Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1418: Maybe, we can consider drawing a lottery?

   Chapter 1418 Maybe, we can consider drawing a lot?

   What is truly great being?

in short.

   is the one who can do the impossible.

   can turn various [unreasonable] [matters] into [reasonable].

   All kinds of [matters] that [cannot be realized at all] can be turned into [can be realized].

   This is the most basic requirement.

   is by no means a so-called magnitude change in a pure sense or a variety of simple heap upgrades.

   Level 2 is 10,000 times stronger than Level 1, Level 3 is 1 million times stronger than Level 2, Level 4 is 100 million times stronger than Level 3...

   A simple change in intensity is always just an irrelevant variable.

   When it does not involve the essence, it is like a piece of paper whose content can be tampered with at will, and has no decisive role.

   You can fill in as many levels as you want.

   Anyway, he can only bully the weak.

   is of no use to the strong.

  When you can do all the [matters], ignore all the [preconditions], and ignore all the [reasonable] and [unreasonable] points.

   Then, you must have become the real strongest! !

  No more rivals! !

  No more problems! !

  Everything will be just something you can change with a few thoughts...

   That is the final road, and the final goal or dream of countless beings...

   at this point.

   Olshaga didn't know how far he was from the finish line.

   In the same way, the rest of the strong do not know how far they are from the finish line.

   And the [Unification Council] is such an organization formed by many existences in pursuit of the ultimate goal.

   Even now, as a professional despicable bastard, Olsaka still hasn't joined it.

   But he knew very well that he would probably join in sooner or later.

   can be early or late.

The [time point] that    is added is not important.

   After all, everyone is an eternal [Super Life Form].

   Don't need to care about that little thing...


   After tens of minutes.

  Although Orshaga is still observing the distant 【future】.

   However, most of his attention was slowly withdrawn.

   looked beside him.

  There, 【Glaner】a few of them, I don’t know when, have already walked out of the courtyard and appeared there.

   In front of Orshaga, he lightly touched his stomach.

  【Glaner】 asked softly:

   "Are you in that [Multiverse Plane], have you finished the matter?"

  Although, Orshaga's body has always been in the [Crimson Heaven].

   makes it difficult to judge what his numerous clones have done.

   However, as an existence with [Crimson Heaven - Secondary Ruler Authority].

  She and the rest of Orshaga's wives could still clearly perceive that an inexplicable change had sprung up in the [Crimson Heaven] not long ago.

   A change that seems to add a little more essential [strength].

   Then I thought about the things that Olsaka was more concerned about recently.

  It is not difficult for them to speculate on the origin of such changes.

   So, I came here in common and wanted to ask about the situation.

   In this regard, Olshaga naturally did not deny anything, just replied with a smile:


   "Just finished processing."

   "Although the impact is not very important, it is far less than conquering an entire [Higher Plane]."

   "But it's quite rare..."

   Then, he slowly stretched out his arm, and took the six [Glaner] and the others to his throne.

   "How about this feeling of having an offspring?"

   "Is there anything I need?"

   For him, the birth of an heir is certainly a big event.

   However, the changes he perceives, the ideas that emerge, obviously, will not be as strong as the mother's body.

   Therefore, in his words, he also attached great importance to things.

   Six girls, [Elsa], took the lead in saying:

   "I don't have anything I need."

   "It's just a little troublesome, what kind of posture should our heir be born in..."

   "Pure-blooded [Abyss Demon]?"

   "Pure-blooded [Higher Humans]?"

   "Pure-blooded [High Elf]?"

   "Or is it [Hybrid]?"

   And the other five girls nodded in agreement.

  The current ones, although they have [Demonized] their [Bloodline] long ago.

   But it is still not a purebred [Abyss Demon], it can only be regarded as a [Demonized Creature].

   Therefore, due to the differences in the [race] and [bloodline] of the [father] and the [mother], they also have some concerns and disagreements about the birth status of their children...

   Generate a pure-blooded 【Abyss Demon】?

   Although the potential is quite high, it is likely to be bloodthirsty and naturally need to hurry up to treat mental illness.

   Generate pure-blooded [Higher Humans] and [Higher Elves]?

As in the [Multiverse], the potential of the [race] is also very considerable. Although the mental state of the two is much stronger than that of the [Abyss Demon], there are still many problems, such as: [The Lord of Humans] that Waiting for [the source of the concept of race]... is a difficult problem to deal with.

  Once he is born in a relevant form, then Olsaka must find a way to get an [independent certificate] for his children, otherwise, he will be attached to the relevant superior for the rest of his life...

   In those days, I made an [independent certificate] for my wives.

   Orshaga also paid a lot of price to those existences...

   That was definitely one of the rare moments when Olsaka could only hold his nose and take the initiative to confess.

   Even [Graner] and the others were impressed.

   As for [Hybrid], although there will be various advantages of both sides, there will also be various disadvantages of both sides.

   There are pros and cons, which makes it hard to do...

   and hear this concern.

   I felt the gazes of the six girls looking over at the same time.

   Olshaga immediately felt a little sore...

   That feeling is the same as an ordinary man who hears his wife talk about his children's future reading problems, education problems, life problems... and other problems.

   To be honest, this is indeed a difficult problem.

   is compared to thinking about this kind of thing.

   He is more willing to find a strong person to fight the pain...

   But facing those eyes, he could only bite the bullet and answer:

   "I think so..."

   "Perhaps, we can consider drawing lots?"

   Such a genius to reply.

  Let [Graner] and the others fall into an indescribable silence.


  If, Orsaga just answered casually.

   But they really felt that the other party was really thinking about the [possibility] of doing this...

   "...Forget it, you still have to think about other things..."

   "This kind of thing, I can't rely on you decisively..."

   In the face of his bad idea, just like all kinds of husbands who are disliked by their wives, Olsaka was struck out immediately...

   (end of this chapter)

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