Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1563: [Crimson Heaven] Experience (3)

   Chapter 1563 [Crimson Heaven] Knowledge (3)

   was on his way to leave the [Teleportation Array Management Office].

   felt the gazes from all directions, full of scrutiny and malice, as if he was thinking about where to cut the knife.

The caravan leader who had been to [Crimson Heaven] several times seemed very calm and did not look back. He used his [Psychic Spell] to give a serious account in the [Psychic Connection Space] inside the joint caravan. road:

"On the way here, you can't show fear and fear, and you can't show any sense of cowardice, because when the other guys see that situation, there is a high probability that they will directly attack, not for anything else, just think that you are better If they do, they will do so without hesitation, and there is absolutely no need for any extra reason.”

   "Remember the words above!"

   "You can't forget even if you die!"

   "Even if you have good self-confidence and want to deliberately catch a few guys to try your hand at it, don't do that!"

   "The kind of guy who hooks a fish and then hooks himself in, everywhere."

   "The so-called showing the enemy's weakness is completely unworkable here. If you dare to show weakness, they will really dare to do it, and they will do it together!"

   "So, even if you really want to try the skills of other guys, just find a guy who doesn't look good to you and thinks you can beat it. You don't need any **** reason!"

   "Just do it!"

   "But be careful, don't break things during the fight, because you need high compensation, and don't show a tired expression after the fight, because other onlookers will think there is an opportunity to beat them on the spot..."

   between words.

   is full of life experiences.

   is all the experience accumulated by the previous caravan companions with their lives.

   and experience accumulated with life.

  Nature is also very practical.

  There are a lot of practical cases to use as support!


   is not necessarily practical for the accumulator itself.

   Because they are likely to die when they accumulate, they will not use these valuable experiences at all.

   while talking.

   After paying a large delivery fee.

  The combined caravan with nearly a thousand people also walked out of the huge [Transportation Array Management Office] in an orderly manner.

   And the first thing that caught their eyes was a giant metal centipede.

These things with a length of several thousand meters are like circling dragons. Every time they crawl and swim, they will shuttle back and forth in various dimensions, so as to avoid the barriers of various substances and energy, like a phantom. Go straight through everything that gets in your way.


  Even though he is huge.

  They will not affect the surrounding environment and passersby at all.


   The opponent's limbs as sharp as giant scimitars and the inscriptions of incantations all over the body still make people dare not ignore the danger of this thing.

   is like facing a large killing machine.

   The cold texture revealed in it made many people in the United Caravan stand upright.

   Wait for the other party to approach.

   Faced with the sense of urgency that the behemoth is constantly approaching, someone couldn't help but ask:

   "Is this some kind of weapon of war?"

   "Should we hide??"

  Even seeing that approaching giant metal centipede will go straight through various objects.

   There are still people who are instinctively afraid.

   kept making up his mind about the sight of himself being smashed into flesh.

   as if.

   Ordinary people face the mammoth that is rushing towards them.

   heard the words.

   The leading businessman, who had no expression from beginning to end, just shook his head calmly:

   "No need to hide."

   Then, he opened his hand and released a [mind fluctuation].

   is not [Offensive Psychic Wave], nor is it [Defensive Psychic Wave], but [Communication Psychic Wave].

   After he did this.

The other members of the    United Caravan immediately noticed that the giant centipede's moving route had changed significantly.

   became more and more clear, and then came towards himself and others.


   In the eyes of a pair of alert and fearful eyes.

  The giant metal centipede hovered next to the caravan.

   Then, part of the huge metal body materialized, and a metal step extended out.

   A metal stair leading through its body.

   Until this time.

The leader of the    caravan continued to explain:

   "It's not even a weapon of war, it's just some kind of vehicle here."

   Another [Soul Crystal] escaped from the space item and said:

   "Use your soul as a vehicle for fares."

   Say it.

   He looked at the other people who were full of question marks and urged:

   "Come up quickly, this thing won't wait long for passengers."

  It took a while.

   In a limb of a giant metal centipede.

   Sit in the metal carrier and get used to the situation for a while.

   After barely calming down.

   A businessman sits on his own seat that can adjust the hardness and angle of the seat, and is extremely clean and tidy.

   also sighed uncontrollably:

   "This is not very good, I thought [Crimson Heaven] was really full of blood and killing."

   "Maybe we can take a walk?"


   He saw an [Abyss Demon], who smashed a passerby with a fist for the cost of getting on the bus, and used the other party's soul as his ticket.

   As for the rest of the corpse, other passersby stuttered.

   Only the splash of fresh blood is still proving everything.

  The merchant immediately decided to change his tune:

   "Well, it's really **** and violent here."

   "I think it's better for us to go back and forth at a faster speed."


   Not long after, they also saw more local folk customs with strong tastes.

   The ticket for living people and souls in the district is really a bit off the table.

   Not even entry-level.

   For a while, many guys who were used to seeing life and death also looked a little pale.

   Just ten minutes.

   They can't even count how many homicides they've seen.

   Pile the corpses together, and you can pile them up directly into a mountain.

   However, what made them even more terrified was the attitude in the whole city that everyone could pretend that nothing happened.

   Even though there are rivers of blood, piles of corpses, and raw skinning, all passers-by are accustomed to it.

   All don't take ordinary killing as one thing.


   According to the team leader.

   is such a group of vicious guys.

  When faced with the temptation to go out of the city, one by one regards it as a high-risk activity.

   Those who dare to go out of the city are called warriors.

   Even if not to fight.

   is just to pick up dead bodies.

   So, let’s be honest.

   It is hard for them to imagine how dire the scenery outside the city will be…

   I'm afraid it's not a real purgatory, a real place of extreme misery...

   Even originally thought of going out of the city to see the world, and when he saw Karl Lazan in the so-called [Crimson Heaven Characteristic Area] known as the [simulation version of **** battle], he couldn't help but beat the drums in his heart.

   (end of this chapter)

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