Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1319: Damn, what a deep scheming...

   Chapter 1319 Damn, what a deep scheming...

  【Bottomless Abyss (DND plane)】.

What happened in   【Toril World】, of course, did not hide it from here.

   However, just like those mortals who are confused about things.

  [Bottomless Abyss (DND Plane)] The many forces inside are naturally the same.

   I don’t even understand what weird tricks [Gods] are playing.

   The general situation is similar to the mortal side.

   They also felt that the [Gods] did not fall, but that something went wrong temporarily, or they were plotting something.

   After all, the large-scale fall of the [Gods] is a bit unreliable...

Therefore, most of the [Demon Lord (DND Plane)] and even the [Devil Prince (DND Plane)] just looked around with puzzled expressions, then took it back as if nothing happened. I didn't pay attention to anything with my own eyes and attention, and continued to pinch each other passionately and compete for territory in the [Bottomless Abyss (DND plane)]...

   After all, [Toril World] this situation has nothing to do with them...

   I can only say, as a guy who only has the [Abyss Godhead].

   They can be considered to be out of the way for the time being.

   (ps: [Abyss Godhead], the effect is similar to [Godhead], but the effect is limited to take effect inside [Bottomless Abyss (DND plane)], and the effect will have to be broken on the spot as soon as it goes out.)

   However, looking at the chaos in this fat piece of [Toril World].

  Some of the guys still had some thoughts.

  For example: Since there seems to be a problem with [Gods], then maybe I can take the opportunity to loot and turn around and run...

   couldn't help it, and began to think about how to get some benefits...

On the whole.

   Due to the partiality of several [Gods and Gods].

   This means that although the group can mix well, it really can’t become a big climate waste.

After all, the original intention of [Gods and Gods] creating this group of [Abyss Demons (DND planes)] is just to make some trouble for [Gods], and incidentally to check the current situation of each [World] to fill in the gaps, It's not really going to make a big deal out of it.

This is a direct result. Not only are these guys very limited in strength, but the number of [worlds] connected to them is not much. For example, [Gith World] has nothing to do with [Bottomless Abyss (DND plane)]. , at most, there are occasionally a few [devils] of the trash fish level who used to make soy sauce or something, and [Toril World], there are already many [worlds] related to [Bottomless Abyss (DND plane)]. Inside, the extremely powerful one.

   Therefore, the situation there will receive more attention.

all in all.

   in this [plane].

   The so-called [protagonists] arranged by the [Gods] are always the group of [Gods].

   This group of [Abyss Demons (DND Plane)] and even the entire [Bottomless Abyss (DND Plane)], the actual status is probably the group of famous [Big Villains].

   You can pretend to be forceful and make trouble, but being beaten is also commonplace...

For example: tens of thousands of years ago, the [Heavenly Creatures Alliance] beat up more than half of the [Bottomless Abyss (DND plane)], and even the [Tyrant Race-Austria] that ruled the [Bottomless Abyss (DND plane)] at that time. The Bliss Demon], all declined completely because of this, resulting in the overthrow by their younger generation, the [Tanari Demon] created by their boss, which is a tragedy...

Therefore, in the eyes of Olshaga, these waste guys, the low-ranking [demons] in the countryside, except that they were born in [high-level planes], they should be able to eat [space-time bonus] in the future, which will lead to more or less Apart from a little future, there is really no practical point of view at all...

Overall situation.

   is more than enough.

   said it was useless, but it seemed to be useful.

   At least, it is stronger than some [planes], those [demons] who were hanged by [mortals].

   Those guys who can even be killed by an ak47 are pure waste.

   And now.

  【Bottomless Abyss (DND plane)——Salt Swamp】.

   One of the local horses in Olsaka, the two-headed baboon named [Demogogan].

   In his palace, he is very wild with his concubine, doing some things that are beneficial to physical and mental health in public.

As the [Lord of the Abyss (DND plane)], the [Succubus Queen - Mekanshot] is really a good taste. Not only can I get full marks for my technical skills, but also my work attitude, and I have experienced hundreds of battles... No, she, who has been through N battles, has no disgust at all because of [Demokogan]'s brutalist appearance and tentacle-like limbs, plus the opponent's two heads and two personalities, she said bluntly, In addition to wanting to manipulate the mind of the two-headed baboon and often cuckolding him, her professional ethics is unbelievable, and she is worthy of her status as the [First Prostitute Chief Candidate of the Bottomless Abyss (DND plane)].

   However, just when [Demo Gogan] and [Mecanthut] were about to finish.

  Suddenly, a voice suddenly appeared in [Demokogan]'s mind.

   "[Demokogan], my servant, I need you to do something..."

   That moment.

  【Demokogan】The body that is moving and the two heads that have not forgotten the quarrel until now.

   At the same time, as if the pause button was pressed, he froze on the spot!

   The hot blood in the body was also cooled on the spot.

   And then [Mekanshot] naturally found out that something was wrong.

   When she reacted, [Demo Gaogan] was already like a frosted eggplant, a soft boiled pasta... a face full of disappointment and despair.


   didn't wait for her to ask about the situation.

  【Demokogan】 just threw her away.

   His face fell into deep thought.

   This situation made her even more puzzled and puzzled.


  Especially, when she noticed that the two heads of [Demo Gogan] did not have any signs of pinching or squirting with each other or thinking about each other, she was even more shocked and unimaginable.

To know.

   Since she and the other party have known each other.

   The other's two heads have always been like fire and water and never changed!

   Even while doing aerobic exercise, it never stopped arguing! !

   Even, it is said that when the other party is talking about business and eating, the two heads will still perform multi-line manipulation, and continue to tear in their hearts and minds.

   Year round, do your best, rack your brains...

   These passionate feelings are really touching! !

   I'm afraid, even the hatred of the family is far from this level! ! ! !

   After all, revenge has to eat, drink, and sleep!

   In fact, it is precisely for this reason.

In the heart of   【Mecanthut】, the goal of getting close to the other party, using the power and strength of the other party, and finding ways to control the other party through that touching brain...

   The discovery at the moment has directly refreshed her cognition of 【Demokogan】.

   made her hesitate a little about her own plans and thoughts.

  'Is it possible... This guy has been pretending to be crazy and selling stupid...'

  Thinking of the depths, the complexion of [Mekanshot] couldn't help but change slightly.

  'Damn, such a deep scheming, really worthy of you... [Dimogogan]... It's so sinister, so scary, so deep...'

   'To be able to perform that performance for tens of thousands of years...'

   'It's scary, really scary...'

   After a while, she was even covered in cold sweat in panic...

   Thanks: Astara's 100 starting point coins!



   (end of this chapter)

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