Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1388: Chaos (18)

   Chapter 1388 Chaos (18)

  People have self-knowledge.

   The same is true for [God].

[Ms. Evernight] clearly knows that if [Goddess of Magic - Mystra], [Earth Goddess - Chantia], [God of Justice - Tyre] really work together with [Ms. Silver Moon] cooperate.

  Then there is absolutely nothing she can do.

   It is precisely because of this that she is as incompetent and furious as before.

   Her hatred for [Ms. Silvermoon] has an undisputed long history.

   thinks that it is the existence of the other party that has reduced him to where he is now.

   That kind of hatred is placed in some [Xiu Xian World View].

   It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a kind of inner demon that has been around for a long time.

   in order to be able to deal with each other.

   Many years ago, she even took the initiative to find Olsaka to cooperate with her.

   However, as a classic crumb, Olsaka has the same affair with [Ms. Silvermoon].

   Just want to laugh and watch the two fight.

   does not take the initiative to interfere in disputes at all.

   And she, who only found out about it not long ago.

The    rage gauge is also an involuntary second-stage rise.

   However, at the moment, through the reasonable behavior of the physical body, I have learned a little secret information from Orshaga.

   Her mind also turned to become active again...

   As the saying goes, the enemy of the enemy is the friend.


   She thought of friendly cooperation with [Bane], [Bal], and [Melko].

   But soon, that thought came and went just as fast, and she was swept into the toilet by her.

  ‘Forget it…’

   'Since those three idiots have already provoked [AO], they are probably dead...'

   'Dead people, there is no value for cooperation...'

   is different from those [gods] and [mortals] who are extremely ignorant.

   As the [Creator God] of [Toril World].

  【Lady of the Night】to understand more clearly the gold content of this level of 【God, God】.

   Even when she was at her peak, she didn't have the confidence to face [AO] directly...

   And [Bane], [Bal], [Melko] these three guys dare to steal each other's things...

   I have to say, that does require a lot of courage.

At least.

   In the eyes of [Ms. Evernight], although the three warriors are not dead yet, they are actually no different from dead.

  The biggest difference is when to breathe.


   The reason why she knew where the [Stone of Destiny] was, and she never had any intention of playing there.

   is also because she doesn't think that the whereabouts of [Stone of Destiny] may be hidden from [AO].

  【Ms. Evernight】It is very clear that the other party did not take the things back.

   must have his own considerations.

   Probably, 【AO】 is planning something with 【Slate of Destiny】.

   In this regard, though somewhat curious about the deep truth.

   But 【Ms. Evernight】 doesn't want to go to that muddy water at all.

   didn't have that courage either.

   After all, that is really likely to die...

  Thinking of this, [Ms. Evernight] looked at Olshaga who was lying beside her, calmly smoking a cigarette after the incident, with a leisurely expression on her face, her anger gauge involuntarily increased a little more.

   Of course, as a scheming goddess, she didn't show it.

   Instead, while his anger exploded, he stretched out his finger, swiped lightly on Olsaka's white chest, leaned over, and said with a wink:

   "Are you interested in 【Slate of Destiny】?"

   "If you are willing to pay a price, then I don't mind leaking a little important information to you."

   However, the exchange benefit is false.

   Her most real idea is actually to kill the scum demon Orshaga through the [Slate of Destiny].

   Even if she can't see through the details of Orshaga, even if she doesn't understand what [AO] is planning through [Stone of Destiny].

But this does not prevent her from thinking that Orsaga is inferior to [AO], nor does it prevent her from wanting to use the temptation of [Slate of Destiny] to push Orsaga to the unknown plan of [AO], so as to leverage him kill.

   She was already furious at the crumb of Olsaka.

   can be called hatred!

   As for [Slate of Destiny], can it tempt the other party?

   In this respect, she is relatively confident.

  After all, in the eyes of the vast majority or almost all of them, the [Stone of Destiny] is an unquestionable treasure!

   has a first-class allure!

   However, the answer she got made her extremely disappointed and a little confused.

   "I don't want that kind of information."

   "[Slate of Destiny] That thing is not as good as my floor tiles..."

   Hearing this, [Ms. Evernight] frowned.

  Only when Olsaka is not interested in 【Slate of Destiny】.

   is also in dark anger.

   secretly thought about what the other party was trying to do all over the place.

   didn't take Olshaga's second half to heart at all.

  I don't even know.

   Back then, in order to make [Slate of Destiny] look more cool and incomprehensible.

  【AO】was actually rubbing some patterns from Orshaga’s hometown from the center of 【Searing Hell】, on the floor of Olshaga’s bedroom.


   Orshaga said that the [Slate of Destiny] is not as good as his own floor tiles, which is also extremely well-founded.

   Even, you can say that your floor tiles are the original ones!

   And that [Slate of Destiny] is a beggar among beggars.

   As for [Bane], [Bal], and [Melko], what can I comprehend from those patterns.

   Olshaga is not very clear...

at the same time.

  【Bottomless Abyss (dnd plane)】.

   After a long struggle.

  [Demokogan] finally spent a lot of money to drive out [Undead King - Orchis] from his own territory - [Saltwater Swamp].

   However, despite the victory.

   The feeling of having to give up the large-scale benefits of [Toril World] still makes [Demo Gogan] feel like a knife.

   is far more uncomfortable than being blasted by [Okas].

  By the way, he was also very puzzled by the [Dark Monarch - Grazt] who hadn't shown up until now, but made him extremely vigilant.

   Can't understand what the other party wants to do.

   However, at this time.

   He sent out to inquire about the information and intelligence personnel, but suddenly got something.

   Some news came from the [Grazt] site.

next moment.

  When [Demogogan] absorbed that information.

   That huge body is also involuntarily cheered up!

   Because the information in it is too scary!

   "[The largest brothel in the multiverse (dnd plane)], invested by [Dark Monarch - Grazt], is about to open its grand opening, welcome everyone to join us..."

  It took a while.

  【Demokogen】As if he was just waking up, he reacted and sighed:

   "It's just crazy..."

   At this moment, even himself is a neurotic.

   But he still couldn't help sighing that [Grazt] is indeed a neurotic.

   (end of this chapter)

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