Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1541: [Abyss Blood Battlefield] (11)

   Chapter 1541 [Abyss Blood Battlefield] (11)

   He looked at the 【Comozs】in front of him who had increased in number.

   The expression on Olsaka's face didn't change.


   He still had some spare time to sense the situation in the distance secretly.

With the main ability of [The Source of Eternal Suffering], he could clearly feel that in the distance, there are a large number of [clones] drifting away, and those [clones] are still running while running. Self-splitting and infecting other living beings.

   Therefore, every moment, the number of opponents is multiplying in an unlimited leap.

   Once you really let any of the [Clone] escape smoothly.

   Then, even if Orshaga kills more [Comozs], it doesn't make any sense.

after all.

   With the derivative effect of the basic characteristic of 【Infinite Energy】.

   Unless it is a complete demise.

  Otherwise, no matter how many times you die, it’s just a matter of sprinkling water on [Comoz], it has no essential impact, at best it’s just a matter of closing and opening your eyes.


   perceives the opponent's actions.

   As the enemy, Orshaga didn't feel any tension at all, and looked like he let the opponent run away.

The reason    is simple.

   As the [Demon Lord] among the [Abyss Lords], since he would choose to drag the opponent down for a passionate one-on-one duel, he naturally has long considered the [possibility] that the opponent will run away and fight while running.

   I also had various preparations and plans in advance.

   For example, the [Source of Eternal Suffering] that he is using now is one of them.

   Since this ability can forcibly guide things in the worst direction, all kinds of positive developments turn into negative ones.

   Naturally, you can also forcibly restrain various [possible]!


With the [Comozs] in front of him and his own body as the goal, Olshaga forcibly used the [Source of Eternal Suffering] to create a kind of invisible, usually useless, but wandering around every corner, Something that restricts certain matters like a net of heaven and earth—[Anchor of Possibility]!

   That thing does not have any independent offensiveness, nor does it have any special buffs. The only main function is to anchor a part of the [possibility] of both the enemy and the enemy in advance.

   Right now, the [possibility] it anchors is the [possibility] of the opponent's successful escape!

   Therefore, before destroying Orshaga's [Anchor of Possibility].

   No matter how hard the other party is.

   is absolutely impossible to escape from the specific area around Olshaga.

   And the method of destroying that [Anchor of Possibility] is also very simple and crude.

   Defeat Olshaga.

   Or, force him to remove the ability.

   Or forcibly activate the [Abyss Lord] that blurs the [possible] and [impossible] characteristics, negating the authority of Olshaga's ability effect.

   In other words, negate the four words [Absolutely impossible] in the above sentence [It is absolutely impossible to escape from the specific area around Orshaga]!


   These solutions, although there seem to be three different options.

   But in reality, they are all just one and the same option.

   Because no matter what you choose, you have to touch Orshaka!


   Orshaga actually used the main ability of [Eternal Tribulation of Suffering] in order to limit the action range of [Comoz].

   He actually used all of his main abilities unceremoniously.

  【Unique Dominator】This ability is constantly denying other unanchored 【possibility】.

[Eternal Transformation] This ability gives [Anchor of Possibility] more growth, it will continue to enhance its effect over time, and it can also automatically adapt to various forced removal methods to automatically make up for its own deficiencies. place.

  【False Calamity】This ability is constantly burning everything that intends to touch 【Anchor of Possibility】.

The ability of   【Infernal Plague】 allows 【Anchor of Possibility】to forcibly interfere with the abilities of 【Comoz】that may affect it.

[Seven Emotions and Six Desires] This ability is continuing to influence [Comos]'s thoughts, emotions, and judgment along the [Possibility Anchor], intending to add some brain damage BUFF to the other party, and the more intense the other party's emotions and thoughts are. , the more it will feed back the [Anchor of Possibility].

   Each of Orshaga's main abilities complements and reinforces the other.

   allowed Orshaga to control the battle situation perfectly.

   And the [Clone] of [Comoz] escaped for a while.

   also reacted quickly and noticed something was wrong.

   His [Clone], no matter how to escape or hide, can only be limited to a certain range.

   Once you go beyond the scope, you will immediately encounter various problems.

   As if someone had planned the available area in advance.

   Therefore, after a while, He also had a decision in his heart.

   took back most of the [Clone].

  Leaving only a few [Clones] just in case.

   At the same time, in the fight with Olsaka.

   His attacks are also getting more and more crazy.

He looks like a huge blue spider, and his body is covered with endless toxins and cold air. He just let out a breath at will, and freezes the [time flow] in the surrounding area, allowing the [elementary particles] to be included. All things come to an abrupt end.

   makes all kinds of things, including [time] and [space], become a block of static walls.

   was blocked between him and Olsaka.

   Of course, this situation did not have much effect on Olshaga.

  As a 【Flaming Demon】, the **** fire on his body is the hottest furnace!

   Just a little heat radiated can burn through visible and invisible things.

   Even the solidified [Time Stream] is just a layer of ice that can barely slow down his movement.

   However, this is what [Comoz] needs.

   Near that big spider, there are some other forms of 【Comoz】 doing similar things.

   is not to hurt Olshaga.

   is not to trap him either.

   is simply trying to delay the time through various attacks.

   in that farther area.

   Several other [Comozs] are preparing the rest.

  Some even 【Abyss Lord】 need time to prepare, not something that can be created instantly.

[Comoz] who became a [Dragon] composed of flames, [Comoz] who became a [Bloody] burning with flames on his body, and [Comoz] who became a strange square high-temperature star. …

   and [Comoz], which turned into a vague and indescribable cloud.

   Thanks: 1500 starting point coins that are extremely difficult to fight with the sky!



   (end of this chapter)

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