Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1389: Chaos (19)

   Chapter 1389 Chaos (19)

  【Waterdeep City】.

   More than 40 meters underground.

  In an underground fortress that was excavated.

   As the 【Lord of Murder】, 【God of Murder】…

   The existence of the relevant [Holy].

  【Barr】 Recently, I have been feeling a little restless.

   There is an indescribable feeling in my heart.

   If it is an ordinary person.

   Well, this situation is probably just an illusion.

   But as a [God], and it is a [God] with some special [authorities].

   Even if he was in trouble and his strength was seriously diving, this feeling still made [Barr] feel a serious sense of tension in the depths of his heart.

   There is a feeling of seeing the death star flashing wildly above his head with his own eyes.

   made him nervously screen out various risk factors.

   Intent to provide emergency remediation before the crisis fully erupts.

   But in the end, after trying and calculating.

   He finally gave up on that plan.


   There are too many problems that cannot be fixed at all.

  Light is the [Stone of Destiny] that may be exposed.

   is enough to make countless [mortals] and [gods] fight him.

   If you add his old enemies...

   That is incomparably dire!


   Compared to that hopeless remedy.

   It is better to find a way to improve your hard power or how to run, it is more realistic.

   At least, in [Saint Form], his hard power is already at the peak of [Toril World] at this moment. As long as he is prepared, his life-saving ability is beyond doubt.

   in this case.

   Logically speaking, 【Bal】 should go and unite his two teammates.

   That is, [Bane] and [Melko], everyone thinks of a way to overcome the difficulties together or something.

   But unfortunately, [Barr] just thought for a second before giving up that option.

   Compared to believing in those two as despicable guys as me.

   He would rather believe that when the enemy went out, he was accidentally killed by [AO], so that he could survive the disaster...

   So, he began to think about a detailed plan.

   'With my current strength, I have reached the peak under [God], even if I recover a little bit again, the distance is not much different at this time,'

   'Then, perhaps, I'll have to think of a roundabout way...'

  Finally, after thinking about it for a while.

  【Barr】 found his 【High Priest】.

   After seriously explaining some secret things.

   then handed over a special item to the other party.

   That is [Bal]'s [Artifact] and [Token].


  【High Priest】withdrew with a nervous and frightened expression.

   Prepare to leave this underground hiding spot as soon as possible with some core subordinates and important supplies.

   toward the remote areas of [Toril World].

  【Baal】The task given to him.

   is nothing but hiding for a while.

   On the way, no matter what happens, don’t show up!

   If [Baal] fell during that period, then using the [Artifact] that carried some of [Baal]'s consciousness to revive [Baal] would be their only goal!

   After arranging this.

  【Barr】 did not relax directly.

   After all, the cunning rabbit has three caves. As a [God], when facing a crisis, he naturally has to prepare a little more.

   Not long after.

   Feeling the incomparably abundant [Deity of Killing] in his body, but because of the [Prohibition] of the [God of God], the [Deity of Slaughtering] could not play much role, and he also had a coquettish idea in his heart.

  ‘Since I can’t use that much [Killing Divinity] now. ’

  ‘Then, let’s just separate it out…’

  ‘ just acts as a medium for resurrection in the future. ’

  ‘And, it can also prevent someone from serving a pot…’

  ‘However, the carrier of [Killing Divinity] must have a suitable target…’

   'The best thing is that the carrier has my bloodline...'

  ‘That will not only carry my strength better, but also facilitate my recovery and recollection in the future…’

   To put it more bluntly.

   Then, the above words can actually be simplified as, [Barr] has to engage in a lot of opposite sex, and all of them are pregnant.

   holds such a simple and unpretentious idea.

  [Bal], who decided to fight against every second, also stood up slowly.

   Prepare to go shopping nearby and find a suitable target.

  ‘Well, let’s start with your [female believer] first~’

  ‘In this way, it can not only avoid abortion. ’

  ‘ also allows future generations to be better cared for. ’

   'It is convenient for oneself to recover and regenerate after being reborn...'

   However, he didn't wait for him to take a few steps.

   has not even reached the door.

  Suddenly, he looked somewhere in the room.

next moment.

   At that position, cracks appear.

   The walls also bulge inwards.

   Then the wall shattered from the outside to the inside.

   And a thing also smashed down at the feet of 【Baal】 like a cannonball.

   smashed a hole in the ground.

  Scarlet blood splattered at his feet.

   stained his clothes a little.

   However, [Bal] didn't care about that blood.

   just frowned and looked at the thing that fell at his feet seriously.

   It was an expression that revealed an unbelievable head.

   is from the 【High Priest】 who just left.

   After a long time.


  【Barr】 said with emotion:

   "It seems that you can't complete the task I gave you..."

   Then, gently lift the left hand.

  Red fire, with the surge of power, surged out.

   The hard, well-preserved head, even if it suffered heavy damage, was burned into ashes.

   and then.

  【Barr】It was only then that he looked out the door.


  The door that was originally closed.

  I don't know when, it has been completely opened.

  Several familiar figures also came into view of [Barr].

  【Ms. Silver Moon—Suren】, 【Goddess of Magic—Mystra】, 【Earth Goddess—Chantia】, 【God of Justice—Tyr】, 【Halfling Guardian Goddess—Yunda】…

   There are seven [Powerful Divine Power] alone, and the [God] with a level below that is close to thirty.

  See this scene.

   is just a short moment.

   in the heart of 【Barr】.

   suddenly thought of how tragic his death would be.

   Especially found that the surrounding space has been closed in advance.

   cannot be teleported away at all.

   even more so.

   'This is a bit difficult to deal with...'

   In this thought, he drew out the weapon he carried with him.

   There was a bit of depression and helplessness on his face.

   He understood that he was probably doomed...

   (end of this chapter)

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