Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1317: [Holy War] (3)

   Chapter 1317 [Holy War] (3)

   Facing the [Bloody King], it was another [God's Decree] after thousands of years.

   After the festival is over.

   The entire [Guis World] immediately showed 120,000 enthusiasm.

  Although, the goal of [Holy War] is really a bit far away. According to the information they have collected, [Toril World] and [Gith World] are separated by hundreds of [worlds].

   Moreover, there is also a [True God], which is obviously not easy to mess with.

   But all these obstacles, under the extremely fanatical [Faith], are not an important problem at all!

   After all, this moment.

   Don't say that [Bloody King] has found them an opponent who is not easy to deal with.

   Even if the [Blood King] asked them to commit suicide, that would not be a problem at all! !

   Hesitation and fear?

nonexistent! !

   Loyalty is not absolute, it is absolute disloyalty! ! !

  Whoever dares to back down will be served on the spot by a small barbecue at the stake! ! ! ——

   After half a month.

   All preparations, under absolute execution and absolute loyalty, are already incomparably appropriate.

   On the way, although some [Githians] were a little hesitant about their commitment to things due to their [Belief] not being religious enough.

   But, fortunately, the [Bloody Guards] still provided friendly help and helped each other achieve the most important loyalty.

   So, the problem is not really big.

   Right now, it is rude to say that a considerable part of the savings in the entire [Guise World] has been taken out.

   That is a full 100,000 [Void Starships] that can cross the [Star Boundary], and millions of powerful warriors who have been selected layer by layer!

Question one:

What is   【Astral World】?

   That is a special space that connects various [worlds].

   There are all kinds of strange things in it, and occasionally there are a few [God Corpses] floating around.

   With the help of the [World Interoperability] there, traveling through the [Astral World] is usually one of the common means of freely traveling between [Worlds].

  Although it is not as easy to use and safe as [Sigil], but [Astral World] is better in the wild, no one is in charge, and you can play freely.

  Question 2:

What is   【Void Starship】?

It is a special vehicle developed by [Gis Empire] to explore [Astral World]. It is not only equipped with powerful [Magic Weapon], but also comes with a special cumbersome magic formula with [Hanging], [Flying], [Space Shuttle], [Energy Shield]... A series of functions are special weapons that are well-known in various [worlds].

  It should be mentioned by the way that this thing is also one of the two exclusive symbols of 【Gith Empire】in 【Astral World】.

   Another exclusive symbol is a [standard weapon] called [Gith Silver Sword], a weapon derived from the worship of [Slaughter of All Living Beings].

  The status of that thing is equivalent to the racial feelings of the hands. It doesn't matter if you are proficient or not, but you will definitely use it...

   As for how the [Ghis] got along in the [Astral World]...

   They can be regarded as well-known... [Astral Pirates] or something...

   After all, it has been said that the path in [Astral World] is relatively wild.

And in the [Astral World], it can be famous or notorious, and it has not been smashed by others, and it is still developing vigorously... This situation itself is already regarded as the strength of the [Guis]. 's approval.

   In short.

   If the [Astral World] is described as the [Earth] of the [Great Voyage Age], then the [Gith Empire] is also one of the ocean overlords.

   The kind with a bit of a villain.

   Likes to rob and rob all over the place...

In this regard, it can only be said that there is no way, the [doctrine] of the [Blood King Church] is full of fighting, killing, and don't be cowardly... Looking at it horizontally and vertically, it can also be understood as a relatively short sentence: [ Don't be shy, just do it! ! 】

   However, this is obviously not a problem.

  【kill】and【killed】, itself is a main theme between 【world】.

   Being able to stand in the position of a villain is already a manifestation of an ability.

   is always stronger than those who died in obscurity.


  The martial virtue is abundant, and it can be regarded as one of the suitable adjectives for [Gith Empire].

  Question 3:

   What is a mighty warrior? Where is the standard line for participating in [Holy War]?

   As a [transcendent race] with [psionic power] innately.

  【Githian】Although the average talent of this group is not as good as those who like to chew their brains 【Illids】.

The reproduction rate of the    population is slower than that of races such as [Human].

   But, no matter what, it is the type with not bad talent.

   The strength of an individual in adulthood is probably equivalent to a more beggar version of the [Elves].


  The basic formula looks like the following.

  Untrained【Gith civilians】=dozens of 【human bandits】compared to a rabble.

under these circumstances.

   In the face of the [Astral Row] that only has 100,000 ships and the total number of carrying is only a few million.

  The total number of [Githians] has reached billions, so naturally, they have to go through a selection...

   In the end, the standard of strength for participating in jihad, after discussion, in order to avoid the embarrassing death of the weak and the past, was also set on the standard of [Araka-class warrior].

   For those who have their own [psionic power] and are naturally suitable for dual cultivation of magic and martial arts, this level is converted into a more understandable [casting level], which is almost equal to the level of [four-ring spells] that can be released.

   Moreover, it was said that they were born with a dual-cultivation race of magic and martial arts. Naturally, they also slashed people with weapons. They were not melee combatants like traditional human mages. Even if they applied status spells to themselves, they were still easily hacked to death by warriors of the same level.

   They can really cut each other with soldiers of the same level while casting spells!

   And when the hundred thousand [Astral Boats] were filled with various supplies.

As the orthodox commander and deputy commander of [Haqtar] and [Kaled], they looked at the [Holy War-Warrior] wearing light armor and holding the standard weapon of [Ghith]—[Ghith Silver Sword]. ], but also can not help but look proud.

   This time, the whole family was really mobilized.

In the face of the [God's Will] of the [Bloody King], even if some of the strengths are not bad, they are not much worse than them. In the past, the old guy who always listened to the tune and didn't listen to the propaganda, and still likes to rely on the old and sell the old, can only be obedient to come and report. Got it.

   Therefore, after reading the army carefully.

   They also looked excited, and under countless pairs of long-awaited eyes, issued the order:

   "The whole army is out!!"

   "Prepare for liftoff and magic spells!!"

   "Prepare to enter the astral world!!!!"

   attracted piercing cheers and farewells from the onlookers farther away.

   Thanks: Jingshanren's 500 starting point coins!



   (end of this chapter)

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