Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1428: death list

   Chapter 1428 Death List

   looked at the other party who had gone far.

   looked at the wine glass that was put back on the table by the other party.


   As a well-known billionaire and libertine.

  Tony Stark felt puzzled from the bottom of his heart.

   "This guy is so mysterious?"

   hesitated for a while.

   his face.

   then showed a more conspicuous smile.

   That means interest.

   did not pay attention to the eyes of the dancer beside him, he immediately ordered:

   "[Jarvis], check the guy just now in the [National Population Data Archive] for me. I want to know what his real identity is."

   as 【Artificial Intelligence】.

   Even if it’s only at the level of [Weak Artificial Intelligence].

   But the technology in it still leaves the gap of other companies for decades.

   Therefore, he has no doubt that his housekeeper can invade the [National Population Archives].

   However, a second later, on his collar, a certain mechanical button disguised as an ordinary button came out with a slightly puzzled answer:

   "Sir, who are you referring to the target of the investigation?"


  Tony Stark immediately said in surprise:

   "Who else is there, the guy who just sat on the sofa across from me."

  [Jarvis] then replied:

   "...Sir, since you entered the door, until now, no one has ever sat on the sofa opposite you."

  Tony Stark was immediately stunned:


   After being silent for a while.

   He looked a little uncertain and turned to the beautiful woman who had just handed Orshaga a drink beside him, and asked:

   "The guy just now is the guy in the white suit, what do you think he looks like?"

   without any hesitation.

   The beautiful and hot dancer immediately replied with a ruddy face:

   "That's really handsome~"

   When speaking.

   That kind of estrus-like demeanor is entirely due to the excessive secretion of hormones in the body, and the brain is already a little confused.

   However, it is precisely because of this.

  Tony Stark confirmed the fact that he didn't have any hallucinations just now.

And then.

  Tony Stark turned to face not far from him, the tall, serious-looking bodyguard who looked like a door **** shouted directly, "Hey! Jarrah!"

   heard his cry.

   The other party responded immediately and asked in a loud voice:

   "Sir, what are your orders?"

   without hesitation.

  Tony Stark immediately asked:

   "I don't have any orders, I just want to ask, what do you think of the man who was sitting across from me before?"


   The other party's answer was a rhetorical question of incomprehension and doubt:

   "The man who sat across from you before?"


   He replied somewhat incomprehensibly:

   "...Sir, I didn't see anyone sitting across from you just now."

   This time.

   In the face of different answers from all parties, Tony Stark fell into an unspeakable silence again.

   Then, after thinking for a while with a serious expression, he met the surprised eyes of the dancer and bodyguard beside him.

   stood up and said:

   "Let's go, we're going back."

   Don't wait for them to react.

   walked towards the door without hesitation.

   Seeing this situation, the bodyguards followed each other after looking at each other...

   Tony Stark, who was walking in front, quietly instructed his smart housekeeper without anyone knowing:

   "[Jarvis], you took all the surveillance footage from this nightclub for me today, I need to read it..."


  The camera moves to another place.

   Orshaga's [Clone], standing on the head office building of [Stark Corporation].

   looked around after a circle.

   smiled and shook his head:

   "The [Marvel Universe] of [Film and Television Edition]..."

   "...not bad..."

   "Reminds me of some distant memories..."

   "Although, I also watched two "Iron Man" and one "Captain America" ​​plus one "Avengers"..."

   "However, I have to say, this is really a rare memory."

   "As my sparse human memory..."

   After saying that, he slowly opened his hands as if to embrace the sky.

   slowly sighed in his mouth:

   "I really want to ruin this place..."

  As a nostalgic fellow, Orshaga has always had a desire to destroy things from his previous life.

   Not out of disgust.

   is out of a kind of thought that it will be broken sooner or later, so it is better to destroy it by yourself.

   However, after a few seconds, as Olshaga put down his hands, he did not directly destroy this [universe] after all.

   Instead, he turned his gaze to a booklet.

   There are three names on it.

  【Planet Devourer】,【Life Court】,【Flash】.

   Among them, [Planet Devourer] has been drawn with a ×.

   Even if the opponent died only as a [Clone].

   But [Life Court] and [The Flash] are not there yet.

   "As the saying goes, [Marvel World], small things will swallow stars, and big things will die in court."

   "And [DC World], every time there is a storm, a [Flash] will die to sacrifice to the sky."

   "Should I kill [Life Court]..."

   "That guy doesn't seem to have any [Clone], and killing his [Main Body] looks a little troublesome..."

  As for the [Flash], who was also not marked with an X, he didn't give Orshaga any trouble.

   The other party has no status.

   Just find a [DC Universe].

   Just kill the [Flash] inside.

  No need to worry about anything at all.

   Finally, after some hard thinking.

   Olshaga looked at the three names above and made a decision.

That is…

  He wants to be symmetrical…

   There are two names on one side and only one name on the other side, which is really not symmetrical!

  Just like that, he also took out his mobile phone, opened Google, connected to the network of the planet under his feet, and rummaged through it.

  I'm going to take a look at [DC World], what other guys are there suitable for stepping...

   Anyway, [DC World] has [Marvel Comics], and [Marvel World] has [DC Comics].

   is true and reasonable!

   That's it, not long.

   in the discussion of netizens.

   Olshaga also has a goal.

   "Representing the anger of [God], the [Ghost] who executes justice?"

   "This is really good..."

   "Surely a fitting stepping stone..."

   "On one side is the [Grand Judge] under [OAA], and on the other side is the [Messenger] in [OAA]'s vest."

   "Even the posts are symmetrical..."

   "Well, I'll leave them alone for now, but if one of them hangs, I'll kill the other..."

  In this way, after sorting out the plan, Orshaga was also satisfied and put away the list.

   (end of this chapter)

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