Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1316: 【Holy War】(2)

   Chapter 1316 [Holy War] (2)

  The towering blood-colored light beam makes it impossible to see it with the naked eye.

   Even if the strength has reached the level of the top powerhouses under the [True God], [Ha Qatar] and [Kaled] cannot see the end of it, they can only use their heads to raise their eyes as high as possible.

   And when the other party began to stir up the vast and majestic situation.

  The boundless wind and cloud waves, the surging scene is like an apocalypse.

   The whole sky is completely covered!

   Countless blood lights, like a canopy covering the sky, directly blocked the brilliance of the scorching sun overhead.

   Only the striking blood-colored brilliance swayed recklessly in the boundless frontier.

   At this moment, in the entire [world], all living beings.

  Whether it is those ignorant animals and monsters who only have instinct, or those intelligent creatures with wisdom and reason, there is only panic and awe in their hearts.

The ants and beasts on the ground lie on the ground and dare not move. The birds and flies in the sky also quickly land on the branches and dare not fly into the sky. The sea fish and giant beasts in the deep sea pour out of the sea and look at the sky. As if worshipping that great being...

And when the words of [Haqatar] and [Kaled] spread throughout the [Gith World] with their mighty power, countless [believers] immediately shouted loudly in shock or joy, among them there were A large number of [Mad Believers] immediately showed unparalleled enthusiasm and extremely good power.

   Therefore, as an area with an exceptionally large number of [believers], the big [Holy City] of Nuo has directly become a sea of ​​cheers.

   Tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of people shouted loudly here at the same time.

   The voices called out by those mouths turned directly into fluctuations visible to the naked eye.

   made the invisible air appear conspicuous ripples.

   That is a fanatical emotion and a crazy belief.

   Witnessing such a scene, those who were hidden among many [believers], who were dissatisfied with [Gith Empire] and [Bloody King Church], could do nothing but clench their fists helplessly in their hearts.


   They also need to pretend to have sincere smiles on their faces, so that they don't seem to have any sense of disobedience.

   can only say that the joys and sorrows of people are not the same.

   However, their performance, in the usual way, is naturally no problem.

   For these tiny ants, Olsaka didn't bother to care.

   Even if they want to drill wormholes in their own believers' homes.

   After all, Orshaga has already given [Ghis] enough help.

   If so, it can still be overthrown.

   No wonder then.

   Even as their allegiance, Orshaga would not interfere much.

   However, right now, Orshaga, who has something to do with the [Gith], will not allow that to happen.

   He needs the troops of [Ghith] to go to [Toril World] to do things.

   Therefore, a stable rear is an essential factor.

   In a sense.

   This can be regarded as an exchange of interests.

[Ghismen] Worked for Olsaka, and Olsakas helped [Ghiss] to completely eliminate the root cause, so that even if their strength was greatly damaged in the future, they could be free from hindrances, and could rest in peace, no matter how they were injured. No foundation.


   When those who are dissatisfied intend to disguise as always.

   They found out right away.

   In the sky, inside the blood-red clouds, eyes appeared one after another, and their existence seemed to be able to see through the soul.

   In that brief moment.

  In the entire [Gith World], every individual feels that his heart is being spied upon by a vast will.

   That kind of feeling is like being stripped naked, and any thoughts have nothing to hide...

   Cold sweat suddenly flowed from their backs.

   Even those beasts who only have ignorant instincts immediately became clever!

   The most fundamental fear emerged in my heart!

this moment.

   Even the most violent life forms, there are only fears and fears in their hearts.

   Rooted in so-called anger.

   and then.

   A calm but reverberating words in every corner of the world emerged from the void:

   "Those who disrespect me should die."

   Calm enough to not have any mood swings.

   is like telling the simplest truth.

at that moment.

   The boundless blood-colored clouds in the sky.

   was restless.

The number of    is innumerable, and the densely slender blood-colored arms extend out from the sky.

   Once that weird, terrifying, twisted, blood-red arm appeared, everything in the entire [world] seemed to be frozen.

   Time, at this point, is meaningless.

   Witnesses can feel their own consciousness and thoughts, but have no control over their bodies and powers.

   can only watch the arms that are only the thickness of an ordinary person's arm, but hundreds of thousands of meters long, extending down from the sky, holding their heads like pinching ants, and lifting them up.

   No matter where they were originally hiding.

  Deserts, seas, deep mountains, underground... and even some [different spaces] attached to [Gith World]...

  The desert and the ocean are separated like cotton that has been cut open, the deep mountain and the ground are easily penetrated like a punctured foam, and the different space is torn open like a thin piece of paper.

  The so-called defenses, the so-called hiding places, are all just meaningless things,

  From all directions of 【World】.

  Many rebels were directly mentioned in the central square of the [Holy City].


   Their bodies and souls were torn into tiny blood mists in front of all the [believers], forming a huge pool of blood there.

   And when all disrespectful people are completely torn apart.

   Inside the blood pool suspended in mid-air, vaguely, you can see wisps of airflow, filled with ghosts like evil spirits wandering and roaring in it.

   At the same time, deep in the ground, the blood-red sharp blade that had been stored on the altar—【Slaughter of All Living Beings】, also uttered a thirsty, piercing scream because it felt the food!

Without any sign, it instantly penetrated all obstacles, appeared in the blood pool in front of everyone, like drinking nectar, swallowing every drop of its essence, completely ignoring the struggles of those dead souls. with howling.

   It didn't take long for it to finish its meal after a thousand years.

   It landed firmly in front of 【Haqtar】 and 【Kaled】.

   On the dome of the sky, the voice that appeared not long ago appeared again:

   "Now, with my will, go and execute the order..."

Hearing the words, as if inspired, [Ha Qatar] eyes were filled with tears of excitement, trembling, full of awe, holding the sharp blade that became more and more brightly colored due to the full meal, with a frenzied expression. , turned his head to look at the densely packed [believers], and couldn't help shouting loudly:

   "I will obey His Majesty's will!!!"

   "In order to achieve the ultimate goal, I will not hesitate to shed the last drop of blood!!!!"

   At that moment, [Slaughter of All Living Beings] seemed to feel all the emotions, and burst into blood!

  Let [Ha Qatar] look like a blood-red scorching sun was raised in his hands.

   And not long ago, the [Believers] who had personally felt the boundless might of the [Bloody King] fell to their knees in a frenzy and made the most frenzied call in their life.

   "[Holy War]!!"

   "[Holy War]!!!"

   Thanks: 2100 starting coins for the husky of the flower grower!



   (end of this chapter)

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