Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1416: 【Crimson Heaven】

   Chapter 1416 [Crimson Heaven]

  【Crimson Heaven】.

   as Orshaga's half body.

   This belongs to a certain substantive manifestation of his [will] and [body].

   All of the [time and space] and [things] can be regarded as the medium of Orshaga.

on the whole.

   Here is a [special area] or [special life form] somewhat similar to [higher plane].


   Following Orshaga's gaze, he began to scan wildly.

  In this infinite [space-time aggregate].

  Every individual, every unit of microscopic things, every shred of space and time...

   Or the countless [worlds] attached to it, and even [planes], without exception, were all printed in his eyes.

   These are the [Semi-Independent Space-Time] that exists within [Crimson Heaven].

  Essentially, it’s just a use of [Space-Time] by Olsaka.

  The birth of them, in addition to the self-increase from the [Crimson Heaven], mostly came from the [Creation Authority] that was randomly distributed by Olsaka.

  In this【Crimson Heaven】.

   Thanks to the legacy of [Warp Space].

  【Create time and space】.

   Evolve [World] or [Plane].

   It is not difficult to be true.

   Just like those [warp demons] in those days, it is almost the same meaning that you can freely create various [sub-universes] in the [warp].

at the moment.

These [worlds] or [planes] that exist within [Crimson Heaven], most of the time, the internal style of painting will undergo various natural evolutions based on the ideas of the [creator] or the influence of random factors. Not something constant.

   So, in those areas.

   There are many [races] and even complete [civilizations].

   Somedays live and work in peace and contentment, per capita immortality, distort space cause and effect at will, and words and deeds can evolve [the world], everything seems to have completely entered the [beautiful and happy time and space] of Datong society.

   There are also people who live a miserable life. Every person needs to be slaughtered, and they may be harvested repeatedly at any time. Everyone will sink forever [Tragic and Bloody Time and Space].

   There are also some sky and earth, all of which are [flesh and blood] or [machines] or [special time and space] constructed from various strange things.

  In those 【Spacetime】.

   is full of all kinds of strangely shaped things.

   Even the indescribable evil spirits are just ordinary things that go everywhere.

   In short.

   Among the various [Creators], there are quite a lot of guys who play more fun. In terms of quantity, there are quite a few.

   to this.

   Olshaga didn't care at all.

   Even if the other party seems to be wasting [Creation Authority] completely.

   In a sense.

   He just gave the other party [Creation Authority].

   How these created [time and space] can develop in the end depends on how much resources and effort the [creator] has put into it.

   As the ultimate [Reaper], [Top Ruler] of [Crimson Heaven], Orsaga is not at a loss anyway...

   Take the [time and space] where all the mourning is everywhere, the ground is full of broken corpses, and all creatures are being harvested repeatedly.

   Each dead life form, except that a part of it will be harvested by the [Creator] to fill itself.

There is a part of    that will be used as a necessary [sacrifice] by the [Creator] to sacrifice to Orshaga!


   The [Emotions], [Creativity], [Thoughts] of all living beings from birth and death...will also be automatically read by Olsaka, becoming one of his countless resources.

   His presence.

   is like an angel investor.

   Give each entrepreneur the initial help and reasonable start-up capital.

   And when the other party gets the result, he will collect a part of it as a reward.

   sounds like words.

   seems to be very nice.

  Especially for those investors!

   After all, Olsaka doesn't charge any security deposit or compensation. As long as he acts as one of his countless horses, he can automatically receive [Creation Authority].

   Even the [Space-Time] created afterwards is a piece of iron waste.

   There is not even a root hair in it.

  Orshaga will not let [Creator] make compensation.

   In addition to that, in conjunction with it, Orshaga will grant various [Innate Ability] and [Blessing] from time to time.

   Being a dog for Olsaka is absolutely excellent in terms of treatment!

   attracted countless lost lambs who didn't want to join the force, and they couldn't help but want to bow their heads and shouted [Crimson King] invincible!

can only say.

  [The Lord of the World] and even the [Lord of the Plane], such a name and power that sounds very attractive, in terms of attractiveness, it is 100% true after all~

   Take it as the ultimate dream of countless trash fish, there is no problem at all!

   Ask yourself.

   How many guys can refuse a top leader who is rewarded for merit and enlisted in the army and issued [Creation Authority]?


   When acting like this.

   Will Orshaga really lose out?

   is obvious.

   He's not the kind of guy who will sacrifice his own interests to complete the trash.

For him, in addition to allowing him to observe more [possibilities] through the continuous [creation of time and space], the [creation authority] that was distributed, along with the continuous creation of [space and time], also allowed him You can increase the volume of [Crimson Heaven] a bit.

   After all, no matter how **** the [World] or [Plane] is, it still belongs to the [Space-Time] that expands within the [Crimson Heaven].

   He is completely equivalent to throwing the wasteland without a single hair to the wage earners and letting them develop the land on their own.

   It's just a wasteland anyway, what can he lose?

   The other party will dig two hoes at will, and he will earn a lot...

  If the [Spacetime] was created, it would have some value.

   as a profit divider.

   He will not lose money, he will only increase the size of [Crimson Heaven], and by the way, cutting some leeks along with it, it really has extra income...


at the moment.

   followed his gaze wantonly.

The nature of   【Space-Time】, with Orshaga's will, silently, some kind of change has taken place...

   By virtue of the chaos and disorder of the [Time] and [Space] within [Crimson Heaven].

   Olshaga turned his gaze.

   looked directly at the [Future Possibilities] of the [Crimson Heaven] that was in an infinitely divided state.

   Ten thousand years later, one hundred thousand years later, one million years later... 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 sand...

  Various 【future】.

   began to circulate continuously in his eyes.

  [Past], [Present], [Future], [Things that have happened], [Things that are happening], [Things that may happen] in [Crimson Heaven] are being reviewed by him one after another...

   (end of this chapter)

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