Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1390: Chaos (Twenty)

   Chapter 1390 Chaos (Twenty)

   on the desolate plains.

   In the whistling of the cold wind.

   on top of the heavy snow.

  Two tall and straight figures have been standing here for a long time.

   And they are 【Lord of the Dead—Melko】 and 【God of Tyranny—Bane】.

   The target they were waiting for was the [Master of Murder - Baal].

   Today is the day the three of them get together every once in a while.

   It’s just that it’s already a little late from the appointed time.

   Even if it's not too late.

   But this situation made [Melko] subconsciously a little unhappy.

   Beside him, [Ban] also showed the same disgust.

   But, relatively, he was still a little nervous.

   has a bad feeling.

   "Wait a little longer."

   "If he still doesn't come, let's check on him."

   Says this.

   There is nothing against it, [Melko] answered neatly:

"it is good."

   However, the voice just fell.

   Another voice appeared out of thin air, and then replied:

   "Don't bother, we've already brought him here."

   immediately changed the expressions of [Melko] and [Baal].

   And with the appearance of the voice, one after another figure appeared.

   is the leader, that is, the one who speaks, the hand of the [God of Justice - Tyr] is holding [Baal].

   However, the current [Barr] has long lost the strength and might of the past.

   has become a silent corpse.

   After suffering a heavy blow.

   In the gap of the armor that became extremely shattered.

   Dots of scarlet blood.

   is even flowing slowly.

   Make the pure white snow stained with a little scarlet...

   Face the scene.

   Whether it was [Melko] or [Ban], without any hesitation, the figures immediately started to flee to each side.

   No need for extra communication.

   After witnessing the tragedy of [Barr].

   They immediately understood the decision of the comer.

   That kind of decisive determination...

   Judging that their own hard power is far inferior to the other side.

   Right now, the only option is to escape.

   Looking at the two of them trying to escape, [Tyr] they didn't panic at all.

   just watched everything calmly.

   watched [Melko] and [Ban] collide with the edge of [Isolation Barrier] all the way.

The principle of   , long before he appeared, [Tyr] and the others were actually ready.

   Prepare to prevent both from escaping.

this moment.

   looked back at [Tyr] and their unhurried attitude, and felt the powerful effect of the barrier in front of them.

  [Melko] and [Ban] also changed their expressions suddenly.

   gets a little funny.

   That's too much panic.

   However, both of them have experienced thousands of years of wind and rain.

   In the end, before the official battle began, they managed to regain their calm.

   Facing the malicious gazes around him, only a hint of depression and annoyance remained on his face.

  [Mirko] couldn't help but sighed helplessly:

   "...It seems that you have settled for us..."

   Hearing this, [Tyr], who was carrying the body of [Barr], just nodded calmly:

   "That's nature."

   "If you can all let you run away in this situation, then I would have failed a little too much."

   After thinking about it, [Melko] could only answer somewhat irrefutably:


   "If it was me, I would only do better."

   "However, since this is the case, then use your real abilities to defeat me."

   In his hand, a white long-handled bone sickle automatically appeared.

   In his eyes, full of divine light, he said:

   "Especially you, [Tyr]."

   "For so many years, I've always wanted to play with you, but I haven't had a chance."

   "It seems that at this last moment, I can finally satisfy my little regrets in the past..."

   As a former warrior or warrior.

  【Melko】When he was still a mortal.

   In order to [Ascension to God], he even dared to try [Slaying God] with [Bane] and [Barr].

   In the end, he did not hesitate to find [Ancient God of Death - Jaeger]!

   Therefore, his courage is naturally abundant!

   is a real iron-headed doll!

   Even in recent years, due to excessive enjoyment, he has become a little timid, but in the face of a real life and death crisis, that essence still quickly fades away impurities and dust, revealing an unparalleled brilliance...

   And after hearing the emotion of 【Melko】.

   Not far away, [Ban]'s expression changed for a while.

   followed by a sigh:

   "...After all these years, I've been a little lazy..."

   "I lost even my initial courage..."

   Having said that, he also took out his own weapon and put it on.

   That is a special pair of metal gloves.

this moment.

   Feel the changes in the psychology and demeanor of the two.

   Many [Gods] who originally wanted to play a game of cat and mouse also put away their contempt.

A cautious look appeared in   's eyes.

  Especially [Tyr], who had some contempt for the previous reactions of [Melko] and [Bane], was a little surprised by the changes in the two.

   But, soon, he adjusted his mentality.

   said calmly:

   "It seems that you finally picked up some of the glory of the past."

   Then, after he put the body of [Barr] into the small extra-dimensional space.

   also pulled out a weapon that he carried with him.

   A long sword named 【Pale Justice】.

   There were no gems inlaid on the plain blade of the sword, nor were there any gorgeous patterns engraved on it.

   Looking around, this is an ordinary long sword.

   Also, it's a bit dated.

   It is completely inside the blacksmith shop on the street, and you can find a few handles casually.

   However, when this overly simple weapon was pulled out by [Tyr] himself.

  The white halo, like a surging tide, overflowed from the blade of the sword.

  The pure white holy light makes the snow-covered earth seem like a heaven on earth, filled with a kind of holiness and purity that the earth should not have!

   Even the [Goddess of Magic—Mystra] narrowed his eyes slightly, and a solemn look appeared in his eyes.

   She could feel it.

   The current [Tyr], even if he is himself at the moment, may not be able to win steadily...

   As his opponent, [Melko], holding a white bone sickle, showed a sincere look of satisfaction and excitement.

  In his body, the pride that belongs to a warrior is constantly reminding him.

   The existence right now is the opponent he has been waiting for for a long time!

   No matter whether he loses or wins, as long as he can finish this game happily, then his career is said to be almost complete, and there is no problem at all.

  Therefore, the corners of [Melko]'s mouth showed a smile that was not false...

   (end of this chapter)

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