Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1318: [Gods] Status Quo

   Chapter 1318 Status of [Gods]

  【Ghith】a large force is marching on a large scale.

  【Toril World】This side.

   After an initial period of chaos.

   The many [church forces] that are immersed in the fake news that their [God] has fallen.

  It was also through the integration of information from all parties that I was shocked to find that it was not only my side that had the problem, but all the [Churches of Gods] had big problems...

   Even the [Church] established by the most mysterious [Ms. Evernight] and [Ms. Silvermoon] is no exception.

   All have big problems!

   In the face of this result, I don’t know how many people have been thinking hard and showing a puzzled look.

   Even the most disrespectful guesses came out of his heart:

  ‘All [Gods] have fallen? ’

   In the face of this disrespectful conjecture, many forces directly came up with the idea of ​​whether to go to the [Astral World] to explore the situation.

  What if...the [God Corpse] of the [God] I believe in can be found there?

   That way, maybe the situation can be saved...

   However, that kind of thinking, except for a very small number of extremists, is not really put into action by anyone.

   After all, that kind of conjecture is indeed a bit outrageous.

   In the eyes of most people, since all [Gods] have problems at the same time.

   Then, they are more willing to believe that some kind of sudden force has blinded the connection between [God] and [Believer].

   For example: some kind of super-large space-time storm or something.

  Compared to that kind of conjecture, the possibility of all [Gods] falling together is too exaggerated and unrealistic.

   Also, not all [God] corpses will be floating corpses in [Astral World] after death.

   Furthermore, even if that's the case, in that infinitely wide area, if you want to find a specific corpse... that's more **** up than finding a specific piece of sand in the sea, you can really do it for a long time...

   Instead of actively looking for it, it is more realistic to believe that the [God Corpse] will automatically fall in front of you.

   So, to sum up the above.

   After thinking about it.

   for a while.

   Among the countless methods, the forces can only choose the more negative and more realistic type, and try their best to maintain the stability of the situation and the emotional state of the [believers].

   To prevent the situation from getting worse as much as possible.

After all, if [God] really didn't fall and resumed contact with himself and others in the future, but he saw that the bottom was already messed up and turned into a pot of porridge... Then it would not be very easy to explain, and he would not be able to enter [God Kingdom] after death. ]?

   Therefore, they can only do what they can do as much as possible.

   And during this period, one by one [God] was located in the [Supreme Leader] of [Mortal].

Those dubbed as [Pope], [Patriarch], [Demi-God], [God-born], [God-Blood]... have also begun to show up and speak frequently, so that [believers] do not doubt [Divine Spirit], all these current situations are a kind of test and experience, and there are blessings waiting to be enjoyed in [God Kingdom]...

  It's not like it used to be, one by one hides in the deep mountains and holy places, and has not seen anyone for many years, not even knowing whether he is dead or alive.

   This situation is a rare sight of a hundred flowers blooming!

   directly caused the [Power of Faith] of some [believers] to become more pious, making the [Church] prosperous!

Of course.

   All wise people also understand that this is just a situation similar to the return of light.

  If [God] does not show up, the situation will definitely collapse quickly...

can only say.

   is still generally good.

at the same time.

  In the secret place that ordinary people don't know.

  Those [Gods] who were driven down by [AO] managed to find excuses, but also overcame the initial difficulties, after barely recuperating for a while.

   Even if the strength is greatly damaged, the power is only a drop in the bucket, and the [divine body], [soul soul], [divine personality], [divine power]... are also subject to all-round restrictions.

   But, at least he is no longer as depressed as when he first came down.

   has already restored his power to a level far below that of ordinary people, reaching a peak close to the [mortal world].

   And thanks to the afterglow and background of the past, at this moment, they are definitely stronger than the [mortals] and [demi-gods] of the same magnitude!

   It can also be said that as long as you don't die, you will be safe.

   Then, conscious of their safety, they walked out of their temporary hiding places one after another and began to wander around the [mortal world].

   While observing the situation in various places, I tried to find the so-called [Stone of Destiny].

   In their opinion, since [AO] left his group behind, then the [Stone of Destiny] should be nearby.

   Can’t be in the infinite [Astral World], right?

  If you really want that, then it’s really a difficulty level of despair, which is enough to consume forever...


  There are many [Gods] wandering around incognito.

   Seeing the rapid stabilization of the [Mortal] situation in the [Church] that belongs to him, he is also quite satisfied and agrees with the response of his subordinates.

   Then, continue to hide and not show your face...

   As for why they don't directly contact their subordinates?

   All this is easy to say.

   First, they are not sure whether some of their subordinates are really absolutely loyal, and when they see the [God] in distress, they will not move some crooked thoughts.

  After all, the [Gods] are like mobile sprees right now, if you kill them, you will be able to harvest their [Godhood] immediately...

  Second, they don’t want to be a standout for the time being.

   In this period, their enemies were other than those mortals.

  The rest of the [Gods] are also a threat.

  Right now is definitely a good time for some guys.

The strength gap of all [Gods] has reached the low point in history. I don't know how much ambition, and the guys who are not satisfied with their past [Divine Position] and [Divine Power Level] are also looking at those stronger people who are also in trouble. , intends to take the opportunity to annex it...

  ‘Perhaps... [Gods] will usher in a big reshuffle. ’

  I don't know how many [Gods], after realizing the opportunities and crises, I couldn't help but have such thoughts.

   is precisely because of this.

   Even though he has regained some strength, his general self-preservation should be fine.

   However, each of the [Gods] wisely chose to remain anonymous and did not dare to take the initiative.

   I am afraid that I will give other beings yin if I am not careful.

  So, in the silence, the whole [Toril World] also has a lot of [Werewolf Killing Game] flavor.

Guess who I am?

  Guess where I'm hiding?

   Thanks: Wu Qingfeng's 1500 starting point coins!



   (end of this chapter)

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