Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1540: 【Abyss Blood Battlefield】(10)

   Chapter 1540 [Abyss Blood Battlefield] (10)

   When fighting.

The form of   【Comoz】is not a fixed matter.

   In order to meet Orshaga's attack.

   Every moment, there are countless plans in his body that are constantly changing.

   In the efficiency that reaches the limit, He constantly makes various adjustments according to the external situation.


   Every moment, his appearance may be completely different.

One second, it was a multi-armed giant made of flesh and blood, the next second it can become a golden giant snake of pure energy, and the next second it may not even have a body, and it will directly become a blurred translucent cloud. shape...

   However, the only constant is that his strength never weakened.

   Instead, it is rising continuously.

   The He in the next instant is bound to be countless times more powerful than the He in the previous instant, even if the battle between the two consumes a lot of power!


   After every attack.

   His speed and strength are constantly rising, and he is getting more and more courageous.

   Perfect adaptive evolution.

   Perfect automatic upgrade.

   There are no disadvantages.

   This is the basis for [Comoz] to easily crush the weak.

   Of course, even if he can do these two points, as his opponent, Olshaga still has an absolute advantage.

  Because Olshaga's speed is much faster than 【Comoz】!

   Even if there are countless [Bloodline Factors] in the opponent's body that are crisscrossing and undergoing infinite changes!


   By his main ability——【Eternal Transformation】.

   The opponent's progress, in essence, can also be counted as Olshaga's progress.

  Unless the opponent's own strength is stronger than Olsaka.


   No existence can become stronger than Olshaga within the coverage of the ability of [Eternal Transformation].

  【Eternal Transformation】In addition to giving Olsaka a never-ending and ever-accelerating growth rate and the characteristics of constantly optimizing itself.

The main function of    is to forcibly increase the growth and progress of the rest of the life forms on him, like copy + paste.

  It can even be achieved to forcibly interfere with the growth rate of the opponent, making the opponent in a stagnant state where no matter how hard they work and struggle, they can't make any progress!

at the moment.

   If it is said that the progress rate of Olshaga is N, the progress rate of [Comoz] is 1.

   Then when [Comoz] and Olsaka stay within a certain range.

   Relying on the effect of [Eternal Transformation], Orshaga's progress rate will automatically become N+1.

   Moreover, as long as he wants to, he can instantly turn the opponent's progress to 0, and even graft the opponent's progress onto himself, letting the other party do white work for him, just like cut + paste.


   Olshaga's ability coverage naturally cannot be only that short distance.

   The **** battle participants around him will actually be shrouded in him.


   at this moment.

   His actual rate of progress is actually N+1+?

   is precisely because of this.

   No matter how [Comoz] progresses.

   Olshaga has always been able to suppress the opponent steadily.

   And, the gap between the two sides is constantly widening.

   Just like a hard boy trying to push a car behind the back of the car, he can't surpass the guy sitting in the car.

   attracted Olsaka, while fighting fiercely with [Comoz], he also said with reverie: 'If only I could come down before...'

  Of course, I want to go back to that.

   If you really want him to do that, then you can avoid it.

   A bad luck, hit the [Abyss Prince] in the ghost place [Abyss Blood Battlefield], then it is really bad...

   When you are in the outside world.

   You can run away anyway.

   But here they bumped into each other.

   must be a proper tragedy.

   You can't even run!

   Furthermore, each [Abyss Lord] must have a series of special abilities.

   Orshaga is not sure if he has the ability to be more disgusting than him.


  Although the growth rate is a little slower in the outside world.

   is better than security and stability.

   Let him waver.


   In order to find out how much of a threat [Comoz] poses to me, I avoided pulling on some tricky guys.

   Before agreeing to the transaction, Olsaka also repeatedly investigated the other party for many years.

at the moment.

   Although he felt that the speed of his own progress was very good after he nestled the opponent.

   But just to be on the safe side.

   After getting used to the situation for a while.

   After all, he didn't have any idea of ​​continuing to drag on and splurge on wool.

after all.

   Staying in [Abyss Blood Battlefield] for too long is really not very safe, and [Abyss Lord] can blur the characteristics of [possible] and [impossible], which is also a problem!

   Solving the problem as early as possible is the first priority!


   Terminates the progress of [Comoz] through his [Eternal Transformation], and makes the opponent's strength increase forcibly stop.

   Olshaga's offensive also became more and more ferocious.

Taking advantage of the time when the other party couldn't react, he immediately stabbed the tail behind him into the head of [Comoz], which is now somewhat similar to the head of a centipede, and poured a lot of blood into it, attracting the other party's head. The body exploded in an instant.

   And the next moment.

  Those fragments that have just broken apart have evolved a large number of [Comozs] with different shapes from different fragments as independent units.

   There are green dragons with strange gems on their wings, black eagles with multiple heads, and giant crabs piled up with human heads...

   The energy intensity of each of them is the same as before.

   It is as if the act of separating himself from his previous death will not affect the individual strength of [Comoz] at all.


   The expressions on their faces have become extraordinarily serious.

  There is no other reason.

  【Comoz】Although I don’t understand what Olsaka did.

   But he clearly felt the fact that his own progress was being stopped.

   This is far more serious than being killed a few times!

   Continue like this.

   The [time scale] that he can stretch is bound to be thrown far away by the opponent, and eventually he can't keep up with the opponent's rhythm at all, and he can only be forced to be beaten.

   And once the other party affects his [Independent Timeline]...

   At that time, I am afraid that I will be beaten to death here by the other party...


   Without any hesitation, various special abilities were released one by one [Comoz].

   Intends to forcibly neutralize Orshagana's unknown ability that is interfering with her own progress!

at the same time.

   in more distant areas.

   A lot of guys who have been affected by [Comoz] before, their bodies and souls are also changing silently.

   began to be forcibly transformed into the [Clone] of [Comoz] at a very fast speed.

   and fled in all directions.

  Once there is a big problem with his body.


  【Comoz】will dodge its tail to survive.

   A chance to escape by discarding a power.

As a real [Abyss Lord], even if [Abyss Blood Battlefield] greatly weakened his [Immortality], his life is still extraordinarily hard, throwing [Clone] and [Projection], forcibly giving the rest of his life The ability to infect the body into [self], no matter how weakened it is, still retains part of the effect.

can only say.

   After successfully pulling [Abyss Lord] into [Abyss Blood Battlefield], it just made it relatively easy to kill.

   is relative.

   is not absolute!

  The guys who run fast are still very good at running.

   Those who can keep resurrecting can still refresh themselves with resurrection coins in real time.

   Thanks: 5000 starting coins for killvxk!



   (end of this chapter)

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