Above The Sky

Chapter 517 Imperial Capital Library (13)

The Imperial City Library is located on the first floor of Zhongcheng District.

Some of these are the public facilities and administrative headquarters of most of the imperial capital, and it was also the advance base for the Setal people to explore the big labyrinth of the imperial capital. Therefore, there are still many structures similar to fortresses and bunkers, but now, these black The towers and fortified fortresses have now been transformed into departments, and the Imperial Capital Library is located in the center of this layered fortress group. The original body of the Imperial Capital Library was the document storage place used to store the pre-epoch civilization materials found in the Imperial Capital. When the document administrators were classifying and managing various documents here, the Setar Empire was not yet established. There is only one city-state struggling to survive in the wilderness.

Today, it is already a behemoth. The huge library looks like a castle giant from a distance. The rigid lines and strong walls make it look more like a fortress that stores top secrets. It is not a knowledge paradise for most people to read and learn. This impression is actually not wrong. Because the Imperial City Library is indeed not open to everyone.

It is a mysterious place that requires a special reading card just to enter, and is not completely open even to nobles.

Ian has a reading card, and Mo Feng also has one. Although in theory, every fairy needs a reading card, the library staff who are responsible for reviewing this point do not particularly want to go deep into these issues with the fairy. In addition, Mo Feng was indeed an old acquaintance, so he turned a blind eye and let go for the fairies.

As for Ian, of course, there is no problem at all, and there is no such thing as making things difficult to pretend to be slapped in the face. The staff sees Ian's face is relatively face, and enthusiastically asks if they need to lead the way and help find books.

"No, thank you very much, but I want to appreciate the beauty of the design of the Imperial City Library."

Ian politely declined.

To be honest, for a teenager, being able to enter the big library itself is like a giant dragon entering the vault, wishing to gather all the books together and then 'Silver chip, scan! ’ Thinking about it carefully, Inagar II must have done this in the past. Damn it, the emperor is amazing? It's a lot easier to get off to a good start.

However, it is precisely because of his high status from the beginning that Inaika II will be restricted from doing many things. After all, he is a person who wears shoes, which is very different from Ian's.

The interior of the Imperial City Library has three entrances and exits. The front and the side are the gates and small doors for readers and staff to enter and exit, and there is an underground passage at the rear, which leads to the mysterious internal network of the Imperial City.

The black floor made of a volcanic rock similar to obsidian but more sturdy and tough is covered with silver-gray patterns that spread and twist. Ian found that this is an inscription that is very similar to the 'maintenance inscription' deep in the South China Sea Great Labyrinth. It can ensure that everything within the scope of its effect can be preserved for as long as possible, and it is not easy to decay.

The huge bookcase needs to be swiped to open. Before opening, you can only retrieve the books you need through the transparent window and labels. All in all, it is actually a large modern library, and even provides a crystal plate for retrieval. .

Ian walked through several huge stone pillars under the leadership of Mo Feng. They were both load-bearing pillars and signboards that divided the book storage area. The purple-haired Mo Feng goblin came to the alchemy area humming a soft little song.

"Look, here it is."

Mo Feng obviously also knew about Ian's alchemy skills. Of course, she felt that Ian came here to read alchemy books. Although it's true, the knights Ian most want to see are those related to the imperial capital itself and history. material.

You can learn alchemy whenever you want, even in the imperial capital, and the historical documents of the imperial capital can only be read in the big library!

However, Ian is not so impatient. Over the years, he is very good at covering up his true intentions... Anyway, it does not hurt to read more books.

Therefore, he chose a copy of "The Pharmacy of Terra 1762 Supervision Edition of the Royal Alchemy Society" and "On the Essence of Life and Alchemy", and sat in a reading room with the three fairies to enjoy the afternoon reading time.

Although Ian had already recorded them all through the silver chip when he picked up these two books, but if you really want to read and learn, you still have to slowly understand the essentials.

As for the fact that before picking up these two books, he also recorded dozens of other books in the process of searching and selecting, it was just a normal operation.

Moreover, Miss Mofeng will also provide him with a list of books that she thinks are the most worthwhile to read - in the next few months, Ian will read all those books in the list without raising suspicion. once, and burn all the books associated with it.

Reading is a pleasant time, especially when reading something you enjoy.

After an afternoon in the quiet room, even Frost Butterfly watched with relish (perhaps really relished) with a copy of the 'Water-based Warcraft Encyclopedia', until the library staff came to ask if it was necessary to go to the library's built-in The restaurant, which offers free meals, everyone realizes that the time passes quickly.

At this time, Ian temporarily turned his mind away from his studies, and sighed softly: "At first, I thought it was a kind of regional discrimination that the people of the imperial capital said that Nanling is a rural place... Now it seems that the countryside may be a compliment, My hometown is simply a primitive tribe."

"Just like Viscount Grant... When I returned to the territory and rectified the relevant issues, the first thing I had to do was to build a library. Without these books, I want to train an alchemist... almost no possible."

In fact, it is impossible, because the alchemist that Viscount Grant has cultivated is only Ian, and Ian is simply open, and the progress of ordinary people cannot be generalized.

Through this afternoon's reading and learning, Ian has roughly grasped the overall context of Terra's alchemy.

First of all, alchemy is not just about potions - it includes potions, inscription light and ink, psionic energy, material transformation, inscription structure, nature change, blessings and curses, and even the elevating of life essence.

In other words, in the pre-epoch period, the so-called 'sublimation skills' actually belonged to the category of 'alchemy and potions - elevating the essence of life and elevating oneself'. It's just that the current Terra Continent has proposed it separately and studied it as a relatively independent discipline, which has become the current Xianxue.

And giant creations like cultivators, armors, ether weapons, etc., do not even belong to mechanics—because these things are actually alchemical inscriptions and structures, just like the ether weapons of the Ellen family, which is a Breeding equipment, and mechanics have nothing to do with it.

The real core is the connection between the inscription and alchemy, as well as the energy hearth.

In other words, alchemy, in a sense, is the science of Terra today—even the pre-epoch civilization. After two epochs, even the current epoch has more than 1,000 years of development time. The knowledge system contained in alchemy, the incomparably complex inheritance of contexts, and the vast ocean-like specific and detailed knowledge points cannot be fully grasped by one person at all. , so now the division of labor among alchemists is also very clear.

This profession of seeking truth covers all things, and it is definitely not just a craftsman who can finish refining a medicine.

Of course, the fact that refining medicine is the most profitable cannot be ignored.

"Next time, come alone and look at historical books and armor design drawings... If you have a chance, go to the treasures area."

Ian is ready to come to the Great Library alone tomorrow, and now, he is going to go back to dinner with the fairies and hand over the shopping list of his laboratory building to Isengard.

However, it was also when a group of people, or rather, Ian was walking alone, and the three fairies flew staggered beside him, preparing to leave the Imperial Capital Library.

Mo Feng met his acquaintance.

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