Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1355: No pain No gain.

  Chapter 1355 The only way to be a good person is to suffer hardships.

   A few days later.

  [Legendary Dragon Seeds] are mostly curled up with [Dragon God] and continue to act as Voldemort, when they are ready to continue to observe the situation secretly.

   A message was finally passed on to the [Dragon God] by some mortal sects who worshiped [Dragon].

  ‘[Ghith]? ’

  Looking at what was said in the information, there was information that [Githians] had killed a large number of [Power Dragons] in front of everyone's eyes.

  【Bahamut】can't help falling into deep thinking and doubts.

   He didn't remember that he had any relationship with the 【Guith】.

   As for the [God] of the opponent, he has never even met face to face once, so there is no conflict or hostility at all.


   Even though he knew that the other party had invaded [Toril World], [Bahamut] never took the other party to heart.

   Anyway, it's not the [Dragon] who is in charge now, so the invasion is also the invasion...


   In the face of the [Guith] who took the initiative to provoke him, he was a little puzzled.

   It's not clear what the other party is trying to figure out.

   Or maybe planning something.

  ‘There is a sense of conspiracy…’

   'Can't they join forces with one of my old rivals...'

   in confusion and hesitation.

   Feeling a lot of doubts, he is also a little bit indecisive about what to do next.

  However, as his imaginary enemy, Orshaga had never attacked him at all.

   Even after killing the opponent's subordinates, he didn't even have the idea of ​​covering up the traces, so he left openly and left behind a lot of certifications.

at the moment.

  Although several days have passed since the incident.

   At this time, Orshaga was still enjoying that delicious food.

   For example: Sitting on a stone table, calmly simmering hot pot.

   Among them, the only thing that annoyed him was that the power of the induction cooker was really not enough.

   That little amount of heat couldn't cook the meat of [Li Neng Long] at all. It could only be said that he gave the other party a bath, and he couldn't even boil the blood.

   On the opposite side of him, is the 【Ms. Pain】 who is holding chopsticks and thinking about whether to eat raw meat.

   The other party looked at the meat slices that were extremely fresh, even if they were just picked off.

   At this time, I was a little puzzled as to whether the so-called hot pot should be eaten raw or cooked.

   And the tumbling red bottom of the pot is a dipping sauce or a drinkable soup.

   However, in general, after chewing the piece of raw dragon meat full of red oil in her mouth, she still gave a more face-saving evaluation:


At the end of   , he did not forget to add: "It's like that in terms of normal human taste."

   as 【God on God】.

  【Lady of Pain】's taste is complex and bizarre.

   It's like Orshaga can eat stones when he's free.

   Of course she can do it like that.

   Therefore, Olshaga didn't care too much about the other party's food reviews.

   just sighed with a nostalgic expression:

   "Although it can't be called how precious, but at a certain time, I still liked this kind of food called hot pot."

After that, he took out a vibrant hydra from the vegetable basket next to him, squeezed some venom from the opponent's venom sac and put it in his bowl as an extra seasoning sauce. Corrosive, to give the meat a texture similar to cooked meat.

can only say.

   Occasionally, Olsaka still recalls the past.

   Even if it doesn't make sense.

   "So, are you inviting me to eat today just so that I can help you recall the past?"

  【Ms. Pain】eating the dragon meat calmly, she calmly added: "I can only say, I don't mind."

   "It's about the same. After all, there is nothing to do. Let's get together to eat and eat."

   Olshaga sighed a little dull:

   "Fight, fight and kill, we can't get in..."

In the words   , there is a sigh that the elderly want to move their bodies but have nowhere to do it.

   didn't care about the other party's complaints and resentments, [Ms. Pain] still said casually:

   "If we enter, it will be a little embarrassing for the little guys below."

   In this regard, Olsaka did not deny it.

   But he just likes to make things difficult for others...

   Looking at the [Lady of Pain] who was eating food in front of her, Olsaka asked casually out of curiosity:

   "So have you ever fought in a real sense?"

   "A real battle?"

   stopped the action of picking vegetables with chopsticks in his hand, and after thinking about it, [Ms. Pain] chose to shake her head:

   "If you mean the kind of fight that has real risk."

   "Then I can only say that I have never experienced it."

   "That's a pity, I've always found that feeling quite wonderful, like drinking the most delicious wine..."

   "Of course, I'm also quite envious of you. Born to know that you have almost everything, not to mention all kinds of hardships..."

   "Ditching, I'm sour..."


   Olshaga's mentality is still very stable.

   But when it comes to the back, I think of what I have experienced in order to have today's strength.

   He couldn't help but feel a little sad.

  Let's not say anything else.

   Just [Pain Power] made him experience all kinds of indescribable suffering.

  The reason why he is a little crazy.

  【Pain】, this power should account for most of the responsibility.

   When others cannot survive and cannot die, you need to empathize with yourself.

   The key is to super double the strength.

   It's a bit hard to beat...

By now.

   in retrospect.

   He is also used to it.

   "By the way, what kind of mentality did I have to choose the path of [pain] at first..."

   "Oh~ it's because of that **** saying that you can be a superior person after suffering..."

   "Fuck, I really torture myself..."

   "I have to find the first guy who said that and torture him to death..."

   In the face of the situation where Olshaga took the topic too far, [Ms. Pain] just continued the previous topic indifferently and said:

   "Since you like to fight, why don't you find a good opponent to fight?"

   Hearing this, Olsaka also poured out a little helplessness:

"It's true to say that, but guys of the same level are really not easy to start. If you don't pay attention, it will be a long-term war of attrition. The fight is boring and disgusting, the weak guy is useless to beat, and the strong one can only be abused... ...Oh, helpless..."

   heard the words.

  【Ms. Pain】After thinking seriously for a while, she felt that there was nothing wrong with what the other party said. She raised her eyebrows and reluctantly agreed with Olsaka's remarks:

   "Sounds really embarrassing..."

   After tens of minutes.

   As the two finished the meal.

   Olshaga was shaving his teeth for a moment.

   glanced into the distance with a sense of feeling, and said to [Ms. Pain] with a smile:

   "It seems that the remaining duration of this game is not long."

  [Ms. Pain], who also felt something, just took a sip of tea calmly:

   "That kind of thing doesn't matter, does it?"

   "Indeed, as long as the results come out."

   (end of this chapter)

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