Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1432: 【Ellis】

   Chapter 1432 [Ellios]

   Looking at the barrier that tore the [Time Variation Authority], revealing a part of his figure in front of him, looking like a blurry abstract image of [Ellios].

  【Loki】's face.

   showed an interesting look.

   "What a nice toy..."

   "I can feel that there is a lot of energy in it."

   "Is this your support?"

   "I think... According to the memory I read, it should be called [Ellios]?"

   "A [monster] that devoured countless [me]?"

   may be thinking of the weakness and death of the other [Loki].

   He also hung up a smile.

   a contemptuous smile.

   is like witnessing an ugly bug, that tiny death.

   No anger or embarrassment whatsoever.

  【Kang】corrected with a very calm intention:

   "Not just those weak [Loki], you will be devoured by it too!"

   The words were filled with undisguised killing intent.

   In the next moment, following his thoughts, a part of [Ellios]'s huge body immediately turned into tentacles and waved towards [Loki]!

   Once its body touches it.

  Then the next moment.

  【Loki】will be torn apart by the endless 【Time and Space Turbulence】or exiled to the far side of 【Time】!

   Also, due to the [Barrier Time] characteristic of [Ellios].

   is accompanied by its official appearance.

The [space-time] surrounding    has also undergone serious changes.

   All [time-related abilities] and [space-related abilities] will be bound!

   In other words.

   at this moment.

   In addition to relying on physical techniques to dodge.

  【Rocky】The only way to deal with it is to take it hard!

   At least, in [Kang]'s view, there is nothing wrong with this.

   However, in this critical situation, [Loki] just shook his head calmly, and sighed contemptuously:

   "What a foolish mortal."

   "Why use your own eyes to measure [God]?"

   "Damn it, it should be you..."

   "Alright...let's take a look at my weapon...Although it hasn't been fully domesticated, it can still be used..."

   Say it.

   in a wicked smile.

   wisps of black air, like ink, slowly emerged from the surface of [Rocky].

   makes him weird but intimidating.

   is also at this time.

   The [Ellios], who was waving his tentacles, stopped abruptly.

   as if the pause button was pressed.

   In order to communicate with him, he can manipulate his existence.

  【Kang】's eyes slowly opened involuntarily.


   That is fear!

   He felt a deep-rooted fear from 【Ellios】, a savage 【Monster】 who had no reason or emotion in essence!

   as a creature.

  The current [Ellios], through the black energy of [Loki], has already sensed the real threat of death...

   The sharp blade in the opponent's hand seemed to be some kind of evil omen that devoured everything.

   Even 【Ellios】 has never felt a similar power.

   That is as terrifying as malicious malice from another [time and space]...

   However, as their opponent, [Loki] ignored the reactions of [Kang] and [Ellios].

   Along with raising his left hand.

  The black energy like ink immediately gathered towards his combined fingertips.

   Then, a black unstable sword-like object appeared there.

   It swayed in the wind, although it was like a fog.

   has never dissipated.

   Followed by a faint whistling sound.

   As if there were billions of insects chirping and flapping their wings at the same time.

   makes people feel the scalp tingling subconsciously.

   made [Kang] unconsciously take a step back.

  I want to completely enter the sheltered area of ​​【Ellios】, that is, within the absolute safety area.


  By the way, he also did not forget to put some harsh words.

   However, the words have not yet been spoken.

   He, who had just stepped back half a step, was given a sharp sword head by the [Loki] who appeared in front of him at some point.

   Not even the slightest reaction time.

  Everything is as simple as crushing a little ant.

   And the [Elios], who had a spiritual connection with [Kang], sensed the death of the other party.

   also felt a sharp pain that touched the depths of his soul.

   makes him want to go crazy.

  In that huge mouth, with the appearance of the deafening roar, there is an unparalleled purple brilliance, which is blooming.

   looks as beautiful as thousands of stars twinkling at the same time.

   The huge impact has not yet been revealed, and the invisible pressure caused the entire building complex of the [Time Variation Administration] to shake violently.

   even made the surrounding [time] seriously distorted.

   In the movement of the ground shaking.

   as an existence watching such a scene.

  【Rocky】's face, some are just happy and casual.

   Still no tension.

  I saw that, raising the sharp blade in his hand with one hand, he pronounced the judgment loudly:

   "Submit to the mighty power of [Black Death Sword]..."

   "Your power will make my authority go further..."

   Hundreds of millions of pure black lightning.

   Immediately starting from [Black Death Sword], it kept splitting apart.

Everything around   , under that power, was indiscriminately infected.

   Faces emerged one after another from buildings, corpses, and black air.

   That is a [symbiote] who was just born, and is the same family of [Venom]...

   Even the monster that was formed by the chaotic 【Power of Time】—【Ellios】, was covered by the black lightning, and screamed one after another.

  The beam of light in his mouth spit freely.

   However, he was unable to hit the [Loki] holding the [Black Death Sword].

  In the end, with the high jump of 【Rocky】.

Just like a hero who tried to slay a dragon in the legend, he held up the [Black Death Sword] in his hand and stabbed straight at the head of [Ellios], letting the blade of the [Black Death Sword] pierce through. The opponent's head!

  The strong light and unparalleled impact are also intensified because of this...

   However, under the cover of that movement.

  The huge Kuroshio, like a color that cannot be faded, dyed [Ellios] black little by little.

   even made the already crumbling [Time Mutation Administration] almost completely destroyed.

   also made that deafening scream, along with the flow of [time], to be conveyed to further distances.

   makes a seemingly endless black light.

   is attached to the [timeline] that is splitting...

   And the [Void], which is a land of exile, has also become dark.

   One of the lingering names is [Loki].

   is like the ants who have been kicked in the ant nest.

   buried his head and ran around, but he was uneasy...

   (end of this chapter)

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