Above The Sky

Chapter 518 The Earl Of Phoenix (23)

"Miss Mo Feng? And Miss Hua An? It's really a blessing to meet two fairies at one time. Wait, what else?"

"I see, this is the first time you come to the Great Library, do you want to see the collection of books in the imperial capital?"

It is said that when this love was spoken, the other fairies and humans on the sidelines were shocked, and the goblin who was being pursued declined after being shocked and moved for a short time. She said: 'Do you think I stink as sulphur? Or is it as black as coal and oil? ’. After choking Earl Phoenix with these words, the goblin senior returned to Starfall City and changed into a beautiful boy's body, and Mo Feng took over the post and came to the imperial capital until now.

Earl Phoenix himself is a very talkative old man. He is also very happy to meet the junior Ian who can finally remember his name for the first time. He and Mo Feng, the book fairy, are naturally friends who have known each other many years ago. They often drink tea and chat together. Review certain classics and new books.

However, although the Count is very noisy, he does have many friends. One of the reasons is that everyone can hear his sincerity. Besides, he is indeed very generous.

The lighting in the Imperial Capital Library was quite soft, but as the old man known as the Phoenix Lord turned around, a bright and warm feeling spread, and the pair of red eyes swept over the two of them and turned towards him. The fairy lady who greeted them looked behind them, obviously Ian and Frost Butterfly who were with the group of fairies.

Isn't that easy?

Even among the goblins, Earl Phoenix's character is too 'sincere', but the problem is not big. After all, Terra doesn't have such a fool, and he has to comment on the manner of speaking of a fourth-level noble.

"Yeah? It's the Earl of Phoenix!"

Although it is said that in the imperial capital, especially in the upper-level areas, you can hit a dozen big shots with a random ball, but this white-haired old man is obviously not an old guy with only identity—this old man has a very deep face. , From the left eye to the throat, there is a trace of metal filling that is obviously transformed from scars. Although his beard and eyebrows are already white, they are extremely tight and thick. Coupled with his tall and straight body, he can see it completely. Although he is old, he has not lost much strength.

As for why he thinks that the earl has such a strange way of thinking

It's normal, old man. Coupled with Ian vaguely guessing where the other party wants to take him, it is naturally impossible to refuse. "Thank you very much, Count, it is indeed my honor to meet you."

"Oh, Mr. Ian...Young alchemy genius, I know you. Very well, I can't remember the name of a few juniors, and you are one of them."

Although the words are strange, the old man is indeed a friendly and good senior, especially Ian is also of goblin blood, and his development is very balanced, which made the old earl highly praised, and angrily scolded himself, his son, his grandchildren are all Those idiots who couldn't grasp the essence of the goblin's bloodline, all cultivated into human beings with goblin power, but did not really enhance their own life essence.

It's not that Earl Phoenix is ​​annoying. To be honest, he has a good personality, and the goblins like him a lot. And the way the earl speaks is a little too weird even for a fairy.

[Unreasonable, I have to die here anyway, right? Why am I still alive? ] It is said that this is the original words of the first-generation Earl of Phoenix. He watched the crystal video of his battle in the past, and it felt like a story made up: [If I write it like this, it will definitely be considered as bragging, do you want you? Help me to change it, make it more reasonable, so that the future generations will not say that I am a guy who only brags] [Sir, what is unreasonable about what you have experienced...] His subordinates and descendants are helpless : [Although it is really unreasonable, this kind of thing can be written down, but no one will think that it is bragging one by one and bragging too much]

The person who greeted him was an old man dressed as a noble. He was wearing an earl's coat and was followed by two attendants, who was obviously a big man.

Yes, he even scolded himself, so that apart from Mo Feng and Hua Anhui humming a few times as a reply, Ian and the earl's two entourages did not say a word, and even the frost butterfly stopped flying. Sitting on Ian's shoulders. Frost Butterfly: (0x0)

The first-generation Earl of Phoenix survived thirteen serious injuries, and finally became the fourth energy level. He lived to be one hundred and thirty-five years old. He is a legendary figure. The deeds were frightening, and I couldn't understand how I survived in the first place.

As for the reason, it's very strange. According to the original words, the reason why the goblin refused was because "You are a fire goblin, Count Phoenix, and I am a rock goblin. There is no flammable ingredient between us."

Although this reason is bizarre, the remarks that Earl Phoenix tried to save is even more heavyweight, "Who said that! Aren't sulphur, coal and oil all land-based combustibles? My love for you is like a blazing lava fire that never goes out! ’.

Just like now, he took Ian directly to the 'precious orphan collection room' of the Imperial Capital Library.

After knowing the purpose of Mo Feng and Hua An bringing Ian Shuangdie to the library, the old man stroked his beard and laughed, "Let's go after reading two books? My vision is a little low! I think you are lucky, young man from the countryside, I will take you to see what is the most precious treasure in the imperial capital!"

He nodded slightly, making people feel that it was an honor to be remembered by him.

Because he is very clear that the original intention of the other party's words is not to rely on the old and sell the old, but to honestly express his feelings - Ian's name is the easiest to pronounce among the nobles and the messy young generation in the imperial capital, Of course, the elderly can listen to it once and remember it.

After being hurt by this love, the count, like ordinary counts, married a noble woman from the imperial capital and had a child, and concentrated more on academic research.

- Are you the fourth level or am I the fourth level? I need you to teach me how nobles speak?

Because the Phoenix Earl is the blood of the goblin!

...The boy probably knew why the Phoenix Earl was rejected by the fairy lady.

Earl Phoenix's real name is Lazer Kirchnev, and his ancestors were from the Yanjiang side. His ancestors were caught as slaves by the people of the Heavenly King's Court on the journey to the Falling Star City. The rebellion succeeded in the battle, led a group of slave troops to revolt before the battle, and eventually became a military noble of the empire.

[But it's still a bit outrageous, you see, my heart was pierced by a sneak attack with a magic spear, and it shattered and exploded! How on earth did I survive? At that time I passed out in a coma and felt like I was dead]

And Ian doesn't think that's arrogant.

Although this generation's Phoenix Earl is somewhat inferior to the legendary ancestors, his achievements are also quite dazzling. He alone protected the Imperial Capital Library during the turmoil in the dark moon, and repelled seven waves of secret forces from different forces. The acts of looting and burning are one of the biggest evidences of the involvement of other countries in the Dark Moon turmoil in addition to the internal forces of the empire. In addition, Earl Phoenix himself is a graduate of the School of Truth. He loves books like a madman. Passionate about collecting all kinds of precious books to fill his private library.

According to the gossip that Hua An whispered to Ian, when Earl Phoenix was young, he also pursued the star-falling bachelor in the Imperial Capital before Mo Feng, but unfortunately he failed in the end.

[Sir, you are of the bloodline of a goblin, your heart can be changed, and the reason why you are the Earl of Phoenix is ​​because you always survived hardships? 】

The young man and the two attendants exchanged glances, their eyes full of sympathy and understanding, while the expressions of the attendants were full of calmness and numbness.

Although it may sound a bit sarcastic, Ian could hear that Earl Phoenix is ​​sincere and kind. He just wanted to bring Ian to see the world and show off his achievements in front of newcomers.

As a junior, he said respectfully, causing Earl Phoenix to laugh: "Indeed! Today is your honored day!"

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