Above The Sky

Chapter 511 Unsolvable Technical Disaster (44)

"We are an empire, and the black tyrant and the first emperor in your mouth are my father's grandfather and father... We are crazy, smearing our own grandfather and father? Especially when he brought us such a powerful empire? "

Shaking his head slightly, after the second prince finished laughing, he patted the experimental table in front of him: "What I mean is very simple. Ian, your strength is not worthy of this kind of 'simplification and popularization' that the fifth energy level can't do. Now is the limit, because everyone can benefit, and if you go further, the first one who opposes you is the monopoly formed by the Platinum Iridium Workshop and all the other great alchemy workshops."

"At that time, without the support of financial resources, how can you become stronger? If you don't become stronger, you will always be suppressed by others, and you will not be able to do what you want to do!"

"Give up this road. When you become the fourth energy level, and together with Isengard, become the first team of the platinum-iridium workshop, there may be a chance to make some reforms."

"But even so, don't go on 'repurposing' - take my advice, Ian. You've done a good job, your new theory will increase the production of alchemy potions, and the market price will inevitably go down Some, it's progress, more people will have access to cheap medicines, but don't make more changes now... that's just going to cause confusion."

At this moment, Mikael's eyes are shining: "Because of the great increase in productivity, raw materials will be in short supply, and there will not be enough consumers to buy the extra goods..."

"Do you think the economic crisis of the empire was because of insufficient goods? No, it was too much!"

"Do you think it's a lack of technology? No, it's too good!"

His voice became louder: "At the call of my grandfather, the major alchemy workshops actively produced, and they even developed the 'inscription intelligence', one alchemist can produce the past one hundred, one thousand on the production line. The potions that alchemists can create—just in the same direction as your research, Ian, those potions are of average quality, even inferior, but so cheap that in theory 'ordinary people' can afford them."

"But too many things were produced, but no one bought them, and no one used them—the nobles didn't want to use these inferior products, and ordinary people didn't need them. Do you know how many alchemy workshops closed down at that time? You Do you know the platinum-iridium workshop where you are now, this behemoth was only a small workshop that could be seen everywhere at the time, and it was even difficult to make a profit?!"

"What... what?"

Ian's eyes widened when he heard this - he originally thought he would hear something like alchemy workshops refusing to cooperate, but he never thought that what he heard was 'alchemy workshops actively cooperate in development and then close down'. Something that borders on nonsense.

But what Mikael said was beyond his expectations...even beyond his worst imagination and speculation before.

——Inscription Intelligence... and production line?

- Great surplus in productivity? !

No wonder, no wonder that universal education in that era failed, no wonder that educated people of that time could not find jobs...

Not because the technology is too low, but because the technology is too high! ?

"I see……"

Ian groaned in his heart: "It's because of this breakdown..."

No wonder Master Gosser had such a complicated attitude towards the late emperor, no wonder Mikael told himself not to research any popular medicines—the 'reuse' techniques he researched to reduce the cost of medicines and artificial intelligence are too high, the mechanical It may not be the best in terms of source material, but it is probably much better than humans in terms of operating precision in saving materials.

Studying this, do you want to make the major workshops reproduce the era of bankruptcy when there are too many pharmaceutical production and no one buys them?

No wonder, no wonder... No wonder, in that era, Inaga II didn't have many relevant helpers, as if he was helpless.

Because, indeed, he has pitted the group of people who supported him.

Thinking of this, the young man couldn't help but forget to breathe.

And the second prince's words continued.

"It is the development of technology at will, without restricting it, that will cause turmoil! Now the empire still has the technology of inscription intelligence, but it does not dare to use it at will, because once it is used, what will those who do not have a job do? Those who keep it What about the productive group? Is it really all replaced by intelligence? Isn’t the empire that has fallen into turmoil a target surrounded by various countries, or the target of other forces?”

"Can you understand now? Pure technology can't solve the problems that the empire will face at all - it can even be said that the better the technology, the bigger the problems, and the more terrifying the disasters we will face... will be!"

Taking a deep breath, Ian was silent, listening to these things that didn't seem like an 'empire', or rather, a problem that a 'normal civilization' would encounter.

Mikael seems to think that Ian knows the secrets of these alchemy circles, but in fact he does not.

Ian was lost in thought, but a very clear concept emerged in his mind.

——The Terra civilization is the legacy of the pre-epoch civilization... It was not a normal civilization in the first place.

It is a post-apocalyptic civilization with a legacy, nourished by legacy, and bound by legacy.

The remains of an interstellar civilization.

Staring at the pensive teenager, Mikael stood up slowly, he knew that Ian understood what he said: "I have to say, it was a pleasure chatting with you, you can always understand me, no wonder everyone You all look good."

"I understand." At this moment, Ian suddenly said: "You think that the failure of the late emperor was because the ordinary people he tried to help couldn't help him at all."

Ian suddenly understood Mikael's train of thought.

——Yes... In Terra, ordinary people who are not sublimators, if they are empty-handed, even one million, ten million, one hundred billion ten billion, can not kill a second energy level. It's very simple, the second energy level can fly, and it can fly at the subsonic level, and the body is sturdy.

Unless they use alchemical artillery and more high-tech weapons, the cost-effectiveness is extremely low, and there are countless resources to pile up... But in fact, they can't operate, and if the second energy level also has armor or ether Armed, everything is reversed.

Even if it is operated, the third energy level is truly extraordinary, and the existence of the mind-light body is incomprehensible... not to mention the fourth energy level that is enough to destroy the kingdom.

Coupled with the intelligence of the inscription... sublimators don't even need ordinary people to 'produce'.

Whether it is arable land, alchemy potions, or even more industrial production, at most a small number of technicians are needed to investigate some mechanical problems, and other things can be handled by intelligence.

Just like I was at the beginning—I, an engineer, don’t need to really work at ordinary times. Most self-maintenance engineering machines are enough to handle most of the lower-end problems, and what I need to do is to deal with some more serious problems. Difficulty and fewer accidents, or solve problems on maintenance robots.

So here comes the problem.

What is the meaning of the existence of ordinary people?

The class of nobles and sublimators includes all the "knowledge owners". Their brains are smarter than ordinary people, and their thinking is more agile. They can even observe the frequency of light waves with the naked eye and directly manipulate nanostructured creations with essentia.

They themselves are a complete set of production equipment, and they are a technology tree itself.

Ian was confident that when he was at the third energy level, he rubbed out the power engine of his previous life with his bare hands, or the power furnace of the pre-epoch civilization in the Sequoia Base. Of course, this is assisted by a silver chip, but if the powerhouse of the fourth energy level has a blueprint, it is estimated that it can be done.

As long as there are blueprints, the powerhouse of the fifth energy level is estimated to be able to rub the spaceship by hand.

They alone can replace the industrial system of tens of millions of people, or even more, which is even more terrifying.

If you add a full set of artificial intelligence systems...

All right.

Looking back at the problem again.

When Ascenders can even do such outrageous things...

What should ordinary people do?

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