Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1429: 【Time Variation Administration】

   Chapter 1429 [Time Variation Administration]

  【Time Variation Administration】.

   A large number of employees are busy.

   Among them, the [Time Guard] and [Time Detective] who are responsible for arresting various [Time Criminals] by force are especially busy.

   is a bit of a feeling of caring about the head and the tail.

at this time.

  Standing on the floor of the hall, the agent named [Mobius] looked at the numbers on the central screen that kept beating, his brows twitching one after another.

   And the cold sweat and fear on his face became his only expression.

   The slow burning of the beloved cigarette in his mouth was no longer able to distract him, let alone give him any enjoyment.

  In the end, looking at the panicked colleagues, one by one, it was as if they had witnessed the terrifying scene of the end of the world.

   He unconsciously whispered:

"What exactly happened here…"

   Originally, he was a member of the [Time Mutation Administration], and he was a guy with some power and identity.

  【Mobius】has always had a faint sense of pride in his heart.

It is a kind of origin that comes from being able to shuttle between [time] and [timeline] at will, freely traveling between [past], [present], and [future], witnessing countless miracles and powerhouses, and then looking down from high to low They, watching everything, arrogant, spontaneously high above, can cultivate the feeling.

   A powerful cosmic overlord who intends to kill half of the entire universe?

   A **** king who is trying to conquer the boundless star sea and expand his territory to the boundary of time and space?

  A vast interstellar empire with millions of stars under its command?

   A saint who leads the trend of the times and takes the times in another direction?

  Everything is just a bunch of guys bound by [time].

For Mobius, he can [shuttle through time], witness the destruction of the vast [universe] at the first moment, and then [shuttle through time] again at the next moment to witness the birth of [universe], when the singularity of the universe sprouts sight.

no doubt.

   That is a great sense of accomplishment!

   gave him great satisfaction!

   That is a feeling that mortals cannot guess.

   Even if there is no extraordinary power.

   also completely lost that pride and arrogance.

   After all, the so-called [Infinity Stones] are treasures that everyone is fighting for outside, which is enough to cause a cosmic war to germinate on the spot.

  In [Time Variation Administration], it is just a more beautiful decoration.

   Even the most low-level employees who have nothing to do can use it to play.

   However, right now, witness the terrifying data and information on the screen.

   Mobius' heart.

  There is a feeling of being cold.

   He knew very well that what he was facing was a real disaster...


   All the [time accidents] he had dealt with, in front of the kind of disaster that happened at this time, were already as small as dust, and he didn't need to care about it at all.

   The [time] of the entire [universe], no... no, it should be said that all the [observable universe] and the [observable time line] are all seriously distorted...

  Some kind of invisible and terrifying power, just like an invisible big hand, recklessly tampering with everything...

   Even if it is located in the [Quantum Realm], it is not disturbed by the regular [Time] and [Space], and ignores all the regular [Magic] and [Supernatural Power] [Time Variation Authority].

   at this moment.

   is like a small and lonely boat in the vast ocean, in turmoil...

I do not know how long it has been.

   Anyway, the cigarette in Mobius's mouth is already out.

   The communicator on his waist.

   also vibrated.

   That is the characteristic that the task has been given.

  Apparently, another brand new 【Time Criminal】was discovered.


   After taking a long breath.

  Mobius said to the arresting officers behind him:

   "Let's go."

   Towards the notified coordinates…

  What is 【Time Criminal】?

   usually refers to those guys who rely on [time ability] or [special items], or cross the process of [time] by accident, disrupting the normal development of [timeline].

For example: if a guy traveled to the earth of the [past] and trampled to death the mammal ancestor of the human who had just climbed the coast, then the other party would undoubtedly disrupt the normal development of the [timeline] and create a [Time Accident], which led to a series of incidental effects!

   There is no doubt that they belong to those who must be arrested and brought to justice!


Under normal circumstances.

  Most of the [Time Criminals] are actually not that big.

  Change human history or something…

   That is a high-risk matter.

   will attract [Supreme Mage] to give them a beating!

  Most [time criminals] basically just want to [travel through time], to save a relative or find some kind of treasure...

   And among those [Time Criminals] with different goals and different backgrounds, there is another guy who stands out.

   That is [Loki], who has a good background, can use magic, can get close to the [Infinity Stones], and is extremely restless and very troublesome!

   That guy's existence is like a dog who can't change shit.

   As long as you give a little chance, he will do something for you...


   Among the many [parallel worlds], the [Time Variation Administration] also captured N many [Loki].

   We are more or less old acquaintances...

   And when [Agent Mobius] took the team, traveled through the vast space and time, and arrived at the location of the [Time Accident].

   A planet located on the edge of the Milky Way, saw the mission goal of this time, after the iconic green cloak and the classic golden corner ornament on the head.

   Immediately, he recognized that the other party was his old friend—【Loki】.

   sighed slowly.

   The look on his face also seemed a little helpless.

   in front of each other.

  He covered his face helplessly:



"you again…"

   The words were filled with pain.

   Even the [Time Guard] behind him showed the same sense of impatience.

  Right now, the entire [Multiverse] is having such a mess.

  The elites who are responsible for maintaining the balance of all things in the world, how can they waste time on a mere [Loki]?



  [Agent Mobius] ordered:

   "Grab him and throw him directly into the [Void]..."

   And their goal.

  The [Loki], who had just crossed the [world] and stood on the surface of the desolate planet, didn't care about the harsh environment around him. Seeing this, a lot of question marks immediately appeared in his head.

  'Are these mortals so brave? ’

   There is only one chapter for something to do tonight.

   Thanks: Bookmate 20200821152415604's 1500 starting point coins!



   (end of this chapter)

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