Above The Sky

Chapter 516 Supernova Explosion (33)

The Lonely Mountain Conference is undoubtedly the biggest event in the imperial capital in recent years. Although Ian did not participate in the whole process, it started from the thugs who hijacked the train. Everyone's every move revolves around this conference.

Its outbreak, what kind of interference and what kind of damage it will bring, is really unknown.

The question is, what exactly is the stimulus.

If it were thousands of light-years away, the aftermath of a supernova would apparently not cause damage to continents on a planet, at most illuminating the night sky.

At this moment, the stone in his heart has been tightened - what Inaga II has always been on guard against, the destruction from the starry sky, is it possible that this is what it refers to?

"Oh." Hua An felt relieved when she heard this: "Then there is no problem. The people present are all my own people, so it is not an announcement to the public."

At this point, Hua An, who was eating grapes and watermelons, frowned slightly. She reached out and poked Mo Feng's purple ink hair on her side, dyeing her fingers: "Mo Feng, can you tell us this?"

"However, before that, they were destroyed by the catastrophe. Fortunately, the imperial capital was restored by the Setal Empire, and it was used as the imperial capital to gradually restore all its functions. This is a blessing in misfortune."

Ian began to think that it was not a strange thing that everyone disapproved of the "natural disaster that destroyed the world" in the words of Huaiguang Church.


Either the prophets of other organizations, or Ian himself, will meet that day one day - they will all predict the end they will see.

Ian's expression didn't change at the moment, but his thoughts were madly turning: "Depending on the situation, the situation should not be too critical, the major forces are negotiating, and there is a fifth-level powerhouse shot, with the imperial capital, there is no way to protect Terra. The problem... It can also be blamed that Mikael is not nervous, just a little anxious because he is facing the disaster personally, because before the disaster comes, there is still time to prepare, but this is the first time he has encountered a 'natural disaster'."

——This is obvious, the flash shock caused by the supernova explosion...but how far?

Until suddenly, Mo Feng opened his mouth and made an invitation to Ian, who had been reading quietly.

"Can't you?"

The stars have already been extinguished, and the outbreak was naturally a matter of hundreds of years ago. So, maybe something can be calculated?


Mo Feng was also eating grapes, she was a little dazed: "They just said not to announce it to the public - we are chatting in private, shouldn't it be announced to the public?"

"Actually, everyone is not very clear - the prophecy of the Great Prophet of the Pan Spirit Hall can only predict the connection between future things."

If it's less than 20 years, then he may not have enough time to open it...

So the boy put away the book and nodded with a smile: "It couldn't be better."

——It's a supernova explosion...

"Since that's the case, let's go to the Imperial Royal Library for our afternoon activities! I'll recommend some good books for you!"

No problem, you bastard, this is obviously confidential information, okay? Although Ian wanted to rant, but because he was the beneficiary, he didn't talk much.

The reason why the second prince seemed so sentimental was definitely because he was stimulated at the Lonely Mountain meeting.



A dozen times? What are you kidding... no, wait, if it's Tyra, it's not so outrageous...

Mo Feng's invitation made Ian break away from his contemplation and reading. He raised his head and looked blankly at the fairies who seemed to have reached an agreement - all the grapes on the table had been eaten, and everyone exuded a mellow aroma. The smell of grape juice... um, it should be a digestion after a meal, or a walk to disperse the smell.

The things that are obviously very serious, from the mouth of the goblin, seem a little... I don't know how to respond.

If it is hundreds of dozens, or even a few light years, the collapse of a nearby star, or the collapse of a white dwarf, if its mass is not large, then it may be fine, and it is not a supernova, but if the mass is large enough... It is a real A devastating supernova explosion.

The soft-spoken girl said happily, "I can see that you really like reading books!"

Look, they even graded Huaiguang Church's warning alerts, and the grades were quite reasonable.

"Don't worry too much, Ian."

"The pre-epoch civilization must have foreseen this matter - no matter how they knew - that's why they built a planetary shield generator on the scale of the imperial capital!"

To this, Mo Feng answered frankly: "We only know that the reason why the pre-epoch civilization built the imperial capital... or, in other words, the construction of the behemoth 'Central Planetary Shield Generator' was to deal with this disaster."

"The imperial city itself is actually insignificant compared to the planet, but the positional shield it can provide may be a protective layer specially used for gamma rays!"

In the narration that Mo Feng didn't care about, Ian's body froze in place. He understood the real meaning behind the obscure prophecy of the great prophet, so he felt incredible.

Then, do everything in your power to stop it from happening.

Just at this time, Shuangdie brought a grape, and Ian opened his mouth to eat it in surprise, and then touched Shuangdie's head with a sincere smile: "Good boy, you still remember me~"

Ian had seen it, and he was on his way to prevent that from happening.

Whether the natural disaster in the future is a supernova explosion, and if so, how to prevent it... This kind of thing is too heavy, and for him today, it is useless to think about it. It is better to go to the library and read books.


"Huh? Well, okay!"

"A light that will bring eternal day, but also destruction and perishing."

"That natural disaster will sweep the entire continent of Terra, and none of us will be spared."

Thinking of this, Ian couldn't help but open the book in his hand, and he calmed his mind by reading the words in the book: "But, the problem is."

Ian was silent for a while, his brows furrowed, and then he said, "What kind of natural disaster is it? Is there any solution?"

Compared with fairies, human beings are rough machines that consume too much. For example, for fairies, a bunch of grapes is equal to a dozen watermelons. Eat it all afternoon, but it only takes five minutes for a person to eat it up.

Miss Goblin pondered for a moment, and then used a poetic description: "It was a light that cut through the darkness and illuminated the dark sky."

The existence of prophets who know future intelligence is really unique in preventing devastating disasters. After all, many theoretically unavoidable destructions, prophets can find a way to successfully resist.

With this kind of thinking, Ian has been reading silently, not joining the conversation of the fairies on the other side.

"That is the essence of disaster, a flash that is enough to destroy the world."

"The Great Prophet so prophesied, he said, that it was an insignificant flicker among the endless stars that had vanished in the sky. But even so, it was an extremely bright ember..."

Frost Butterfly: (0v0)

Of course Ian wouldn't eat so many grapes in such an unpleasant manner. Taking advantage of Mo Feng's good mood, he seized the opportunity to ask the purple-haired fairy lady about the real situation of the 'catastrophe'.

"Of course it's a natural disaster." Hearing Ian's question, Mo Feng said casually: "The Huaiguang Church and the great prophet of the Pan Spirit Hall told us that one day in ten years—at most twenty years, there will be a An unprecedented super-giant natural disaster capable of destroying the entire Terra."

"As for what kind of disaster..."

And the sun in the world of Terra is different, but the source of the source material... Whether this other world, or even the supernova explosion of a different universe, is the same as the earth, it is really a huge mystery.

"The explosion of a supernova means that there are stars in the sky - and there are only a few stars that Terra can see. Which one is about to explode? Is this also an opportunity... One understands why there are all the stars in the sky A chance to extinguish?"

"Only the last one may not be able to be dealt with by everyone. With the previous efforts, it can be overcome - the disaster recorded in Fairy Township, which can 'destroy the planet Terra', we have survived more than a dozen times! "

And now, it's time for the other prophets to flex their muscles.

With a sigh in his heart, Ian knew that what he was thinking was actually a little self-inflicted.

At this moment, Hua An, who was feeding Frost Butterfly with grapes and asked the goblin to eat the grapes as watermelons with a small spoon, comforted: "This time, according to the context of the Huaiguang Church. It is only to destroy the Terra Continent... Next, there are three levels 'Destroy Terra's Surface', 'Destroy Terra Planet' and 'Destroy Terra Star Region'."

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