Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1562: 【Across Time and Space Joint Caravan】

   Chapter 1562 [Across Time and Space Joint Caravan]

  【Crimson Heaven】inside.

  The city named 【Korron Vitek】.

  This is one of the countless cities in the entire [Crimson Heaven].

  It is located in [Southwest Direction - 69584754 Area].

   is usually guarded and managed by a [Commander-level Class—Fallen Omnic] affiliated with the [Corrupted Omnic Council], plus dozens of ordinary-level [Great Demon Class].


   After years of transformation, it has completely presented an obvious magic + sci-fi integrated metal style.

   Huge metal spires are scattered all over the place.

  The mysterious rune, like an activated mechanical crystal plate, flashed a brilliant green light on it.

   The translucent mesh energy network shrouds the city, isolating the city from the outside world, constantly filtering out various more dangerous related factors.

  In the network, from time to time, you can see some transparent lifeforms that are difficult to describe in detail.

   That is 【Information Lifeform】.

   They do not have a physical body, and they can wander freely in all kinds of conventional things, including the thinking of conventional living beings.

   They belong to one of the basic patrol forces under the control of the garrison. They are weak in combat, but have strong monitoring capabilities.

   As for the metal buildings of various forms on the ground, there are various forms of life forms, some are the local aborigines of the [Bottomless Abyss], and some are outsiders from other time and space.

  The only thing they have in common is that their size and energy fluctuations are restrained in a certain range by a certain force, and they will not kill a lot of passers-by casually.

   Don't get me wrong, the reason why you take care of passers-by.

   Not because of their kindness and kindness.

   Just for being fined for that.

   Small-scale killings in urban areas are not a problem. Even if you swallow people alive on the spot, no one will care, but if you destroy all kinds of facilities and equipment belonging to the city, there will definitely be no good fruit to eat!

after all.

  Passers-by are not a precious resource, they are in the [Transportation Array Management Office] that can be seen everywhere.

   Every moment, there are a large number of guys who are constantly teleporting in and out, and they will die as much as they love.


at the moment.

  In a certain [Transportation Array Management Office].

   Accompanied by another teleportation fluctuation, a tall male human with a sharp blade in his hand and wearing heavy armor walked out of the portal of the [Transportation Management Office] first.

   Behind him are dozens of adventurers who acted with him.

   This is a team.

   A team from a certain [Higher Plane].

The members of   , the weakest, are all at the level of [Elite Median Demon].

   In his hometown, he can be called a [Master Adventurer] and is respected by others.

   And the strength of the leader has reached the level of [Elite High Demon].

   is placed in some 【World View】.

   It's not a problem at all to smash a series of planets with one knife, it's as simple and casual as popping bubbles.

   And the equipment they wear are also treasures that match their identities, and there are no cheap goods.

  At least, ordinary people have little hope of touching them in their lifetime.

   The guys walking within the protection range of this fully armed adventure team are a team of joint merchants from the same [plane] and a large number of relatively weaker but more numerous guard teams.

   In short.

   This large group of guys can be classified as a group of [trans-time and space joint caravans] who intend to come here to buy various precious materials.

To know.

The various precious materials in the [Bottomless Abyss], whether it is the corpses of various [Abyss creatures] or various valuable minerals and plants, can be obtained at least dozens of times immediately after they are successfully brought back. 's earnings.

   And dozens of times the income.

   is enough for them to do things with their heads.

   Even, with luck.

   It's not impossible to get hundreds of times of returns.

   makes them even more eager to see.


   In line with the idea of ​​​​going hard and turning a bicycle into a motorcycle.

  Many merchants who are not strong enough but are not afraid of death will get together to form a joint caravan across time and space to act together.

   In that way, there are more funds to hire strong people, and various old fried dough sticks can provide valuable information.

   "This is [Crimson Heaven]?"

   This is among the many vendors.

   A question from an older male orc.

   His strength barely has the [median demon level].

   As a [Spellcaster] with a poor physique and a bit weak, he can only kill an ordinary giant dragon with one fist.

   Not only is he wearing all kinds of magical equipment all over his body, but also densely engraved spells of magic spells on his skin as a means of bottom protection.

   And when he asked his own question.

  Beside him, another vendor looked at some kind of equipment that was constantly sounding an alarm, and immediately bared his teeth slightly.

   That fiery siren only meant one thing.

   That is, there are high concentrations of [virus], [highly poisonous], [harmful energy] around it...

   Depending on the strength of the feedback.

   Ordinary creatures without the strength of [Lower Demon Level] will be decomposed into flesh and blood and even their souls in the blink of an eye after entering here.


   Even ordinary creatures of [median demon level] entered here without preparation.

   As long as there is no eligible resistance or special equipment.

   That is also a high probability of dying tragically!

   This stands for.

   If not every member of his team was prepared in advance.

  Light is the moment of entry.

   This team has to be nearly wiped out under the influence of environmental factors!

   And around him, another businessman who had been to [Crimson Heaven] more than once just shook his head calmly when he saw this, and said to the other people around him:

   "It's normal, don't worry about it."

   "The rulers here have [disease-like powers] themselves, so naturally all kinds of deadly [plagues], [virulent poisons] can be seen everywhere..."

"Although these high-risk things are not a big problem for the native [Abyss Creatures], even [Baby Demons] can coexist with them, but all kinds of different time and space creatures do not have those resistances, so there are often some unlucky ones because of preparations Insufficient and died in the [Transportation Array Management Office], and some guys brought back various high-risk plagues because they did not do their own disinfection work when they returned to the [local time and space], causing the [local time and space]. ] The occurrence of a wide-scale high-risk event…”

"Also, if you leave the safe area and go to some more dangerous places. Various more dangerous [plague], [poisonous]... will appear randomly, and it is very likely that even native creatures cannot withstand that kind of power. , and even more dangerous to alien creatures..."

   "So, if you don't want an accident, you'd better follow the big team and die here, but it's not easy to collect corpses. If you don't pay attention, you will be eaten by other guys or disassembled and sold in place..."


  The merchant took out a map and said to the captain of the adventurer team:

   "Your Excellency Kalrazan, now please take us to the [Ask Trading Field] marked on the map."

"I have a few acquaintances who have been stationed in this city for a long time. After charging a certain amount of fees, they can provide us with basic accommodation and contact various channels for us. I believe you need the materials, They should also be able to get news for you."

   As a strong man with superior strength.

The reason why the leader of the adventurer team ventured to the [Crimson Heaven], in addition to escorting the caravan to get a lot of money, the most important thing is to come here to collect some special resources and make special magic potions to help them break through the present. There are layers.


  The rest of his teammates can also follow the caravan to buy some rare resources and go back and sell them to make a lot of extra money.


   Facing the businessman’s request, he naturally agreed with a smile:

   "Then trouble your Excellency to match me up when the time comes."

"Let's go…"

   Although he is stronger than the opponent.

   But there is a specialization in the surgery industry.

   In terms of contacting sellers to collect precious materials.

  It was obvious to him that he had to rely on each other for help.

   Naturally, he will not throw a bad face on the other party.

   (end of this chapter)

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