Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1564: [Crimson Heaven] Experience (4)

   Chapter 1564 [Crimson Heaven] Knowledge (4)

   I put the original idea of ​​going outside the city to experience it, and put it aside for the time being.

  Karlazan looked at the passers-by outside through the special screen above the seat.

   There are other thoughts constantly popping up in my mind.

   Originally, he thought that with his own strength in the [Crimson Heaven], he should be considered to be very good at it.

   But now look at passers-by outside.

   Various situations where [Lower Demons] and [Middle Demons] get together everywhere.

   There is no bottom in my heart...


   He is only one level away from the level of [Great Demon] that can wave everywhere.

   does not need to be so cautious.

   But unfortunately...due to the very different power systems.

   The promotion route he needs to face is not [Higher Demon] → [Great Demon].

   but other promotion routes.

   A route in which the strength gap between each level is not so huge, and promotion is not so life-threatening.



   In terms of his promotion route.

   He is actually five levels away from the [Great Demon Grade] on the [Bottomless Abyss] side.

   The distance is free to wave.

   Naturally, there is still a long way to go!

   is the same.

   He can be rated as a [Higher Demon] in [Bottomless Abyss], and it seems that he only needs to be upgraded twice from the level of [Abyss Lord].

   But according to the strength of his hometown, he actually needs to be promoted hundreds of times before he can reach the [Abyss Lord Level] here.

   I can only say that many things do not seem far away, but from another angle, they are very far away…

   Typical Wangshan running dead horse.

   As far as Karl Razan knew.

A lot of people don't know the real situation, so when the guys who are accustomed to leapfrog challenges in their hometown came to [Bottomless Abyss] for the first time, it was because they saw that they were only one or two levels away from the top powerhouses, and their mentality was affected. , became swollen, and then was beaten to death by a guy who was only one level stronger than himself, or even a guy of the same level as himself...

  Let's not say anything else.

   Light is the [Great Demon Grade] here.

   In the hometown of Karrazan, it can be divided into hundreds of levels.

   And the hundreds of grades, if there is a subdivision, make a beginner, intermediate, advanced, top, complete... Then it can be divided into thousands of grades all the way, which makes people look big.


   It is undoubtedly difficult to leapfrog the challenge here.

  You can never figure out your goal. That guy who seems to be only one level higher than himself, according to the algorithm of his hometown, how much higher he is...

   After a while.

   Looking at the seemingly endless buildings and passers-by, Karl Lazan realized something and turned to the leader of the United Caravan and asked:

   "How big is this city?"

   "Why do I feel like we haven't even finished a street yet?"

  It's by feel.

   He felt that the giant metal centipede under him, acting as a vehicle, should be faster than him in many cases.

And his speed can probably run around an entire star area in one breath, but until now, at least half a day has passed, and he feels that he and others have not even finished walking around a street. The street is really too big...

   Of course, the team leader's subsequent words also confirmed his findings.

   "We really haven't even pulled out a street yet."

"From my last experience, it would take us about fifteen days to get off this street, and about two hundred and forty days to get to our drop-off point... Theoretically we will be in three years. After that, you should be able to reach the [Ask Trading Field], if there are no problems on the way."

   "As for how big the city is..."

   "I don't know."

   "I only heard that the entire city itself can be regarded as a complete [different-dimensional space], an infinite and growing [different-dimensional space], controlled and adjusted by the keeper here."

   "So, after all kinds of space abilities are blocked, except for the existence of the [Great Demon Grade], there are almost no powerhouses who can traverse the entire city without the aid of a teleportation array."

   "It is precisely because of this that most of the residents born in this city have no chance to leave the city in this life..."

   heard the words.

  Karlazan smacked his tongue immediately.

   The infinite [Different Dimensional Space], as far as he knows, can be compared to the [Divine Kingdom] of some [True God].

   "Then why don't we teleport to our destination?"

   The leader of the United Caravan explained calmly:

   "It's not that I don't want to use it, but the cost is too expensive."

   "The usage fee of those teleportation arrays is at least dozens of times more expensive than our current way of traveling."

   heard here.

  Karlazan fell silent immediately.

  Although I don't know how much that is.

   But the difference of dozens of times is a big bloodletting.

   So, in no hurry.

   There is really no need to use the teleportation array.

   Just a few years.

  The members of the caravan have at least thousands of years of lifespan, which is completely affordable.

   Furthermore, let’s not say anything else.

   Hurry along the road slowly, at any rate, you can enjoy the beautiful scenery along the road and cultivate your sentiments.

   Of course, it would be better if the pedestrians on the side of the road weren’t so mad and messed around with all kinds of operations that would make people have nightmares…

   After fifteen days.

The    united caravan finally left the area of ​​the street smoothly.

   At this time, not only the surrounding architectural styles have undergone great changes.

  Some things that were originally hidden are also seen by everyone.

   That is a magnificent mountain that exists in the distance and exudes endless crimson radiance, as if it is standing in layers of blood-colored flames!

   Although I don't know how far away I am from there.

   But after seeing that mountain.

  Karlazan still felt a sense of shock and an inexplicable touch in his heart, as if he had seen some kind of unattainable miracle...

this moment.

   does not require any extra thinking.

   He immediately understood where that place was—【The Peak of Acura Kaho】!

The central place of   【Crimson Heaven】!

   is also the location of 【Crimson King】!

at the same time.

   In a trance, the moment I saw the [Peak of Acura Kaho].

   An inexplicable pressure also appeared on him.

   Although it didn't have much effect on him.

   But not necessarily for the other members of the United Caravan.

   is just a moment.

   In the face of that pressure, a large number of members immediately turned pale.

  See this situation.

The leader of the    caravan immediately reminded:

   "Those who are not strong enough, don't look directly at the [Uruse Kahuo Peak]!"

"Although this city named [Korun Vitek] has a special barrier that isolates external influences and can greatly reduce that power, if you take the initiative to look at the [Uruze Kahor's Peak], you will still be will be affected by various influences involuntarily…”

"That mountain has certain characteristics, and it will continue to exert pressure on all areas with the factor of distance. The closer the distance, the greater the pressure, and the existence of being able to approach the mountain at close range is almost all [big] Demon level]…”

   "It is said that it is a trial given by the [Crimson King] to all subordinate beings."

   "Only a guy who can pass this entry-level trial is qualified to set foot on the six [Peak Ladders] above the [Acura Kaho's Peak] and accept further trials."

   "It's not until you climb the [Peak Ladder] to the very top of the [Uruse Kahor's Peak], that the whole process is over!"

"And those who successfully climb the top can not only meet the [Crimson King], enjoy endless glory, but also realize a wish, including but not limited to gaining incomparably powerful power and becoming the most powerful among the [Great Demons]. That batch..."

   heard this.

  Karlazana's gaze towards the [Peak of Acura Kaho], in addition to the initial shock and awe, it also unconsciously became deep, full of greed and desire...

   (end of this chapter)

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