Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1356: Confirmation of transaction

   Chapter 1356 Determination of Transactions

  '[Bane], [Melko], [Baal]...'

  'Ambitious, adventurous...and well motivated...'

   'It seems that regarding the theft of the [Stone of Destiny]...'

  'The problem should be with these three guys...'

   Once again, I felt [Bane], [Melko], [Baal], these three guys shielded their own power together, and disappeared without a trace.

   The [Mysterious Lady] who has been secretly observing the three.

   is also the second-generation 【Goddess of Magic】.

   In my heart, I have gradually guessed the whole thing.

   However, at the moment due to lack of evidence.

   She still couldn't be completely sure of the whole thing.

  Because of the other party's ability to hide, at this time, even she can't simply see through.


   She already had a hunch.

   Maybe, when she finds the three guys disappearing at the same time every once in a while, she will go somewhere secretly.

   The facts should have come to the fore.

   In fact, it was with her that she realized this.

  The [River of Destiny] that is invisible to the naked eye but connects everything.

   also finally flowed to a special node.

   Orsaga above [Fate] or you [Gods and Gods].

   also judged that the chaos of the [Gods] is about to enter the later stage.

   Practical meaning, like during the World War.

  The idea of ​​【Atomic Bomb】.

   is finally officially proposed and planned to be implemented.

   This made Olshaga reluctantly say something casually:

   "However, there seems to be little progress in the game between us."

   "Not even a single [God] is dead..."

   "If you keep it like this, according to the game rules of [odd and even numbers], this game is my win~"

   in this [plane].

  0, this number belongs to [even number].

   In those days, the game method chosen by Olsaka and [Ms. Pain] was to guess whether the number of [Gods] that eventually fell was [Even] or [Singular].

  Therefore, there is no movement like this.

   Olshaga has the upper hand.

  Although, it's no use for **** just...

   Whether it's him or [Ms. Pain], it's all very clear that [God] will definitely be killed and injured.

  【AO】It is impossible to let all 【Gods】 go back intact.


   After taking another sip of tea, [Ms. Pain] replied without any sense of urgency:

   "That kind of thing doesn't matter."

   "How it starts, how it goes, it's all just irrelevant things."

   "As long as the results meet the requirements."

   Olshaga chuckled lightly:

   "Do you mean to say that you are in control?"

  【Lady of Pain】 shook her head and denied Olsuga's words:

   "No, I just don't think winning or losing is important."

   "Whether I win or lose, I won't lose, will I?"

   From the beginning, she has been sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai.

   Don't care about normal games at all.

   Therefore, although it is not completely discharged.

   However, [Ms. Pain] didn't take anything too seriously.

   is just playing the game with a normal mind.

   "Well, so you've acquiesced to the fact that you traded with me for [Primary Pain]?"

Even though    was an inquiry, Olshaga’s words were in a positive tone.

"I guess so."

   did not deny it, the eyes under the mask of [Ms. Pain] sighed helplessly after casting a glance at Olsaka:

   "Originally, I didn't intend to trade so easily."

   "But, suddenly, I feel that you are a little annoying again, wandering around all day long...even pestering me for so many years..."

   "Besides, your child seems to be born, and I seem to have to give some gifts..."

   "So, after thinking about it, I'm a little too lazy to drag it on..."

   "Come on, when the game is over, I'll just trade [Original Pain] to you."

   Hearing that, as the object of disgust, Orshaga was also a little speechless.

   For the first time in his life, he was said that.

   After thinking about it.

   He decided to just say something from his heart:

   "Since my heir is about to be born, why don't you give me a discount and consider it a share of money?"

  If you are disliked, you will be disliked.

it's not a big deal.

   But climb up the pole, you can't forget, one word, steady!

   As a crumb demon.

   He is shameless at all.

   However, in the face of him who doesn't know what to do, [Ms. Pain] just shook her head indifferently:

   "No, it's time to earn or earn."

   Olshaga immediately showed disdain:

  “(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~”

   He, who did all kinds of evil, sighed with a sigh of relief at the scorching state of the world:

   "Really indifferent."

   Although none of the guys present were human.

   But, if possible, according to the state of his six wives who are pregnant.

   Olshaga really wanted to receive six sprees.

   But unfortunately, [Ms. Pain] does not give face.

   The other guys probably won't give any face.

   Therefore, his offspring cannot create any real benefits for him before he is born.


at the same time.

   The [Goddess of Magic] who noticed that [Bane] and the three of them were messing around with something.

   is doing a quick response:

"[Elminster], my loyal servant, I need you to closely monitor the mortal church forces of [Bane], [Melko], and [Baal] during the recent period of time. Suspicious traces."

Following her whispers, the secret order, under the power of [Magic], was accurately conveyed to a man wearing a gray robe, with a medium stature, across a distance of thousands of kilometers. A young and handsome middle-aged man.

   At that moment, [Ilminster], who was teasing a few roadside children, immediately looked positive.

   replied with a serious face:

   "As you wish, my lady."

As the most trustworthy horse boy of the [Goddess of Magic], plus a double-flower red stick, plus a part-time lover, plus the lover of the other party's daughter, plus the other party's daughter's trainer, plus more... A guy with multiple important positions on his own.

  【Ilminster】's resume, not only shows that the local [God]'s noble circle is very chaotic, people can't understand the detailed relationship table.

   also shows that he does have real skills.

   Otherwise, let's not mention why so many strong men favor him.

   Just a guy who is envious and jealous of him can beat him to death.

   After all, as a [Spellcaster], being able to be favored by the [Goddess of Magic] is no different from playing games, the GM and you are the best friend.

   As a result, it is not a big deal to open and hang.

   Damn, it's a real relationship...

   Thanks: 500 starting coins for the abyss water ghost! **The 1500 starting coins of the dead emperor!



   (end of this chapter)

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