Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1431: 【Kang】

   Chapter 1431 [Kang]

   Screams and screams.

   is coming and going.

   did not use any powerful spells.

   Not using any complicated ultimate move.

   The [Loki] who entered the [Time Variation Authority] was simply using a simple [Psychic Power].

   That power ripped apart the bodies of one [Time Guardian] at will.

   The weapons they carry are also good.

  【Time Variation Authority】it's own special effect that suppresses 【Supernatural Power】.

   at this moment.

   It's all **** like a joke.

   Although it really weakens [Loki] a little bit.


  It’s really just a little bit…

   One thousandth?

   One in ten thousand?

   Anyway [Rocky] doesn't bother to care...

[Space Teleportation] of inter-dimensional levels, [Strong physique] that can easily resist stellar explosions, [Molecular-level substances] combined at will, [Psychic power] powerful enough to distort the thoughts of the gods, Melee ability that can compete with the most powerful warriors, able to Known as the number one in the Nine Realms, the accumulation of spells of the [Supreme Mage] who easily crushed his [world]... and most importantly, the vicious scheming and wisdom...

   This is 【Rocky】.

   In other words, this name comes from [Loki] from a certain [Comic Marvel World].

   His power is real.

In his [world], he can wrestle with [Thor], he can compete with [Dark Dimensional Lord - Dormammu] in mana, he once calculated [Planet Devourer], and it is easier to hang I have been to [Supreme Mage] and also had conflicts with [Tianjin Group]...

   Even, there are so many talented people that spit on the street can hit the earth of a certain superpower, and almost destroy the earth several times...

   So, this is without a doubt the 【Super Villain】!

   With a single thought, he can tear the current [Taoist] of the [universe], together with his fleet, into powder.

   Difficulty is not much harder than pinching an ant to death…

at the moment.

   Fixed the special effect of [Time Variation Authority].

  No bells and whistles.

   He just had a thought.

   Those who tried to resist turned into **** minced meat.

   Amidst the blood and screams, his handsome face and tall body seemed to be a **** from hell.

   Over time, under the guidance of that great fear and mind.

   One after another of the [Time Guardians], trembling, in fear, they chose to crawl to the icy ground.

   seeks a chance to live with the most humble attitude.

   and face those who are struggling to survive.

   may be because of other ideas.

  【Rocky】After giving them a light glance, he did not choose to kill them.

   just stepped on the **** water on the ground calmly and moved forward step by step.


   After another scream.

  【Miss Time】is torn.

   The judge named [Raphna] was also killed.

  Simple, like blowing off a little dust.

   Even, [Rocky] didn't even bother to blink.

   Next, it was made of a special alloy.

The huge metal door with    hardness much harder than [Edelman Alloy] was torn apart by [Rocky]'s trillion-ton-level [Psychic Power] like it was made of paper.

  In an empty room.

   The tall figure known as the [Time Guardian] also appeared in his eyes.


   Just for a moment, with [Psychic Ability], [Loki] could tell that it was just a few robots.

   Immediately, a disdainful smile appeared on his face.

   "What a boring trick and a boring scam..."

   Next second.

   All the [Time Guardians] were completely distorted as if they were thrown into the black hole.

   became a pile of non-recyclable metal waste.

   The various weapons carried in it were completely reimbursed without even playing time.

   Then, under the mana of [Loki].

   Layer after layer of protection was forcibly opened.

  A brand new room, a covered room, appeared in his eyes.

   Among them, the figure with an ugly expression naturally caught his eye.

  【Rocky】with a smile on his face, he said with a certain tone:

   "It's you, right?"

   "The behind-the-scenes ruler of this [Time Mutation Administration]?"

   "From the memory I read not long ago..."


   "I should call you that..."

   After that, he whispered to himself with a little doubt: "How can [Kang] of this [world] be a black..."

   in his [world].

   He had dealt with [Kang] there.

   A guy from the future.

   In short, that's a guy who dresses a little strangely and looks a little strange.

   However, it’s okay not to be black.

  Therefore, looking at this other version of the acquaintance in front of him, [Loki] felt a somewhat strange feeling in his heart.

   In the face of [Loki]'s question, the entire [Time Variation Administration] was slaughtered, and [Kang], whose cronies were almost killed and injured, had no idea of ​​answering the question.

   Right now, there is only anger in his heart!

   Huge rage!

   Although he didn't know the origin of the [Loki] in front of him.

  Why is it so powerful?

   But he knew one thing very well.

   That is, he wants to kill the other party, kill the guy who disrupted all his plans! !

next moment.

   accompanied his anger.

  A huge power instantly appeared inside the [Time Variation Authority].

   That is a [Monster] named [Ellios]!

   It has no flesh in the conventional sense.

   There is no conventional sense of reason.

   It is a group of [Monsters] made up of irregular [Time Force].

   A [Monster] that surpassed [Time Bound]!

   Mere existence can disrupt [time] and [dimension].

  When it follows the [timeline] and reaches any corner of [past], [present], and [future].

   The power it carries can spontaneously become a kind of [time barrier].

   Defend all beings capable of [traversing time] on the outside.

   Make that time undisturbed!

   And when it launches an attack, the power it represents—[time] will also become a weapon capable of erasing everything.


   Even [God] cannot be exempted!

   Even [Universe] may be destroyed by this!

   is also in control of this terrifying [Monster].

  [Time Variation Administration] will only be established in the hands of [Kang], becoming a behemoth that no one dares to provoke!

   (end of this chapter)

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