himself for many years.

   As a guy with an old love.

   Olshaga naturally won't deal with it on the same basis as other guys.

   Even the opponent's subordinates, Olsaka, didn't mind giving a way out.


   More is not much, less is not much.

  Sprinkle with water~

   "The next stage?"

   Hearing the unexpected answer of Orshakana, he didn't pay attention to the fact that he was being held in his arms by the other party, but [婠婠], who captured the key information, suddenly had some conjectures in his heart...

   Some conjectures that are likely to be shocking news for the rest of the existence!

   At this time, Orshaga, who knew what the other party was thinking, did not give in.

   went on to explain very directly:

   "Yes, next stage."

   "It's like when all the ingredients in the kitchen are ready, you can start preparing for cooking."

   "Now, it's almost time for me to get rid of everything in here."

   "Whether it's those [traversers], or [reborns], [reincarnators]...or the so-called [Lord God Space], [Death Paradise]...in the near future, they will all die by my hands."

   Between Orsaga's words.

   is full of light cloudy and windy taste.

   did not show any seriousness.

   did not show even the slightest solemn expression.

   But the extremely casual tone seemed to be telling the absolute truth of the world.

Just listening to those words from the side, 【婠婠】and the maid have already followed the inexplicable connection, and through the false 【Future】, he saw endless corpses spread all over his line of sight. When I arrived at the foot of the huge land, it was smashed into endless dust, and I saw that many trans-time and space forces that were entrenched in a faraway place and whose territory spanned countless [universes], [dimensions], [dimensions]... were destroyed one by one. The slaughter is exhausted, and it is completely dying...

   Facing the sight that was flowing in his eyes.

   Subconsciously, the maid's body that was already crawling on the ground was a little lower.

   Even the brain that was thinking about it subconsciously was in extreme fear, and was instantly emptied of all thoughts, and did not dare to think about things again.

   in a trance.

   At this moment, she felt that she had already smelled a strong **** smell.

   and felt the fear of the maid.

   Also, from Orshaga's words, he smelled the smell of blood, the **** smell that couldn't be washed away with all his strength [婠婠].


   can only sigh uncontrollably.

   "...No matter where you go, you will bring corpses and **** seas and **** storms..."

   To this day, it is still unclear how strong Orshaga is.

  Although it is not clear what kind of cards are hidden in those [traversers], [rebirthers], [main **** space]...

   But she knew very well that Olshaga's power was something they could never go against.

   The strength between the two sides.

   There are fundamental faults.

   Even without reservation, side by side.

   Even if the strengths of all the strong add up to each other, they count as one.

   That is still no chance of winning.

  Because yeah…

   As a practitioner of the [Illustration of the Crimson Demon of His Transformation].

She has a hidden connection between    and Olsaka.

   I could vaguely feel how terrifying the silent power in Olshaga was.

   I just felt a little bit of a breath.

   She instinctively felt a sense of invincibility and irresistibility.

   has nothing to do with winning or losing.

   has nothing to do with determination.

   Under that absolute gap.

  She couldn't even... even the thought of resisting Orshaga could arise.

   Even after the various influences brought about by [He transforms into a free-spirited crimson demon], it is the same.

   After a moment of silence.

   Knowing that she couldn't change Olshaga's thoughts, she immediately sat in Olshaga's arms, looked at the maid who was still crawling on the ground, and commanded coldly:

   "You go down first."

   "By the way, let all the members of the branch give up the external territory through the exchange of interests, in exchange for various portable resources that are relatively easy to handle, and immediately return to the Zongmen headquarters to report..."

   Get the order.

   Originally, she was a little worried that she would be silenced after hearing information that she should not have heard. She did not dare to hesitate, and immediately replied:


  I am grateful to 【婠婠】from the bottom of my heart.

   thinks that the other party is trying to save himself.

   If not.

   In her opinion.

   Orshaga could easily kill himself who heard the secret that he shouldn't have heard.

  Of course, in fact.

   from start to finish.

   Olshaga didn't care about her at all.

   I didn't even care whether the so-called news would be leaked.

   After all, what is the difference between knowing and not knowing?

   is obvious.

no difference.

   is still a group of trash fish that can be wiped out.

   The greatest value of the opponent is to become the cornerstone of Olshaga's next move.

   "Three years, is that enough?"

   heard this.

   Knowing that Orsuga was talking about the countdown that he left for his subordinates to withdraw from the headquarters from afar, 【婠婠】 nodded meekly:

   "Enough, thank you for giving them a way out."

   "It's okay, it's only three years, it's not much different from three seconds anyway..."

   Thanks: 200 starting point coins of the space!



   (end of this chapter)

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