Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1433: 【Black Death Sword】

   Chapter 1433 [Black Death Sword]

I do not know how long it has been.

   On the huge ruins of the [Time Mutation Administration].

   Looking at [Ellis], who had been completely corrupted by the power of [Black Death Sword], his body became even more bizarre.

   Feel the emotion of the other party when facing him, that is not much more cruel than the domestic pet dog.

  【Rocky】, nodded with satisfaction.

   But soon, he felt the hunger and thirst conveyed by the [Black Death Sword] in his hand.

   The joy on his face.

   also faded a lot.

   There is a sense of vigilance rising rapidly in my heart.


   Not long after, the [Black Death Sword], which was still showing its power just now, was mercilessly put away by him.

   As the owner of [Black Death Sword] at this time.

   He knew very well that this was an extremely ominous weapon, it was said to be a weapon, but the [Black Death Sword] was not a simple dead thing, but some kind of complex half-life.

   Even the [Symbiote], a parasitic group that is attached to other life forms, is based on the [Black Death Sword], and it reproduces and creates things.

   And the creator of [Black Death Sword] is a powerful ancient evil god, [God of Symbiosis - Gnar]!

   An existence that was born in the initial darkness and silence of [Universe], once set off [Universe War Chaos], killed a large number of living beings, and even killed members of [Tenjin Group] head-on!

   However, in any case, 【Black Death Sword】is a special weapon.

   A [God of Symbiote] specially created to kill [Tenjin Group] [God-Slaughter Weapon].

   In addition to its great power, it showed two conspicuous features in the hands of [God of Symbiotes - Gnar] and in the hands of the subsequent user [God Slayer - Geer].

  Powerful & Infectious…

   Even the user of this weapon may be bewitched by it!


Originally, according to [Loki]'s original plan, in order to fight against his brother, [Thor], who had become [God King], he also needed to strengthen and transform [Black Death Sword] twice. Fan, Fang can make it completely his own power, so that he has the confidence to confront the [Thor] who has the [Power of the God King] head-on!

   However, not long after the [Black Death Sword] arrived, [Loki] had not yet started to implement his plan.

   He fell into this strange yet familiar 【Universe】 due to the mistake of 【Teleportation Spell】.

   Therefore, the current [Black Death Sword] is still a high-risk toy with major flaws to him...

  Although it is not impossible to use, it is better to use as little as possible…

   It still needs to be processed again before it can be used normally.

   This is also a bit cumbersome for [Loki] who is a [Great Mage]...

   at this moment.

   He put away the [Black Death Sword], and through his spiritual power, he sensed the dead and leftover seeds of the [Time Mutation Administration] in twos and threes under the huge ruin in front of him.

   I also have some ideas in my heart...

  I saw that when he lifted it with one hand, the building fragments were removed in an orderly manner.

   An employee who was lucky enough to survive was also thrown out by him, piled up like garbage.

   Then, he made a random stroke of the wand in his other hand.

   As if a film was cut, the portal connected to [Void] was opened by him.

   In the screams, one after another [Loki] dressed in different clothes was pulled over by him.

At last.

   He stepped on the ruins, stepped on the headless corpse of [Kang], opened his hands, and said arrogantly:

   "Now, I declare that from now on, I am the boss!"

   "Is there anyone who disagrees??"

   Among them, the survivors of the [Time Variation Administration] all chose to remain silent after looking around.

   did not dare to say anything at all.

   And those [Loki] who were just fished out of the [Nothing] where the [Time Criminal] was imprisoned by the [Time Mutation Authority] seemed a little confused and didn't understand the situation at all.

   Of course, because of the guy in front of him, that iconic outfit.

   They still recognized the fact that the other was their own at a glance.

  After all, that dress looks like a [Rocky]…

   However, behind the other party, there was no movement, and the appearance was very strange. It was pitch black and it looked a bit like something from [Ellios], which made them a little difficult to understand...

   Finally, after a moment of silence.

A [Rocky] in a suit and leather shoes first used hairspray to fix his hair, then stood up and said: "As the king of [Rocky], first of all, I have to thank you for rescuing us. , but on the question of who will be the boss, I think we may be able to discuss it again..."

   politely waited for him to finish.

  [Comic version of Loki] also responded with a polite smile: "It makes sense."

   Then, he took a little space with his fingers.

   Dark green mana rays, lasing out!

  【King Loki】's body instantly swelled like a balloon.


   After a clear explosion.

  【King Loki】's body is like a piece of rags.

   In the scene like a goddess scattered flowers, many areas of the scene are sprinkled.

   Those minced meat and organs, while dyeing many people bloody, also made their restless hearts calm and calm, like hot steel that was rapidly cooled.

   "Now, is there anyone else who would like to discuss it?"

"No no…"

   "How dare you..."

   "Here, you are the only sun..."

   "I don't worry about your work..."

   That's it, after a brief discussion.

   In the extremely high efficiency, [Loki in the comic version] also stepped on the corpse of [Kang] and completed the sorting out of his old part.

   Moreover, on the ruins, buildings were rebuilt one after another.

   A brand new and even stranger [Time Variation Administration] will be born on this basis.

   A [Time Variation Administration] with [Loki] as the core…

  Think about it, the world will definitely become extremely peaceful because of this.


   is like [Comic Loki] messing into [the film and television version of Marvel World].

   With the change of 【Space-Time Structure】.

   More strange things are happening.

   Holding the [Black Death Sword], one sword and one planet, the [Rocky] who doesn't even need a breath of air.

   Among the many changes, it can only be regarded as a small problem.

   Trivial little issue.

   The kind of small problems that the big guys don't bother to care about...

  [Film Version] and [Comic Version], [DC World] and [Marvel World], all things are like a lump of paste, and are undergoing complex changes based on [Crimson Dimension]...

   Thanks: 100 starting coins for Little Monster z!



   (end of this chapter)

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