Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1430: 【Rocky】

   Chapter 1430 [Rocky]

   is well known.

  The physique of people is different.

   I am born to be useful.

  Some people are waste wood, which can glow and heat after being burned.

  Someone is a genius and can have everything.


   Even though they are both [Loki] and the second prince who is also [Asgard], he also calls himself the [Number One Mage of the Nine Realms].

   But there is still an unimaginable gap between the ox and the horse, and the fundamental gap in the level...

at the moment.

   on a desolate planet.

   The [Loki] standing in front of [Detective Mobius] is different from the [Loki] that [Detective Mobius] has known in the past...

   As a [Loki] who was able to cross the [World Barrier] by himself and successfully reach here.

   Or, it should be said, from another [Marvel World], commonly known as the [Time and Space] of the [Comic Version of the Marvel World], the [Loki] of the [Film and Television Version of the Marvel World].

   The power he possesses.

   That is unimaginable by ordinary people...

   There is a fatal gap between the version and the [Movie version of Loki] at the level of cattle and horses...

   In the face of those 【Time Guards】 who want to come and torture yourself with special equipment.

  【Rocky】The iconic fake smile on his face disappeared instantly.

   looks sinister and annoyed.

   There is no more restraint as a god.

   "...Mortals, I have to say, your rudeness and ignorance make me a little bit angry."

   "As the existence of the Nine Realms."

   "Even the old-fashioned [Elders of the Universe] wouldn't dare to be so rude to me..."

   However, those [Time Guards] did not take his words to heart at all.

   When they want to come, with the various cutting-edge equipment they carry with them, the effect of forcibly interfering with various extraordinary powers.

   A mere [Loki] who can only use two-handed illusions, what can he do?

  As a melee mage, are you trying to stab yourself in the waist?

   Just think about it.

   They just wanted to laugh out loud.

   and looked at the other person's face with disdain.

  [Rocky], who was a little unhappy at first, finally got angry...

   The killing intent in my heart can no longer be held back.

   "Go to **** with remorse..."

next moment.

   He raised his left hand.

   At the tip of the index finger, a dark green mana ray two centimeters thick immediately shot out…

   is also at this moment.

   All the jamming devices carried by the [Time Guard] all made an unparalleled scream!

   And, it exploded at the same time!

   At this moment, the opponent's casual strike has already exceeded the interference limit of those devices.

The energy intensity of    was comparable to the mana ray of a supernova explosion, and instantly dyed an area of ​​several hundred meters in a dark green.

  When all the [Time Guards] have not yet realized what happened.

   That destructive force instantly wiped away their skin and flesh, and then disintegrated the bones into their basic atomic state.

   And when that mana ray was about to wipe out [Agent Mobius] together.

   With the slight lift of [Loki]'s fingertips, the dark green one also turned and brushed past the opponent's ear.

  It was also at this time that the [Morbius Detective] who had just given the arrest order and wanted to turn around and leave, gradually responded.

   "Now, humble mortal, I will give you one last chance and tell me who you are."

  When [Loki]'s icy voice sounded in his ear.


   Looking at the place where there were more than ten [Time Guards] standing just now, only a dozen **** feet were still there.

  【Agent Mobius】After swallowing.

   Subconsciously, I just wanted to say something cruel.

   However, before he could speak, bursts of strong light suddenly lit up behind him, causing him to subconsciously look back at the sky behind him.


   Neighboring star of this desolate planet under his feet.

  The planet with a diameter of about 32,300 kilometers is emitting strong light.


   That planet and even more distant, more than ten planets whose geographic location is in a straight line with it.

   Now, without exception, it's all shattering.

   It looks like a watermelon that was suddenly cut open.

  Hot lava flowed out from the inside of the planet that was cut straight from top to bottom.

   And the huge explosion that followed, shattered the crust that had been cut open...

   Witnessed such a sight.

  【Detective Mobius】The harsh words that came to the mouth were a bit unsustainable.


   was forcibly swallowed back by him.

   Even if you are well-informed.

   But I have to say, the [Loki] in front of him, this absolutely powerful blow, still made him a little scared.

   Even, made him wonder if the other party was carrying the [Infinity Stones] including the [Power Stone]...

   However, from his experience, he can say responsibly.

   The opponent's blow just now, with a 99.999% probability, does not have the iconic power of [Power Gem] attached.

   should really be a simple magic ray...

   So, after barely hanging up an embarrassed smile.

   Agent Mobius, who is aware of current affairs, can only introduce himself involuntarily:

   "I belong to the [Time Variation Administration]."

   "Even a [time detective], specializing in [time criminals]..."

at the same time.

   Following his words, the anger on [Loki] in front of [Agent Mobius] slowly dissipated.

   turned to a look of interest.

   did not wait for [Agent Mobius] to finish speaking.

   His left hand, a random move.

   immediately sucked the opponent's into his hand.

  The huge spiritual power poured out like a flood.

   flooded into each other's mind instantly.

   Incidentally, it also crushed the heavy mental protection in the opponent's mind.

   In one fell swoop, he peeked into a lot of information in the other party's mind.

   includes but is not limited to what the other party knows.

   Even some of the other party's long-forgotten things are as clear to [Rocky] as the palm print.

   After a short while, he looked at [Agent Mobius] who had passed out.

  【Loki】's face showed sarcasm.

   "Sad mortal."

   "It turned out to be just a brainwashed puppet..."

  Thinking of this, his original idea of ​​killing the opponent at will, also disappeared immediately.

   "You clown, just keep living..."

"Ha ha ha ha…"

   In the laughter, [Loki] threw the opponent away like he was throwing garbage.

   The wand held in the other hand.

  Swipe at will.

   A portal was torn apart immediately.

   On the opposite side of the door, facing the portal that was forcibly opened, the employees of the [Time Variation Administration] who were busy with their faces were also immediately blinded...

   In this regard, [Loki] just showed a cruel smile on his face, and then strode over...

   (end of this chapter)

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