Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1565: [Crimson Heaven] Experience (5)

   Chapter 1565 [Crimson Heaven] Knowledge (5)

   One day in four years.

   is on the outside of 【Ask Trading Field】.

   The United Caravan, who looked a little tired, finally arrived here slowly.

   A bit slower than the theoretical time.

When    arrived.

  The current number of people has been reduced by about one-fifth of the number at the beginning.

   Even though there are several members in the entire united caravan who can be rated as [Higher Demons].

   But in order to get here, they had to lose some personnel after all.


   in this case.

  Everyone said nothing.

  Even before they came here, they knew that the [Bottomless Abyss] was very dangerous, and the [Crimson Heaven] was even more dangerous than most of the [Abyss].

   So, killing or injuring some members is not a big deal.

   It can only be said that it was already expected.

   They have already estimated how many people will be killed or injured...

  Whoever dies is unlucky.


   Nothing to say.

   If you don't have enough ability, you can't even die.

   While walking on the hard and smooth road, looking at the huge metal signboard with a dazzling brilliance, and the phantom advertisement being projected into the sky above the [Ask Trading Field], after a brief silence.

   Facing the destination that was so close at hand, Karl Razan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

   During these four years.

   Not only others, but even he has encountered some dangers more or less.

   If it weren't for the [Higher Demon Level], it would have gold content in [Crimson Heaven].

   Perhaps, he died too.

   However, I think of some of the opponents I encountered in this city.

   In addition to his emotions, Karl Razhan was still a little excited by instinct.

   That's the feeling you only get when you meet a good opponent.

have to say.

   The opponents here, without exception, all surprised him.

  Strong aptitude, skills that have been tempered to the point that there is no superfluous skill created just to kill the enemy, as well as a variety of dazzling special abilities and special spells…

   A demon dog who was born to travel through time, a high-level human being whose talent far exceeds that of a dragon, a spirit with ten arms that can release the power of various elements...

   really brought him a lot of feelings.

   made him realize many flaws that he hadn't noticed in the past.

   Just four years.

   Basically, he has encountered a lot of all kinds of unimaginable races.

   even the so-called [God].

   He has met a lot.

   Whether on the road.

   is still in the slave trade establishment.

   That kind of situation not only broke his reverence for [God], but also made him feel more unwillingness in his heart.

   And just when he was thinking about various things, the leader of the caravan also pressed a special communicator.

   Not long.

   A group of uniformed personnel came to the entrance and exit of the trading field where people came and went.

The leader of    is a black bearded dwarf who is two meters tall.

   After seeing the caravan leader, he greeted enthusiastically in an instant:

   "Welcome, my dear old and new customers..."

   for a while.

  The leader of the caravan and the merchants also exchanged a few words with each other.


  Under the leadership of the black dwarves, the United Caravan began to enter the 【Ask Trading Field】.

   Although it is said to be a trading field.

   But strictly speaking, it is actually a large [different-dimensional space], an [affiliated different-dimensional space] embedded in the city, just like a small box that is being wrapped by a big box.

   And like this.

  It is not difficult in [Crimson Heaven] where you can create various [space-time structures] at will, you can set as many layers as you want.


   The interior of the entire trading field is actually in a state of boundless and constantly being stretched.

   Just entered here.

   All kinds of guide signs and sales staff immediately caught the eyes of 【United Caravan】.

  【Divine Creature Sales Area】, 【Space-Time Coordinate Sales Area】, 【Mortal Race Breeding and Sales Area】, 【Interplanetary Mercenary Contact Area】…

   In short, it is very dazzling,

   However, due to distance limitations, special teleportation equipment is required just to reach those areas.

   And the black dwarf walking at the forefront was leading the way.

   also did not forget his own sales performance, and continued to introduce:

"First of all, I need to introduce myself to the new friends who are here for the first time. My name is Serre. It has a certain degree of authority, so no matter what you want to buy or sell, you can tell me, I can basically find it for you, and give a good preferential price..."

   "Of course, if the stuff you need is extra hard to get, you'll need extra money..."

"In short, I believe that as long as the price is in place, there are very few things that we can't get here. After all, the owner of this trading field is the city manager who is stationed in the city, the one who ranks in the [Crimson Heaven - Commanding Class]. 【Lord Toboas】!"

  Don't ask him why he is so enthusiastic.

  Ask is a commission.

   Moreover, maintaining the position of [Level 3 Sales Supervisor] also requires performance support.

   This heavy identity is for a guy who lives in the current city and doesn't want to be killed.

   is undoubtedly important.


   When talking about [Toboos], his tone also revealed a frenzy involuntarily.

   seems to be talking about the fanatical fans of idols.

   He once felt the power of [Toboas] up close.

   That is to worship it as one's own belief goal from the heart.

   A few days later.

   in a courtyard.

   heard Karazhan's request.

   Three raised his brows slightly.

   said very directly:

   "Karlazan, going out of the city to the wild area is not a prohibited item here, or even a very encouraged move, so if you want to go out, I have nothing against it."

   "However, I believe you should know that going into the wild is a particularly dangerous move. Even if you are a [high-level demon], you are likely to die in a corner outside in an instant... So, are you sure?"

  Karlazan nodded slowly:

   "I'm pretty sure what I'm thinking."

   "My main point is that if I come back smoothly, I hope to sell what I have harvested here."

   heard this.

  Sere replied without hesitation:

   "Of course, I welcome you to sell and buy all kinds of things here. As long as there is no problem with the things, I will give a very good price."

   Another few minutes passed.

   Looking at Karl Lazan who was leaving, Sere just shook his head calmly.

   A guy like this is not willing to be weak.

   He has seen many long ago.


   Most of them are dead…

  After all, in [Crimson Heaven], the so-called determination is not really important, it is only one of the few conditions that affect whether you can survive or not, not all...

   Even if the strength is enough.

  When the luck is bad, you will still die.

   Thanks: 1500 starting coins from the flower shop and the manager!



   (end of this chapter)

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