Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1357: 【Demokogan】has arrived on the battlefield

   Chapter 1357 [Demo Gogen] has arrived on the battlefield

at dusk.

  【Sunset Mountains】.

   A medium-sized village with a population of over 600.

   I don’t know when it will start.

   Among them, it is already full of traces of battle or massacre.

  A dozen unknown people in black robes are gathering here.

   At the very center of them is a ritual point full of corpses.

   The corpse in it, no need to ask, is naturally played by the local residents.


  In every corner of the ceremony, there are also various extremely precious offerings.

   Even the fresh corpses of [Young Five-Colored Dragon], [Red Dragon], [Black Dragon], [White Dragon], [Blue Dragon], and [Green Dragon] each have one.

   accompanied by the evening wind.

   That fresh **** smell.

   Not long after, a large flock of crows was attracted, circling in the surrounding sky.

   Their eyes are full of appetite and greed.

   However, the people in black robes surrounding the corpse made them not dare to act rashly.

   can only be irritable shouting.

   caused the black-robed man below who was singing a spell to be a little upset.

I do not know how long it has been.

   As the long [Summoning Ritual] draws to a close.

   A faint smell of sulfur appeared in the surrounding air.

   is pungent and instinctively uncomfortable.

   However, those people in black robes did not feel the slightest discomfort when they smelled this smell.

  Some are just full of excitement.

   Even his eyes became hotter.

   Finally, a black halo appeared in the center of the ceremony.

   A huge will finally crossed many barriers and arrived here from another corner of time and space.

  “…The breath of [Material World]…”

   "I haven't smelled it in a while..."

   Just heard a little sound.

   The [Desecrating Magic Power] attached to it made the eyes of many people in black robes turn red, as if they had been injected with stimulants.

   may be the reason for the demagogic effect of those sounds.

The leading man in black robe was also a little unable to restrain himself and took the initiative to kneel on the ground dripping with blood, lifted his mask, revealing his wrinkled face, and shouted frantically: "The great king of the abyss, the supreme Evil King, Two-Headed Destroyer, Great Enemy of the Gods... Please honor your promise and grant me eternal life..."

  See this situation.

   The black halo shook a few times.

   There was also a burst of laughter:

   "My faithful servant, dear Marquis Kant, don't be in such a hurry, I naturally remember the reward you deserve..."

   Then, under the gazes of all those present, the halo began to wriggle wildly.

   is like a ball of plasticine that is being ravaged.

   Constantly stretch and deform.

   First there were two somewhat fuzzy heads, and then the deformed body.

   is just over ten seconds.

   A body more than three meters tall appeared here.

   When the opponent's feet touch the ground.

  Marquis Kant swallowed his saliva unconsciously, and his already fanatical gaze became more and more earnest.

   "Welcome to your arrival, the great [His Majesty Demokogan]!"

   After moving his body a little, one of the heads of [Demo Gogan] muttered:

   "This body is a little small..."

   Then he turned his gaze to Marquis Kant, and said with a slightly wicked expression: "Next, you should accept the reward you deserve..."

   After saying that, [Dimogogen] stretched out his tentacle-like arm and pointed at the other person in the air.

   Under that huge magical power, the bloodline belonging to the [Demon] was extracted.

   quickly integrated into the target's body.

   That feeling... It's like a cow being stuffed inside a dog.

  In an instant, Marquis Kant could not help but let out a shrill scream.

   Sharp, curved horns protruded from the top of his skull, cutting through his original skin.

   Let the blood rush out.

   Then, the thin old man's body under the black robe was like a balloon that was quickly inflated.

   Blood vessels, muscles, bones…

  All, transformed under that filthy magic.

  When those brand-new muscle tissues broke through the original fair skin, they were dripping with blood.

  Blood-red fascia replaced the original skin.

   And a piece of hard scales also grow out of it one after another...

   Just like that, in the terrified and envious gazes of the other black-robed people.

  The original old man turned into a humanoid monster with a height of nearly 2.3 meters.

  The original face, also due to the protruding muscles and scales, can only vaguely see the original appearance.

   Seeing the other party's struggling appearance gradually stop.

   The head of [Demokogan] continued:

"How about it?"

   "Very good power, isn't it?"

   And the Marquis Kant, who had recovered, took a few deep breaths.

   suppressed the inexplicable violent killing intent in his heart.

   Feeling the new power in his body, as well as the youthful strength contained in the current body.

   In a trance, he felt as if he was in the kingdom of heaven, enjoying the supreme beauty and indulging in it from the bottom of his heart.

   Until a while later.

   Only then did he react, prostrate on the ground, and praised enthusiastically:

   "What an unparalleled power, thank you for your generosity..."

   In this regard, [Dimogogen] just waved his hand and said: "Don't be too happy, the [Devil Bloodline] in your body is currently in its infancy, and it needs more nutrition to be completely stable..."

   The voice stopped for a moment.

   He continued: "Besides, I also have a lot of things that I need you to do, so keep working hard..."

   more than ten minutes later.

  When the appearance of the Marquis of Kant turned back into a human body, he left with his confidant.

Another head of   【Demokogan】.

After showing up, he didn't speak, and his head was even more irritable - [Haslaty], controlling an arm, he dug out a fresh heart from the belly of the dragon beside him at will, and put it in After chewing a few bites in his mouth, he asked the other head:

   "What's next?"

   "Hiding and waiting for an opportunity?"

   "Making carnage to increase the power of this clone?"

   "Or summon an army of demons?"

  Although he hates the other party extremely, he also understands that things like making plans are not suitable for him.

   Therefore, [Haslaty] can only endure the disgust and ask the other party's opinion.

   Hearing this, his character is more calm and ruthless, but [Amur], who is also extremely disgusted with the other party, also made a mockery:

   "Aren't you usually restless?"

   "Why are you so calm this time?"

   "Are you still asking about the plan?"

   "This is really good news, you finally understand that your mind is not all shit."

"Ha ha ha ha…"

   And [Haslaty]'s answer was just a look of disgust and a mood to hold back his anger:

   "If it weren't for the great Lord Olshaga, we still need to complete the task together, and I will tear your mouth right now..."

   In this regard, [Amur] just snorted disdainfully: "Humph..."

   However, he did not continue to ridicule,

   Instead, he talked about his plan as soon as possible.

   Don't ask why.

at the moment.

   He didn't want to fight the opponent for 300 rounds.

  Because, just like the other party.

  The loyal and loyal man also felt that the task was important.

after all.

   Orsaga's unparalleled prowess is really a bit hard to resist...

   Not only is the other party afraid, he is also afraid.

   (end of this chapter)

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