Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1417: 【possibility】

   Chapter 1417 [Possibility]

  The infinite [future].

   In this [Multiverse], it is like a book with infinite pages and the content is not constant.

   with his gaze.

  Various mysteries were revealed in front of Olshaga's eyes.

   About his future, about the future of [Crimson Heaven]...

   Among them, there are all kinds of meaningful good and bad things, as well as some boring changes.


   in different [timelines].

   is centered on the [independent timeline] of the self.

   He is also based on the ability of [now is the beginning], and he is constantly closing all kinds of [future possibilities].

In the future of No. 1, he will have some conflicts with the [Abyss Lord] on the side of [Bottomless Abyss - 7754474th floor] in 44 trillion years. After 6.9 billion years, he will have another relationship with a A powerful enemy has formed a grudge...

In the future of No. 2, after 4,900 years, he will reach a deal with the [Abyss Lord] on the [Bottomless Abyss - 958174674514th floor]. After 2.7 billion years, due to the relatively considerable income , he has strengthened cooperation with ...

In the future of No. 3, 1.25 million years later, in the area near the [Crimson Heaven], a powerful [Abyss Creature] was born. It cramps and peels to make a nice dish...

  In the future of No. 4, sixty-five thousand four hundred years later, the [Eldrazi tribe] offered him a very good sacrifice, and Olshaga gave him a corresponding reward...


   Countless [possibles], constantly changing in his eyes.

  Occasionally, in the distant [future].

   Orshaga's eyes will also constantly meet with various powerful beings in distant places.

   As a [Super Life Form] that transcends [Time and Space].

   Although the form of expression is slightly different.

   But the other [Abyss Lords] will naturally perceive some of their [future possibilities].

   has different degrees of cognition about the situation of [future].

   In this way, he can communicate across the [time and space] with Orsaga or other fellows who are spying on the [future].

   Even if the two parties are in different [time periods].

   One is in the [now] and the other is in the [future], and there is no problem at all.

   This allows them to capture a lot of information across [time and space],

  【Stronger A】knows that he may befriend 【Stronger B】in 【future】, and also knows that he may have bad relations with 【Stronger C】in 【future】.

   In the same way, [Stronger B] and [Stronger C] may also know about this in advance.

   looks like it.

   This is like a kind of [good friendship] and [bad friendship] that have been formed in advance.

   Everyone can stand in line in advance.

   However, thanks to the infinite number of [possibilities], coupled with the interference of various powerhouses of the same level and the powerhouses at higher levels, when this kind of communication really occurs, there will be a high probability of change.

   Originally, the first sentence when [Stronger A] and [Stronger B] met each other should be: "Have you eaten?"

After the change, thanks to another strong man, that is, [strong man D], the chaotic intrusion, the first sentence of [strong man A] and [strong man B] may directly become : "Bastards, come and fight!!"

   Coupled with the continuous fragmentation of [Future], the situation will become more complicated...

   Therefore, even though 【Strong A】, 【Strong B】, and 【Strong C】, each has a rough idea of ​​【Future】.

   But still not sure about the final result.

   Before everything is a foregone conclusion.

  【Stronger D】, 【Stronger E】, 【Stronger F】, 【Stronger G】 that would never appear...

   All of them may gag in the middle, causing things to go in an unknown direction.

   Therefore, although Olshaga can capture many [future possibilities].

   Know who you might communicate with.

   But he was still not too sure about how things would turn out.

   However, this does not mean that his observations of the [future] are meaningless.

  Although he can't be sure of the final result, through continuous observation, he can still continuously collect information about various powerful beings, and roughly know what kind of origin and what kind of background he has...

   is barely a necessary information collection.

   And this situation, in his early years, when he entered the [Warhammer Plane], also had a similar manifestation.

  【Slaanesh】, 【Nurgle】, 【Tzeentch】, 【Khorne】.

   These four guys, as [God of Chaos], under normal circumstances, should have the performance of [Omniscient and Almighty] in that [plane].

The entry of    Olsaka should not be ignored by them at all.

However, the powers of the four of them are equally powerful, and they are hostile to each other, which directly leads to the fact that their respective powers are interfering with each other, causing them to each have a perception blind spot that should not have appeared. , and it is precisely for this reason that they will overturn at the end...

  If, back then, there was only one [God of Chaos], his power would be released 100% without interference, capturing all the [possibilities].

   Then, the opponent who has the highest authority in that [plane].

no doubt.

   When Orshaga entered there for the first time, he was bound to be found and pinched to death in an instant!

And now, in the [Multiverse] at this time, the reason why various powerhouses cannot capture all [Possibilities], in addition to the factor that [Multiverse] is too large, the most crucial factor is that The number of powerhouses is simply too many!

   Their existence is equivalent to an infinitely huge sea area, the number is equal to infinite, the size is different, and each of them is constantly setting off a vortex of waves.

   Heavy waves were unleashed and disturbed by them.

  At the same time when the sea was set off by huge waves.

  The already infinitely wide sea area has become even more difficult to understand...

   interfere with each other, repel each other, engulf each other...

   No one can determine how many ocean currents are constantly flowing...

   Even the vortices themselves don't know...

   This made countless existences that should have been close to [Omniscient and Almighty] for a long time, and they were immediately restricted by indescribable restrictions.

   Always unable to take the final step!

   is also because of the existence of this important reason.

   Many strong people will more and more agree with the idea of ​​[United Council].

   Since there is interference between you and me.

   Then, it is necessary to kill each other!

When a strong person successfully destroys all [time and space] and kills every existence other than himself, as the final winner, he will have the perfect opportunity to release his power to dominate everything, and the The loser will also be turned into accumulation to help them achieve this!

At that time, the [past], [present], and [future] will be perfectly bound and integrated, and the most perfect and powerful great individual will be born on the basis of countless powerhouses who should be [all-knowing and omnipotent]. ...

   (end of this chapter)

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