Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1539: 【Abyss Blood Battlefield】(9)

   Chapter 1539 [Abyssal Blood Battlefield] (9)

  【Bottomless Abyss——22749757454 Layer——Witch and Gu Beast Nest].

   This is the territory of the guy who is fighting with Orshaga.

   is like 【Crimson Heaven】.

   That is also a place that worships extreme killing and fighting.


  Compared to [Crimson Heaven], which is open to anyone who can come, the style there is relatively exclusive.

   There is no business connecting single-cut people.

   Among them, some are just countless kinds of [Gu Beasts], slaughtering fiercely on the land full of poison.

   Inside this abyss.

   All the [Gu Beasts] came from the [Gu Beast Breeding Pools] deep in the earth and in the sky.

   Every moment.

Those [Gu Beast Breeding Pools] will randomly select some from the [Beasts], [Divine Beasts], [Monsters]... According to the type that fits, repeat [decomposition], [combination], [enhancement], and [creation] to create [Gu beasts] with various abilities and potentials, and finally use those just created [Gu] Beasts] are put into various areas in the [Abyss Layer], and they are allowed to fight and grow wantonly in it.

  In the life cycle of each [Gu Beast], every killing they make is part of eating and optimization.

  The winner will absorb new strength and various advantages from the loser, continuously strengthen themselves, and build their own power system.

   That kind of situation is like a huge puzzle with pieces constantly spliced ​​together. No one knows what the puzzles will be like over time.

en route.

   As they continue to grow.

   Their [Blood Factors] will also be continuously recorded and collected, becoming a new type of available resource that is aggregated.

   And when any [Gu Beast] is successfully promoted to [Great Demon Level].

   As the successful ones, they will be granted special privileges by the [Gu Beast Breeding Pool].

   becomes a common whole.

   As long as any of the [Gu Beast Breeding Ponds] remain, they will not die and can be resurrected at any time.


   automatically becomes the supreme ruler of the [Abyss], the [Clone] and [Messenger] of the [Endless Beast Tide - Comoz], spreading fear and killing for him!


   In general, the somewhat exclusive place of [Witch and Gu Beast Nest] can actually be regarded as an arsenal for personal use.

   All the soldiers, those [Gu Beasts], are part of [Comos].

   The fighting and evolution in it can be seen as his automatic reinforcement process for himself.


   He must also have all the [Sacred Beasts], [Warcraft], [Monsters] that he has collected... and even the [Ability] and [Characteristics] of all types of [Gu Beasts] he has created.

   at this moment.

  [Dragon], [Phoenix], [Scorpio], [Beamon]...

   in Orsaga's observations.

   All the breaths are in the body of [Comoz], coexisting in an extremely harmonious and even complementary way, to the point where 1+1 is far greater than 2, even those auras that are essentially contrary to each other!


   With the strength of [Abyss Lord], even if the origins of those special abilities are different, they will still be endlessly elevated in terms of [magnitude] and [strength]!

   Makes various [special abilities] even if they are calculated separately, when they are on [Comoz], they will still perform far better than when they are on the original owner, countless times!

  Make 【Comoz】can do various things easily.


at the moment.

   As 【Comoz】 caught up with the speed of Olshaga, his body was swung along with that punch.

   The adjustment starts automatically.

   The appearance of countless mouths and scales constantly swimming on the surface of his body.

   symbolizes that there are endless [blood factors] in his body, which are automatically reorganizing.

   is based on the nature of the power he feels from Olshaga.

  Those [Bloodline Factors] are like countless words and problem-solving methods.

   continuously screened out the most suitable type to deal with the current situation.


All the [Bloodline Factors] began to be under the will of [Abyss Lord], like a part of a huge puzzle, complementing each other to convey their own advantages, in the stretched [Independent Timeline], Yu Under the basic principle of survival of the fittest, [splicing], [inspection], [strengthening]...


   is almost impossible to capture the moment.

The external form of   【Comoz】has undergone tremendous changes.

   When his fist and Olshaga's fist are officially connected.

   Originally his upper body resembled a werewolf in armor, and his lower body resembled a giant scorpion.

   directly turned into a strange human-shaped existence with hundreds of mouths on its face, thousands of arms on its body, and countless eyes dripping with crimson magma...


   is the head-to-head fight of both fists!

   In that speed beyond words.

  The two sides can easily smash the boundless time and space, and the fists that slaughter infinite creatures, in the continuously elongated [time scale], instantly complete hundreds of millions of confrontations! !

   Fast speed.

   Even the huge shock wave caused by the two seemed to be stuck and was forcibly restrained for a while.

   Until the waves that seem to be stacked up to the limit can no longer be held back.

   That extremely violent impact erupted right after! !

   With sight, with perception, with time, with matter, with energy...with all conceivable media as the basis for diffusion.

   That shock wave exploded directly at the point where the two fists collided.

   This area belonging to the [Abyss Blood Battlefield] was destroyed in an instant!

   All direct contacts,

   All but the two perpetrators died or disappeared instantly without exception.

   Even the tiniest [elementary particles] are gone!

   As if all existence was directly erased! !

   Even the earth made of corpses was hard, and under the back and forth of the violent shock wave, a huge void of unknown depth and width was formed.

   That is a void that can even swallow [Spacetime].

  Because, all the [concepts] in it have been destroyed...

   The guys who sensed and observed this battle from a distance.

   was also hit indiscriminately at that same moment.

   As long as it is a sensory person.

   Whether you see with your eyes, hear with your hearing, or detect movement with a detection device.

   All are treated equally!

   So, even in areas that are extremely far away from the battle site.

   Countless unlucky guys are still dying and hurting nonstop.

  Let the crimson red light and shock bloom wildly everywhere!

   Thanks: 500 starting coins for Zhao Ritian, who is madly dragging the sky! 2000 starting coins for the abyss water ghost!



   (end of this chapter)

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